Support net neutrality

>support net neutrality
>keep the internet free and open
>twitter is a private company and can do what they want with their product reeeeeeeeeeee
>noooooo Hiro stop doing what you want to something you own reeeeeeeeeee
So much for the tolerant left :^)

Other urls found in this thread:

Really makes you think.

I wish Netflix was president they would save net neutrality.

Good. Now twitter will finally be replaced by its competition.

>Remove net neutrality they said
>Let the free market decide they said

Gab is twitter plus a voting system, fuck that. It's dead by design.

Won't happen. Youtube have been fucking up in a far more normie-affecting way for years and competing services haven't gained any traction at all. These sites are too big to fail.

>ITT buttdevasted autistic children who are angry because they got banned for calling a someone a nigger on the internet.
Learn to hide your power levels or shut the fuck up you bunch of manchildren.
Can't wait for the butthurt (you)s btw

>it's ok when NetFlix has different pricing plans and quality options, but when Comcast does it i call for a terrorist attack on their headquarters

This has nothing to do with Net Neutrality.

>costs your ISP nothing different whether you put 10GB of netflix or 10GB of imgur through your connection
>costs netflix more if you watch 10 UHD movies rather than 10HD movies
I can see the difference.

He shouldn't rely so much on a garbage platform.

you're retarded as is your argument

>costs netflix/ISP more if you watch 10 UHD movies rather than 10HD movies

that's the only valid comparison

It doesn't cost your ISP any more, because you have paid for that bandwidth.

On the other hand, Netflix doesn't pay nice little blocks like we do.

this is the #1 reason i don't support net neutrality, all these absolute psycho companies like facebook, reddit, twitter and dropbox voicing support for it. something very fishy about it.

>Implying Gab is the only option
Mastodon M8

>britain first and julian assange lose their accounts because of (((hate speech)))
>ISIS still have their accounts because banning them would be 'racist'
what did twitter mean by this?


Are you stupid? They support NN because they are fucking internet companies and don't want providers throttling their shit, what's fishy about that?

>ISIS still have their accounts because banning them would be 'racist'

That is not true.

The way ISIS supporters publishes propaganda: When some hashtag goes viral in the Arab world they hijack that hashtag and thousands of Arabs and bots will retweet the propaganda thinking it had something to do with the original hashtag.

ISIS supporters constantly get their accounts deleted but they create dozens of new each time that happens. In the Middle East a new IP address is as cheap as a new prepaid SIM card.

Bits from Netflix are no different than bits from imgur. What are you even trying to say?

Kek, I didn't know HD wasn't available by default on Cuckflix

well then bits from an hd video are no different than bits from an udh video

that's the argument you're making

wow, it must hurt to be this stupid

i dont even want ti argue with you, it would be like explaining 1+2 to a fucking toddler

Microblogging replaced blogging despite being stupidly inferior. Twitter is here to stay.

>it costs netflix the same to stream 10gb of HD video or 10gb of UHD video

there retard, do you understand now?

My ISP gives me unlimited data. Whether I download 5GB or 50TB in a month makes no difference in the price I pay. Why should it matter where those bytes came from?

>costs netflix more if you watch 10 UHD movies rather than 10HD movies

10 GB of UHD would require a higher speed in a shorter span of time. It would probably even out though, considering the huge amounts of traffic Netflix generates.

Why is Netflix charging more for HD streaming?

Why are they limiting you to only 1, 2, or 4 connections?

If it's bandwidth you already paid for, why are they still limiting you?

There's also the issue of Netflix not even allowing you to stream HD videos unless it's a "certified" device. But that's a different topic but still relevant.

The storage and transmission speed requirements for HD video is greater, thus they charge more for it. My ISP also charges more for faster speeds. They could also charge me for data as well, but I don't live in an area that gets cucked like that. Regardless, the origin of the data shouldn't matter.

I am charged for data and speed with Xfininity in Texas. If I go over 1TB, they blast my anus with extra fees. I pay a premium for faster speeds.

But this type of thing happened many times during NN.

>ITT buttblasted angry putinbots crying about their puppet being banned from twitter
Trump is next you fascists.

Absolutely soything lads.

Internet is for the privledged anyway. If you're not rich, you don't deserve it.

Not tech related, keep political stuff to Sup Forums.

Netflix is not an ISP. Netflix has no say in how good your connection to Hulu is.

>Netflix has no say in how good your connection to Hulu is.

Yes they do since all their users hog up the network bandwidth causing every other site to go slow.

Netflix charges according to the services they offer. Comcast charges according to the services they offer. I don't see a distinction.

>using the smiley with the carat nose

>assange exposes the truth
>putin bot
Really makes my jiggies jag

no one cares about netflix here.

Julian can join my GNU/Social

I don't understand why all these alt right faggots want ISP's that own all the "fake news" sites to have control over what content they can see on the internet. Maybe they are just retarded I mean they did vote for Trump.

It's not the right of a un elected, un accountable lifetime lobbyist for the cable industry to unilaterally decide such wide and far reaching public policy. The inevitable tax increase on consumers and absolutely massive budget the FCC will increase is absolutely unacceptable also. Like NN? Make and pass a bill, you know a fucking law, because that's the way countries should work.

>So much for the tolerant left :^)
I love this meme.

Can you please get the fuck back to now, please?

Free market at work

Isn't this what you wanted when you opposed net neutrality, conservacucks?

Fuck Assange

>he still thinks he's not contradicting himself
>who are you quoting

t. Comcast

I spend my money on hard drives. Trying to create a monolithic library of television and film isn't easy. But it kicks the shit out of netflix in the long run.

Because all the net neutrality fuss is about the fight between the content providers (the companies you've mentioned) and intermediary companies which want to either force these huge companies out of the business and enforce their products, similar to the existing ones, or milk the existing companies forcing them paying a toll for a stable connection to their clients (this practice already existed before NN repeal though) and forcing clients to pay additionally for access to specific internet resources. Which would be harmful for the content providers.

>Everyone I don't like is a putinbot or a puppet of Putin
Lol. Puting is a tin-horn dictator of an assbackwards state where HIV is becoming the new norm and the population in for drastic declining in the next 50 years. He's anything but a threat to any world power. It's practically a third world country, more so than any other Slavic country ironically.

twitter lost like half it's user base in the last few years, it's all bots

instead of the government doing things people would flip their shit over, they just pay the big 5 to do it for them via their numerous contacts and this is okay somehow

idiots trusted these tech companies for some reason but luckily that's changing

Assange is a russian tool. Just like Drumpf.

> It's practically a third world country
You know that by the first-second-third world definition Russia can't be a third world country as it was the foundation of the second world, right?

the shills are trying too hard to derail and get replies again
how pathetic

That may be so, but Russia has so many fucking problems economically and socially that I doubt the US is on the list of things it actually cares about, with the exception of whether WW3 starts with the US. The last thing they would want to do is get involved in a country that would utterly devistate Russia for centuries. They'd rather play the game of invading former Soviet countries that haven't joined NATO game, like they've been doing since about 2006, which is safer and less likely to destroy their nation, while doing little to actually solve their problems.