How plausible is running Windows 7 in 2018 and why should anyone use it over LTSB or even 8.1?
Serious discussion only pls, lincucks and macfags ignore this bread and go fap to anime or suck dicks.
How plausible is running Windows 7 in 2018 and why should anyone use it over LTSB or even 8.1?
Serious discussion only pls, lincucks and macfags ignore this bread and go fap to anime or suck dicks.
win10 is absolute shit
8.1 is harder to pirate
>Harder to pirate
You can grab an 8.1 ISO and MTK in like, 3 minutes tops.
>how plausible is using a still officially supported operating system that dominates global marketshare?
Why would you ask such a stupid question? Are you a fucking brainless dipshit, or just baiting?
I'm using it at work right now. It works just fine.
why wouldn't you use windows 7 in 2018? you're not one of those 'new is always better' retards are you?
this. as much as I like to shit on Windows, Windows 7 did a good job of just staying the fuck out of your way and letting you get shit done.
Literally no one is telling you you cant run windows 7. There is nothing, NOTHING wrong with running windows 7 in 2018 or in the next decade. If it works, it fucking works. Why switch if you really dont need to? I still use windows 7 professional. I have my own theme on it, so the UI looks timeless. If you care about it looking dated just install a custom theme. Otherwise, just dont be stupid and download viruses.
show me a screen of the theme
>why wouldn't you use windows 7 in 2018? you're not one of those 'new is always better' retards are you?
Enjoy you're ransomware
Literally just jump on your fav torrent site and search win 8.1 and you'll get a cracked version or one with KMS or Microsoft toolkit as your top result.
why are there so many fucking windows threads right now? do your jobs hotpockets
W7 x64 Ultimate edition still is the best Windows to this day.
It will change one day, but today is not that day.
u wot?
You don't even need to crack Windows 8. The most it will do is nag you in a few places and not let you set your wallpaper to your favorite anime girl. There's also a full screen nag every once in a while, so that might be a problem if you're a gamurrr I guess, but otherwise you can work fairly effectively.
>Serious discussion only pls, lincucks and macfags ignore this bread and go fap to anime or suck dicks.
b-but muh frames
Enjoy your down syndrome.
go on 1337x write "/user/Gen2/" at the end and press enter.
Have fun, you can pick any flavor in there and they work flawlessly they all use KMS activation.
Is it still have support until 2020?
i am sure it will still be usable until its extended support ends in 2020
It works fine, if it works fine for what you need it to do then continue using it
I'm still using 7. I used 10 for most of the past 2 years but it just eventually shits itself. I need to actually stick with 7, I rarely have issues with it.
Amen, praise Trump. I don't know why this is so hard for some retards to understand.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Serious discussion only pls, lincucks and macfags ignore this bread and go fap to anime or suck dicks.
Surely written by someone equally as serious.
Are you incapable of downloading an update from Microsoft's website?
Went from ent10ltsb, back down to W7 ENT, x64 SP1. It's the most "private" between the two, and security will be covered until they end support. Months before that happens, I'll look for alternatives.
>inb4 performance issues with cpu/gfx
There are virtually none to begin with, and I have yet to see any so far. Been running for a month now.
I am a Windows system administrator (former Unix sysadmin).
Microsoft ended official support of Server 2003 in 2014.
We were still running Server 2003R2 servers until earlier this year at my job (a state-run institution of higher education).
>Over LTSB
Because the autoguiding system for my astrophotography setup doesn't run properly on any version of win10 and that's about the only thing I use my laptop for.
>Over 8.1
No clue, 8.1 with the proper tweaks is basically an improved Windows 7.
>he doesn't know that Microsoft still provides patch-Tuesday support on discontinued OS''s
I use windows defender and I haven't had a virus in at least 4 years
I will never use 10 simply because of the assumed-retardation it approaches the user with.
turn off UAC and you're good on 7
Fine for vidya and as a daily driver
t. R3 1200 and 1050 fag
go fuck yourself, that is why.
Isn't 8.1 out of Mainstream Support from January also more AMD drivers (lol). I wouldn't put 7 on a new machine don't know about you.
ma nigga
>games run better, at least on my i7-2600k
>NVIDIA drivers are shit on 8.1 with my 1070 and find games crash a lot
>Not a botnet (telemetry removed)
Honestly, I love 8.1 but 7 is just better. LTSB I based off a build of win 10 that ran like shit on my PC.
Very nice. Might be time to upgrade my 2600k. Only thing that was holding me back was windows 10.
W10 just had an update that doesn't agree with my ASUS MB. X99 E W/S USB 3.1.
I took the time and money to build an exceptional system, and MS fucked it up with this "update".
So fucking sick of W10, I'm now dumping it for W7.
Trust me, stick with 7. Screencap this.
>why do people prefer actual operating systems over services? why don't people want to be spied upon? why people don't trust microsoft after it's latest installment behaves literally like malware, adware and spyware all rolled into one?
if you have to ask you're either shill or dement, your pick, sage
Yeah, no shit. I've heard it said many times that W10 is a "service", not an OS. I'll take it one step further, and proclaim W10 to be a Microsoft Marketing Tool, and that the client's purposes are secondary to Microsoft's.
>anus mobo
Use Winsows 7
>Windows 10 Ltsb cannot be bought by normal person for private PC
I am so proud of myself!
55888 of truth
i hope microsoft will release something what windows less shitty than 10 before 2020
>a normal person can obtain LTSB iso in 5 minutes just by using Reddit
>This it is official supported
Windows 7 is in extended support now, only security updates. For home users it basically means it is EOL(hence not supporting latest Ryzen or Core cpus).
>For home users it basically means it is EOL
No. 7 is supported and gets updates on a monthly basis.
MS managed to convince an army of fanboy tier sysadmins that Windows 10 and Azure is a great future, so I doubt MS will ever release anything non-shit. It's going to get worse. You're better off saying no and move on to something completely different.
But its a pirated version
FFS are you that dumb?
It's a clean ISO that isn't even pre-activated and has to be activated by MTK.
We aren't in 2003 anymore, user.
Or you can just prepay for a year of Azure hosting and get LTSB for free
You know what extended support means? It's the same as mainstream, just that the OS won't get any new features. Something which 7 never has gotten throughout its lifespan anyway, so in this case it's not different at all. Also 7 is supported until October 2021.
They're not just refusing to support Ryzen and Kaby Lake CPUs. They're actively locking them out from getting updates. I can't remember them ever doing something like this with Windows Vista or later service packs of XP. You could always install them on any computer they could technically run on, and still get updates.
I was one of the people that insisted on keeping Windows 2000 way past the launch of XP, and there was never a time when MS locked me out of updates because of my CPU. If you could install it, you could get updates.
>They're actively locking them out from getting updates
I wonder why?
oh, so you can read what I said here Yeah and it sucks but eh :/
>feeding the jew
Because M$ know that win10 is shit.
found the poor fag.. go back to linux you cheap bastard
Okay so I made the jump to W10 back in august for VR, there is a lot more compatibility and support for W10 than 7 and I was tired of having to do all kinds of reach arounds and fixes just to play games that would run without a hitch on 10.
>went to microcenter
>bought new ssd just in case I wanted to go back
>installed the old start menu
>disabled all of the spyware shit
>completely disabled windows update
>never had a problem since
And this is just running windows 10 home cause I was too lazy to install it the right way, I just wanted to play fucking VR and not have it constantly shit itself up.
>disabled all of the spyware shit
sure you did
>only security updates
I wish. The non security bloat only breaks your shit.
>disabled all of the spyware shit
Not possible the whole system is a spyware.
'poorfag' is one word, shill
>How plausible is running Windows 7 in 2018
It is supported until 2020
this is what you need to do:
>get the windows 10 enterprise edition
>allows turning off the telemetry & appstore
>you can also disable updates
>replace cortana with classic shell
it takes a while, but eventually you'll get used to the fugly ui, which in the long run isn't an issue since most people don't give a fuck
why would you use windows 7 in 2018? you're not one of those 'windows 7 offer more privacy' retards are you
I had to install W10 on my new work PC and I spent more time troubleshooting it than in some of the frendlier linux distros.
I'm still rocking W7 going into the new year. Anything 8+ feels clunky with less desktop usage and more tablet-based usage, and stuff breaks half the time or crashes the computer. Sure, I could use a custom start menu and related software to change the aesthetics, but it still is quirky and messed up. Plus W10 has those fucking ads in the start menu.
How does one get ltsb
>hence not supporting latest Ryzen or Core cpus
Works great on my 8700K.
Glad it works great for you after all the little hacks you did, but it still doesn't mean it is supported.
>all the little hacks you did
You mean taking three seconds to download the 5MB MSI USB tool, and dragging and dropping it onto my USB drive with the Windows 7 ISO on?
Man, what a hack, I should go for a career in comp sci, I could be making six figures by now.
This. What the fuck do you guys do that you can't be bothered to spend 15 minutes and turn off all the bs in windows 10? once thats done theres literally nothing wrong with it and I find everything to be more accessible than before. Performance increase majority of PCs I've downloaded 10 on by at least 15-25%. I had an old dell desktop from 2004 which I installed 10 on and stripped it down most I could. Ran just fine enough for my cousin to browse the web lightly and that thing would barely run xp. I tried 7 on it and it would just lock up at desktop.
>operating system is literally made of bullshit
>thinks you can just turn it all off
No offense but you're literally fucking retarded.
Nice post, i'll take into consideration what you said but there are no promises you will get the position of worth my time.
then you are full of shit.
>unsupported hardware windows update
^ search that term and stop spreading lies
You do know there are plethora of tools and scripts you can download and takes seconds to use to turn off shit right? Or are you too idiotic to know this?
I expected to run into this but it just installed updates without an issue, if no one had told me it wasn't supported I wouldn't have even known.
I'm sorry that you're so assflustered my PC works properly and I didn't have to put any effort in.
>dude, just like, turn it all off
>dude just use windows 7, bu-b-but before the newer updates because those ruin it
Why are you so butthurt that no one wants to use your outdated OS that you have to uninstall updates and takes forever to get it to your standards?
>muh modern OS
>turn off indexing
>wonder why searching doeesn't work
>muh modern os with its meme indexing service
>this meme again
Never used search in my life and don't plan on it. If thats your only reasoning to not use any form of 10 I feel sorry for your autism.
>his/her OS has a "Break my system on purpose" setting
You just don't fuck with services, retard
Thats funny, its the same setting that breaks it on previous OSs as well.
Shoo, shoo, stinky pajeet! O.O
I've been using Win 10 for 2 years, it's a pretty good OS. The new setting menus are kinda shit but you get used to them.
You've been in similar threads re: these topics in the past and it all eventually boiled down to the fact that you messed with some amount of services/settings while trying to debloat. Do a little more research before modifying anything and wow, your system won't break.