Mom wrote me a check for $1,000 for Christmas and I have money saved up. Loooking around the 2-3 grand mark. I'm willing to spend more if it's worth it. I'm an online college student and I travel alot for work.
(Shooting for better than my desktop: 16gb RAM, 2 TB HDD, I forget my SSD size, I7 processor, Windows 7 Ultimate Ghetto Edition.)
My advice: don't come to a technology image board for advice on which toy to buy. Take it to or better yet just fuck off and decide for yourself and stop being a child.
Landon Powell
Says Man-Child
Jaxson Miller
Get a used laptop that already has the amount of ram you need. Buying ram separately will cost more. Insert a new hard drive, because that thing is most likely to die first.
Ayden Turner
Bruh, it's a tech board. I'm asking what midtier laptops people like. This much salt coming from a user with a name.
Jeremiah Murphy
$1800 and only a 1050ti? At that price you should at least be getting a 1060.
William Sanchez
>Windows 7 Ultimate Ghetto Edition kek wat
Brandon Wood
Actually, you didn't ask any question in your post and simply blogged about your Christmas gift and what you were going to purchase.
Sup Forums is not your blog Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site
Keep that in mind and never post here again, loser.
James Evans
>gayming laptop
Colton White
I've never bought a laptop. Always used a built deskptop and my phone for shit. I kinda expected to get fucked.
My OS was not exactly obtained in a lawful fashion.
Ethan Torres
Get a $100 thinkpad.
Give your mother her $900 back.
Ethan Howard
Holy shit the poorfags are out in full force after getting booty blasted because their poorfags parents didn't get them the new toy they wanted.
Luis Perry
Your reading comprehension is massively slow. Re-read then re-read again. You can tell user is looking for advice.
Matthew Jones
>I'm an online college student and I travel alot for work 400 laptop and a 1600 desktop
You can get a laptop with similar grunt for half the price, don't. That's 1070 tier. What's your desktop GPU?
Jason Hernandez
>get 1000 >immediately waste it on poor consumerist products that you have cheaper and better alternatives for
This is why Republicans hate poor people
Benjamin King
First real response. Bless you, user.
Pic related. Keep in mind, this was built 4 years ago.
It's gotta be good because I'm gone for weeks to months at a time.
Austin Bennett
Dell Inspiron 7559 - Using it now and works BRILLIANTLY. Playing PUBG Medium graphics at 60 fps - graphics card: Nvidia GTX 960M CPU: Intel core i7 6700HQ 2.60GHz 8gb Ram (Upgrade-able)
Brayden Baker
Another worthless shitskin thread. Of course.
Zachary Nelson
Fuck off namefag, dude is clearly asking for advice, despite it being dumber than you.
Lincoln Davis
You can get pic related at Costco for your $1000
Jackson Watson
>online college
Elijah Taylor
I was also looking at the Dell Inspiron while looking for laptops. But the i5 version. Dell Inspiron i5577-5328BLK-PUS,15.6" Gaming Laptop,(Intel Core i5 (up to 3.5 GHz),8GB,1TB HDD),NVIDIA GTX 1050 Dell Inspiron i5577-5328BLK-PUS,15.6" Gaming Laptop,(Intel Core i5 (up to 3.5 GHz),8GB,1TB HDD),NVIDIA GTX 1050 it's on sale right now which is why it caught my eye.
Nathan Foster
Just a tip never take any of the advice Sup Forums gives on what products to buy. It's literally always whatever cheaply made pos is on sale at the moment.
The last laptop Sup Forums suggested me to buy literally melted itself apart.