/pmOS/ - postmarketOS General

We got Lune OS UI!

Which now means all these UI's work on real hardware:
Hildon(recommended working UI)
Weston(for testing)
Plasma Mobile(no hardware acceleration - laggy)
Lune OS UI(one device tested)
UI's that work on emulators for now :

> What is Postmarket OS?
Postmarket OS is a 200 day old linux distribution meant to guarantee a ~10 year life cycle on phones and tablets.
> But linux on phones is a commercial failure.
Indeed but this distro does not aim to please the masses it aims to please advanced computer users. it by default provides no UI and no default mobile applications.(a.k.a. Arch/Gentoo on phone)
This makes device porting incredibly easy and no one is forced to use one specific UI or software suite (looking at you ubuntu touch).
> What about software?
Any linux desktop software with an ARM port should work (with the exception of desktop environments for the time being)
>There is no way it is supported by my device.
There are a lot of old phones that are supported (N900,nexus4,5,6P and older galaxy phones are recommended)
With a few tablets like the nexus 7 2012 , 2013
It supports the LG G watch and G watch R.
And apparently it even has support for Google Glass(why tho idk)
Full list: wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Devices
older apple iphones that are supported by openiboot can get support for postmarket OS. Although testing is minimal since most people porting linux dont use iphones.
> I am an Autist who knows a thing or two about porting a device. What do I do?
> Can it even Doom
Yes (tested on an Xperia Z2 and a G watch)
> How is this useful for my old phone if i am locked to new UIs
One can make an interface for older devices(say one liked the android 2 UI and wanted to recreate it)and you can use it on your old phone. So now you no longer need to get rid of your favourite device.

But does it play muh games?

How is this any better than other mobile Linux distros?

>gnome 3
>absolutely unusable on desktop
>great for touch devices
>cant run it natively

It's actually being developed

Bahaha, didn't even realize that. Why is Gnome so shitty?

TFW lagdroids will never know this feeling

Also who was the idiot that shut down the tracker request for libhybris? This project won't go anywhere without optional libhybris/halium support, I love the project but cmon

>This project won't go anywhere without optional libhybris/halium support
Why would they want android drivers?

So far there's only two devices supporting freedreno, and very poorly so, there are no open drivers for SGX except for a leaked one no one uses

Nice turd phone. Enjoy them 2 hours of screen on time.

Also is there a telegram bridge for the development channel? Nemo, Sailfish, Ubports and Plasma developers all use it as the primary channel for discussions, I would love to get nemo glacier + lipstick as an UI for pmOS

Prove it bitch

>prove it
It's a shitty old Nexus device you dumb faggot. They never had good battery live to begin with. Kys turdboy

This is the worst argument, because it's not true

Fucking autists like you give good projects bad names.

Best device to buy used and try this on?

Any chance getting it on ZF5?

wow it's almost as if op linked the supported devices chart which tells you which devices have the most support

Is this comfy?

well... how'd you do it? also guessing that's a Galaxy Nexus? can't find guides to install it.

That's for you to decide

>great for touch devices
It really isn't, and that's the joke. Even Win8 is much easier to use on touch screens because the devs weren't just retarded hipsters who just imitated touch elements, but also implemented touch specific functions.

Unironically Google glass

It sure would be cool to try and get this functional on my Moto Droid 1

Try to port it

Will try tomorrow. How am I going to get drivers?

Holy shit did you fags actually get it to run with matchbox and without the raped GTK2 it needs on Maemo?

I've got Galaxy S3, will it breathe a new life into it?
Or will it only grant me Sup Forums credit?

Only poorfags can use postmarket os. Normal people trashed those garbage devices uses ago.

> Rich people throw away old things they like
You are making being rich sound like shit.

i have an ipod touch first gen with iboot

am i good to go ?

i plan to code up a minimal opus player for it

>have S7 edge
>it's always too new and too flagship so it never has support
>this project looks really interesting so decide to actually dig out my old moto g for this
>it's fucking TOO OLD
How hard do you think it would be to port to the 2013 (peregrine) motog?

Never mind, I'm a brainlet, it's actually 2014 but it's the 4G version which is why I'm fucked. Awesome

If you know anything about porting then yes

bump for interest


How's N900 support?

Can I install this on a BlackBerry Classic?

>200 day old
aka please beta test my non-functional software
>support is on a device basis and only old shit is even remotely supported
>nothing supports voice
making it useless for phones
>aside from google glass the only support is literally looking at a desktop on a phone

Useless shit OS, OP is just shilling it on a daily basis because he needs people to test it.

is this another phone os that works only on one expensive high end model? thats the problem with these.. theres absolutely no hardware support unless you pay like $1000 for your phone.

is this another "linux distro" that keeps parts of android running too instead of being a completely independent distro?

How's N9 support?

Interested in this too. Didn't find N9 on the list.

by a bunch of haxor kiddos, no thanks

But there are no skiddies in this project? There is a pajeet though but he seems like he knows what he's doing

Op maybe if this was supported on some normie phones you'd actually get beta testers

>my phone isn't listed
Story of my life.
Oh well. Another phrase in the filter list.

Nokia needs to bring out an updated N900 that ships without an OS and just a nice easy open bootloader.

Get either an X86 in there or a newer Snapdragon, nice battery, higher res display, better camera.