
dude, your anus totally prolapsed right now

cool story brony

>I guess lurking moar isn't even a meme around here, anymore.

Oh no....Is your pic actually NOT ironic? Do you actually identify with those "We are Anonymous, We are Legion!" protestors? Because they're the ones who'd be overly precious about old Sup Forums culture.

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>muh secret club
uBlock is literally the second most popular adblocker, I don't understand what you're making such a big deal about.

>I don't understand
When you end up paying for internet service, Verizon's premium l33t hx0r upgrade package, a Sup Forums Gold account, and then get v& for installing ablocker/using host file, maybe you'll understand.
>muh secrit clab
>it's ok to spoonfeed snowflakes, because I'm one too xD

I think you need to calm down bro. You're making a way bigger deal about this than it really is. It's not like adblockers aren't something that most normies use anyway.

Don't make me kek. Most normies actually WANT ads.
>hey, I see you're browsing youtube without an adblocker and having to sit through lots of ads, you should try uB-
>that looks dangerous and illegal, user. That's ok, I like the ads! Besides, I'm used to it, it's normal

Reminder to install ublock origin, not ublock.

Is this an alignment grid?

Take an aspirin and call the ambulance immediately, if you're seriously that upset.


Just how many pages does your shill training manual have? 2?


>angry faggot noises increase

>an actual fucking 56%er

quality post, m8

What the fuck did you expect? The anti-adblocker shit was spammed on every mayor board, including Sup Forums and Sup Forums who are now 90% reddit and facebook retards who don't about technology

Shit bait