i drilled my motherboard and after putting a gpu in it turn on, then turns off, nothing to screen, any fixes or am i going to have to raise money to get a new board? pic related.
I drilled my motherboard and after putting a gpu in it turn on, then turns off, nothing to screen...
Well. Being an idiot might be your issue.
To expand on this. By drilling you created friction which in turn created static electicity which most likely fried some, if not all, of your board.
TL/DR - buy compatible components next time. Jerry rigging is not your thing.
By the looks of it, you drilled away some pins.
Are you really this stupid?
Alternatively he drilled through a trace on the multilayer PCB
you should have just cut the card, you idiot.
i've trimmed video cards to fit 1x slots and managed to not goon-hand the board
It would also work if he just used an utility knife to open the rear of the slot.
somehow "utility knife" translated into "hammer drill" in the last thread this dumbass made
>drilling multi layer PCB
You might be retarded, consult your therapist.
you can't just add any gpu, you need custom bios for that
Sure you didn't damage the motherboard or pins?
I've done this exact thing with a tremmel several time without any problems.
Jesus you guys are autistic cocksuckers. Try not being a complete fuck for just one goddamn thread, just one.
OP, you probably drilled through an embedded connection in the board, google "multi-layer printed circuit board" to learn more. Even though you are writhing in agony now, you have learned a valuable lesson. Pain and sorrow are nature's greatest teachers.
Seek medical attention and tell the doctors you're a fucking retard
The before pic in case anyone was wondering.
Drilling should be okay. I always drill few holes on new boards.
can someone elaborate why americans do this?
ITT: Autistic clown takes autistic action that entertains his autistic peers.
Why would you buy incompatible parts?
Says the user posting on Sup Forums
He didn't drill the PCB, he drilled a component on the PCB.
hard to see in your photo, but it looks like you've affected a couple pins
you caused this Sup Forums
what the fuck am I looking for in the photo?
>i drilled my motherboard
bro, there's like layers and layers of tracks and insulators squashed together
I remember reading this guy's question earlier in the day.
We told the idiot to cut it, not to drill it.
im glad your board is bricked
thats what you get for having an itx board.
degenerate meme faggot.
That's why you buy a PCIe x1 gpu instead of a x16 for those kind of motherboards...
>i drilled my motherboard
oh I think captcha just answered my question
>what did they mean by this
no clue. My captcha was calling op uneducated.
maybe its telling you to infest in oranges now that the stock has gone down for winter
>I drilled my motherboard
can you post a picture of the drill hole that isn't completely out of focus?
A motherboard usually has many layers so the chance that you don't hit a trace while drilling through it is small
not only are you a retard for doing this, you're a retard for even thinking there's a quick fix for this at home and and even bigger retard for thinking Sup Forums knows anything about board level work
>i drilled my motherboard
I wonder what the problem could be. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Electrical engineering student here, #notall/g/tards
ooh ok it is fine then :)
better pic plz
I do exact same thing. To add some ventilation and reduce thermals.