So i just got this shit randomly.. After i refreshed the captcha window, i got the captcha to put in
Is this connected to the google scrapping the v1 in ~3 months or recent stuff that were happening or what?
Unsupported captcha
It's all over
OH shit it is all over. RIP
Eat a dick OP
Still works for me as of right now
>Any calls to the v1 API will not work after March 31, 2018. Starting in November 2017, a percentage of reCAPTCHA v1 traffic will begin to show a notice informing users that the old API will soon be retired.
o fuk
calle calle
Use v2 non-javascript captcha and enable "Captcha Fixes". Much faster and comfier to solve
I fucking hate GCAPTCHA, shit never works. I usually have to attempt it 5-10 times. Same for anyone else or am I just a true /r9k/?
It does still work, yes, as i said in my post, the thing is it that it randomly appeared and when i refreshed my captcha window, it dissapeared and i got the normal captcha
What does that captcha work like?
Good night sweet prints
move to another anonymous imageboard
Post your captcha last words
>moviestar calle
I got it too
Once you're done composing your shitpost just hit tab to move down to captcha, solve it using the numpad (e.g. in this picture I put mouse cursor over middle tile so that corresponds to 5 on the numpad). When done hit enter to solve the captcha, "Submit" will be selected automatically so just hit enter again to submit the shitpost. Non-javascript is for less botnet because it limits the theoretical information that Google can obtain.
Got it once earlier today too
I got one earlier on clover.
How do I get noscript captcha without disabling javascript for Sup Forums as it destroys quick reply and the catalog?
God I fucking hate the shitty selection captcha
It's always either
>choose the street signs/cars five fucking times
>click all cars/roads until they all disappear, with slow as molasses transitions
It's like they're made to be as fucking tedious as possible.
But they're all even worse than Sup Forums.
>five fucking times
If you're lucky.
I had to do that captcha multiple times recently when downloading some PS3 isos and each of them took at least 10 to 20 tries until it eventually said that I selected a wrong picture and started over again.
The new captcha is a crime against humanity.
fuck gookmoot
the problem is that that's still a "click images that match this thing" captcha instead of an "enter some text" captchta.
desu I'll probably just leave.
This shithole isn't worth it and although ublock origin has already put in a patch to block the mining I've had enough.
I still have a few months more with you guys though
That user just said you can solve it with the numkeys though, no mouse needed.
Install Violentmonkey addon then add Sup Forums X (and optionally OneeChan for ricing) and then you can block JavaScript from Sup Forums. Pic related is my uMatrix settings, in addition you'll also need to allow requests necessary to load posts from archive (which might not be relevant anymore since Hiro started blocking scrapers...) and the things that can be loaded in a post (YouTube videos, Twitter posts).
So how do I choose this captcha?
Should be loaded automatically when it detects JavaScript is disabled. You also need to check "Captcha Fixes: Make captcha easier to use, especially with the keyboard." so you can solve it using the keyboard.
The thing is though. I want to use the vanilla Sup Forums interface and 4chanx changes too much. The only thing I want from it is the ability to inject the noscript captcha into the rely box up top and the quick reply.
tfw teaching google bots >for free
captcha: calle bitburger
Shit, I just got the message too. Clicking it refreshes the frame and you can post normally, but fuck, I can't stand image captchas
Is it possible to use some noscript captcha wizardy?
>tfw bots already can solve word captchas so this is just a waste of time
captcha: axalta centro