the best classic windows experience you can get on linux
>perfect classic windows font rendering
>classic taskbar
>classic titlebar
>classic start menu
>perfect classic buttons and UI elements
>xp or win2000 icons
>debian9 + kde 3.5 fork
>fast and snappy
>everything works out of the box on my shitty old laptop from 2009, even wifi and touchpad gestures
>latest chrome and ff57

why aren't you using Q4OS with XPQ4 theme?
those shitty XFCE themes don't look even remotely close to classic windows design

Other urls found in this thread:



Is there a source code to their panel? I can't seem to find any source code... Is this all proprietary?

looks like it isn't open source and aimed for profit for businesses
the panel is from trinity DE (kde3.5 fork) and the panel theme is included in XPQ4
you might wanna check on there

ah shit, that does look comfy.

Thanks! I'll probably give trinnity kicker a try! Looks neat!

jesus fucking christ

what you see in OP pic is a little bit customized from the default in this pic
for example the little space between the close and the maximize button in the titlebar. I put a spacer in there in the settings so it looks exactly like win2000 window controls
and I changed the taskbar size to minimum size and the tray icons to smaller size so it matches the classic taskbar

That's amazing. Too bad my Cinnamon setup just werks and I cannot be bothered with ricing, otherwise I'd really like to use that. I might consider if it ever bricks itself for one reason or another though.

>the best windows experience you can get in linux
does it include having windows programs work without bugs ?

GNU/Linux*. Linux is just a kernel.

well wine is available from the software centre

oh and the best part is that the file choosed dialog has image thumbnails
unlike all the other big and modern DEs we know...

Why doesn't this get DMCA'd? I figured Microsoft would want to hunt them down and murder them. Carbon copy of Windows XP even down the software installation wizards.

the same reason ReactOS will not get taken down
it's legal

...But they take the icons that Microsoft made, and re-use them for profit.

Their repo won't work with my Unstable/Experimental install... That's unfortunate, it looks like they're on Jessie still. I might try compiling it on my own eventually, deffo a project worth looking into (Especially for a filepicker with thumbnails lol). Pic related is my desktop currently, wouldn't mind that sweet panel.

the icons and the taskbar theme come from the XPQ4 theme which is a completely separate download not affilitaed with the OS maintainers
>Feel free to download XPQ4 installer, choose the FULL, or FREE version with no proprietary icons, according to your preferences.

that looks comfy as fuck.

>antialiased non-windows font
>spaces between all the window control buttons
>purple titlebar
>that wonky chinese copy looking taskbar with too big icons
>too narrow window list on the taskbar
>the tray icons are too far apart and not lowered
this is what I meant that that all those shitty XFCE themes don't come close to the actual theme
just ditch this shitty GTK DE and embrace the K

you can even use konqueror as web browser for that old internet explorer nostalgia feeling

>old internet explorer nostalgia feeling
IE6 look gives me zero nostalgia, if it looked like IE3 or IE4, yes, but IE6 gives me the sick gonna throw up feeling.

this is nice
thanks op



Wow I hoped an OS from 2001 could run on an old laptop from 2009

antiX is my prefered shitty Debian meme distro

Very Nice.jpg

>wanting your shit to look ugly and obsolete

Nice OP thanks
It doesn't seem to be opensource though
Is it just a rebranded Debian? Can we be sure there's no spyware?

I understand why someone would want the functionality of classic windows. But the look of it I never get, looks like garbage. Did back then does now.

You're the only person in this board who actually posted something useful to try/use not unlike all those people complaining about phones and gaming shit
Thanks OP

why would I want that? classic windows is shit

It's a more machine-like, bland and professional look that doesn't try hard to be an obnoxious trendy blob of shit. It's the "ugliness" of it that makes it appealing to begin with.

I'm not really in to nostalgiatardism that tries to revive it in the same form, though. The past should stick to the past, we should focus on building an interface that lives up to today's expectations while carrying over many of the same qualities that made Classic good.

download XPQ4
reduce tray icons size and taskbar size

this is a relatively new distro and is actively developed


>Can we be sure there's no spyware?
sadly we cant be sure
I just have to trust them

>But the look of it I never get, looks like garbage. Did back then does now.


the windows xp luna theme is also available if that's what you like

>why aren't you using Q4OS with XPQ4 theme?
Because I'm too used to IceWM.

not bad but the taskbar still looks a bit wonky
icons are too big and the clock is not lowered together with the tray icons

Bad news - your sense of anesthetics is fucked up.

I nostalgia'd

>tfw can't get functional taskbar at that groups by app

Just go back to using windows you morons.

Why don't they rename it to DadOS? That seems more like a suitable name.

Fallen for another Sup Forums meme. Never again.

Why do you have low disk space?


nice meme
maybe try to install it first instead of running live

>all those efforts to emulate the look and feel of the operating system we tried to get away from 10 years ago
>meanwhile no one makes a genuine bluecurve theme
i hate this timeline

CDE - Common Desktop Environment


Is it for me? thank you.
I had a jpopsuki directory from this domen in my browser history. I don't remember noticing that there's actually an imageboard and music streams there.

Is it for me? thank you.
I had a jpopsuki directory from this domain in my browser history. I don't remember noticing that there's actually an imageboard and music streams there.

always knew that the ultimate cancer distro will come from qt anyways