What year does this picture say it was taken to you? Why do you say that?
What year was this picture taken Sup Forums?
because that shit looks like it can run games on the quake 3 team arena engine
Mid 2000s that Samsung monitor bis a dead give away as well as the early digital camera
How about now?
Better yet
I'm trying to get it to look like 1998-2001. Any suggestions?
add more piss bottles and remove the amazon box in the background
Oh shit I didn't even notice the Amazon box. Instead of piss bottles, maybe I should buy some surge soda cans and lay them around.
that could work and it recently became available again at some gas stations nearby
Yeah, i've been drinking the shit out of it. But i'd have to get an older 12oz can. They only sell 16oz nowadays, which they never did before.
get some crystal pepsi
2017. There's a Dell optiplex 390 and a Samsung LCD monitor
Move the modern computers out of there
Dell tower gave it away.
Also these generic "I'm so '90s" millenial starter pack items:
Aged plastic, using a CRT TV as a monitor, VCR on a tilt, VCR/DVD combo,
Without reading the thread I'd say within the last couple of years. It's clearly a poorfag setup, and that laptop and the monitor on the left were expensive 10 years ago.
Clean all the plastic so it doesn't look 20 years older than it should look.
Remove LCDs
Remove new PCs
Remove VCR/DVD Combo
Remove Laptop
Get a Desk, it should be a dark/brown/red wood, no beech/oak/clear pine, no black, no white - grey or beige to cream melamine is fine though.
Get some really low powered lights, since that CRT is awfully low brightness now - and run a higher exposure to compensate.
Get rid of the Christmas lights, replace with party lights or a lava lamp.
Honestly, looks almost exactly like the battlestation I'm currently shitposting from.
Problem is it's part of a bigger setup. So I have to make do with the area I have.
Also the CRT tv is used as a TV, and the VCR is because I archive old media to digital.
Probably today and you just have old stuff.
Reason, I'm on Sup Forums where people think living in technology of 12 years past is ironically cool.
are you a hacker user?
why are you trying so hard to be edgy
Hoarding != edgy
Honeslty it's just an addiction and the fact I like to have machines to fuck with and throw into test networks. I scour ewaste and shit. It's getting to be a problem as I'm running out of room in my apartment.
I've fucked around a bit when I was younger. But I work on the reverse. Current;y I work developing software to detect maleware and breaches on enterprise networks that employ cisco routers/switches.
>I like to have machines to fuck with and throw into test networks
they're called VMs, grandpa
throw everything in your pictures out, get one good high memory workstation and an ultrawide or other equivalent productivity setup
otherwise your setup is a massive why.jpg, if you're going to hoard vintage electronics at least get the high end stuff and not literal trash
Fuck VMs man. Go read up on instruction set differences. Where one command should run like A, and will run like A in a VM, but will run like B on actual hardware.
Also everything is high end stuff, but in old cases (except the CRTs, but I collect vintage CRT TVs and monitors). For example the machine in the pictures, is actually a Nvidia 660ti, Xeon W3520, 24GB of memory, and 8tb of Storage (1 tb SSD, 1 TB HDD, 2 3TB HDDs).
Nice blog.
looks like it was from lain
but the smell's gotta be awful, from all the crts
if instruction set differences are your only excuse for filling your apartment to the brim with e-waste then I hope it was worth it
>workstation specs
great start, now clean it up and we're good
post the damn crt collection already
Considering you have a post-2011 Dell (it has a newish Intel logo, a newish Windows logo, and a newish model number) in your junk pile, I'm assuming these are recent pictures.
It was, cause again, I'm a collector. Why ewaste tech? I'd rather keep every piece of it alive, rent a warehouse, and show it to the public.
The CRTs don't make any smell. My room smells like old books and old cicuit boards (radio equipment)
I can, you'll only get half of it though. The rest are in storage.
Damn I should pull those stickers off. Also it's a NAS, atop my workstation hah. Not the junk pile.
That very modern optiplex is ruining your pic.
The resolution of your pic is too good dude, nobody would ever think the pics were taken in the 90's