I made a site Sup Forums

I made a site Sup Forums

I normally post in /wdg/, but since that general isn't really that active it's hard to get some useful feedback, so I just wanted to make one single thread to ask for some.
Interested in anything you may have to say, whether it's about features, ui or other things.

Mods, hope this doesn't go against the rules. Otherwise just remove it.

Other urls found in this thread:


didnt know int was so active


Every day, I always stay glad that I'm no longer part of Sup Forums, the hell.

Hey man that’s pretty cool

This reinforces what I thought were slow and fast boards
What the fuck is up with /biz/ though

Looks decent on mobile, did you do any kind of specific stuff or does it just scale nicely?

Cryptocurrency shilling and shitposting. That's all.

For mobile widths it's hiding the threads/hour and images columns, so that the rest should fit in nicely without any horizontal scrolling.
The individual rows might still be a bit narrow to be easily selected via touch, but increasing their height would also make the whole list longer in turn, so that fewer rows fit on the screen at the same time.
Still kinda looking for the best solution.

The graph on the bottom gets lazy loaded as well on mobile, only when you click the button, since it's not really useful on a phone screen.

what did you use to make all this?

This is great.
Before I had to go check the stats on archives to figure out how fast a board is. This is much easier and also allows for easy comparison.

If you want suggestions the I suggest making the all and month graphs less blocky.

Where's Sup Forums?

I don't know why this shit made me laugh but fuck you op. Good site though.

The frontend is mainly done with Vue.js (+chart.js), the backend is running on Node.js, storing the history in a LevelDB store.
The site itself is statically hosted on a CDN and gets the data from the backend vps via socket.io.

>If you want suggestions the I suggest making the all and month graphs less blocky.
hm, thought it would make the most sense that way, since it's more like showing the days as separate results and doesn't really need to interpolate for "inbetween values", like the day chart has to with the graphed hours.
Might try how it would look with a different line style, though spikes in the post-count may look really thin then, if there isn't a fixed width to them.

top right you can add/remove more boards.
NSFW category isn't enabled by default, but it will remember the enabled boards for the future.

Great site OP, really neat
Also, I'm not a /mlp/ fag so can't tell for sure but I thought it's a blue board, why did you put it under nsfw?

Really cool user

I wish it would work.

>Blank page without scripts
no thanks

>/mlp/, a blue board, in the nsfw board list
for what purpose

I wouldn't want to be seen looking at children cartoons while at work.

eh, moved it to the default list.
Didn't strictly go by each boards nsfw-flag, though at least when you see mlp art on other boards it's more often of a certain kind.

you think the bottom one would be the better?

Neat OP

I see that you just smoothed the top graph. Actually I guess day averages are ok for longer periods.
What does the raw data look like for an entire month?

I'm curious how the activity section is decided. What time frame are the percentages relative to?

Wow, Sup Forums really is dead.
Sup Forums is just the 6th fast board and thats counted with all the dragonball and jump-shonen posters.

>Sup Forums is officially the fastest board on Sup Forums
what the fuck, when did this happen? i always assumed it was Sup Forums by a long shot

The data is stored in 3 different time intervals.
For the last 2 days I have the individual 5-minute update cycles saved, from which the last hour is used for the board-list data.
For the last 4 weeks I keep hourly stats, calculated from the shorter update cycles and then without limit I store the daily stats from 9am to 9am UTC each day. (which should fairly accurately represent a calendar-day of activity for both western europe and america, as not much should be going on in the morning hours)
Hourly and daily stats are arrays of objects with
>time (unixtimestamp)
>timeCovered (span of time this entry covers)
>postCount (during this timespan)
>postsPerMinute (could also be inferred from the previous 2)
The client receives the whole array and maps the object timestamps to x and either postCount or postsPerMinute to y, depending on whether its the array for daily or hourly data.

It's the 90th percentile of recorded posts/minute over the last 4 weeks.
Should be fairly close to the usual max-activity seen each evening, while ignoring happening spikes.
let calculateTopPPM = slicedHourlyHistory => {
const percentile = 0.90
slicedHourlyHistory.sort((a,b) => a.postsPerMinute - b.postsPerMinute)
const resIndex = Math.floor(slicedHourlyHistory.length * percentile - 1)
return slicedHourlyHistory[resIndex].postsPerMinute

my favorite board is literally the slowest.

Why are you cutting down data so aggressively?
Your entire dataset is probably just a few megabytes.

Cool to see most active times at the bottom. What time zone is that?

Anyway I think that a full month of hour-by-hour data would still look fine on a graph. That's what I meant with

yeah don't know, was literally thinking about that yesterday.
In earlier versions before the daily graph, I stored the 5-minute update cycles forever and nothing else, which seemed really messy and got retarded, when recalculating the hourly history after every cycle.
Databases is not my strong point really, so I thought I could get clever with the current setup and not save more than what I thought what I would need.

should be your local one normally.
The last hour entry should be the most recent xx:30 and then minus 30 minutes.
So if it's currently 11:38 at your place, then the last entry in the timeline should show 11:00 for example.

(The entry with 11:00 time covers posts from 10:30-11:30)

ah ok, I see now
like this?

I used to enjoy browsing it, until I realized I got no joy out of video games any more. Then it took a while to actually ditch the place. Worst board on 4chins as far as I'm concerned

>Sup Forums is literally shitpost central

>like this?
Yeah I like that one a lot more. Maybe add it as an option similar to the ones on the 7 day graph.

What happened on dec14?

net neutrality vote

Oh, right.

How did you get the graph smooth like that for the whole month? I just get this blocky graph.

It's the only place where you can talk not in english. On almost every board they end up being popular.
Also in the case of Sup Forums Sup Forums happens to be the less shitty version of Sup Forums (mainly because the number of americans is vastly smaller)

How long before ISPs block Sup Forums? I can't wait for Sup Forums renaissance.

>muh javascript
keks were had

You may only post ITT if you're not fucking cancer (regular in at least 2 of the top 10 of the slowest board).
/n/ and /diy/ here

>not pinnacle of cancer
you don't know what you are talking about

fuckk this shows how massive Sup Forums actually is.
I always ignored the
>go back to Sup Forums
shit but i guess theyre right.

Awesome, thanks!

How did you implement the site?


Thanks! I thought socket.io was only used to backport websocket to old browsers or behind firewalls where websocket is blocked.

What does socket.io do beyond raw websockets?

Not him but I believe that socket.io is just a nice event-based wrapper around websockets.
The fallbacks are not the primary feature.

refresh the page

it's a wrapper around websockets, that comes ready-to-use with more convenient methods than raw sockets + the fallbacks you mentioned.
There was also an issue with googlebot needing the fallbacks to get the data when I tried it I think.

>refresh the page
Nice. That's even better than I imagined it. I like how you handled the daily/hourly toggle.

>/biz/ that active
Legit thought that it was just a couple shitlords spamming pink wojaks

How long have you been tracking this stuff? Do you have any data on /biz/ from before the recent bitcoin boom?

>Feedback forms were a mistake

earliest I have is from the end of July for most boards and other nsfw mostly only from the end of October.

archived.moe/biz/statistics/activity/ third graph

holy fuck.

>How long before ISPs block Sup Forums?
A trillion years.

>you are now aware of where all Sup Forumstards went

In my case, I ditched it too, but it was because I couldn't handle over too much off-topic garbage that keeps trashing Sup Forums's catalog, especially after the Gamergate incident. I'm still able to enjoy video games.

I got disappointed when I saw that a bunch of Sup Forumsirgens on /qa/ told Hiroyuki that the Neogaf incident should be discussed on their homeboards. That place has no saving and no return.

vg and v combined beat any other board. are videogames still that popular? what the fuck

How the fuck is even Sup Forums still alive?

No, Sup Forums is no longer about video games and hasn't been since it stopped being The Vidya. /vg/ is an autism containment cell, of course its active.

mind telling me what is discussed on Sup Forums - Video Games then?

Neat. I just learned there was a Sup Forums API.

Now I can learn when posts are deleted the most so I can time my cunny threads for maximum exposure before mod intervention.

Children and homosexuals.

Everything else

This is what's left after a mod/janitor cleaned recently. Otherwise it's full of cock threads, furries, and porn.

Mostly video game flavored shitposting, character porn dumps, and template "What did he mean by this?" "Who was in the wrong here?" "How do we fix ____?"

At least toddposting is creative sometimes.

lol it's just like Sup Forums

thanks, you had the right idea with the hourly chart there.

/po/ still confirmed best board.

Very nice, reminds me of this site that also tracked other chans, it died years ago though.

Have you considered doing other imageboards?
Big list of boards here:

>muh javascript

Quality site you have there, shit for brains.

>I don't know why this shit made me laugh

Probably because you have downs. Retard.

It's Sup Forums - loli and shitposting, of course it's active.


maybe, but I don't really post on other chans, so it would be harder to come up with the time and motivation to do so.
Also depends on whether they have the same or a similar API to Sup Forums.

Yet Sup Forums still only gets a 300 post bump limit its fucking bullshit.

not as gud, not all of the boards, not updated as frequently

They suck ass.

>Also depends on whether they have the same or a similar API to Sup Forums.
The ones using vichan and Lynxchan have APIs.

>top right you can add/remove more boards.
Where's /f/? You've got all the other 71 boards.

>Sup Forums more popular than Sup Forums
The memes are true

What memes? Sup Forums has been dead for years

because /f/ isn't like the other boards.
The thread results look broken, because there are no image attached and the few threads there are hardly get enough replies for the server to calculate activity.

You could scrape the images from the archive.

Sup Forums api show you these things or you need atleast 2 months of data?

mh, will look into it.
Really too bad that they are not automatically generated on Sup Forums. Surprised that the archive even does that.

Also got to leave.
Thanks again for all the input in here.

It doesn't show it directly. The server is fetching the catalog for each board in 5 minute intervals and calculates the stats from all the threads. (how many new posts, how many new threads, how many posts have images attached, etc.)
The last hour of data is used for the posts/minute and threads/hour and up to 4 weeks of data is used for measuring relative activity and average posts/day.

what the server fetches and uses:

Well duh those are flash files, you'd either make thumbnails or put a textbox with the filename instead of the image. Don't you have a similar issue with the /news/ threads that don't have images in the op?
And I don't get your activity thing, sure in 5 minutes you might lose some replies that were posted on a few threads, but isn't that true of all boards if you're just checking their catalogs? Also /f/ still uses (old marked for deletion) instead of bump order and threads last at least 6 hours before being deleted so I don't see what the big fuss is about; if the results look screwy because of the boards format, so what?

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.

why no /s4s/?

/news/ has op images though.
Not sure what you mean exactly with losing replies. What I meant was, that the server by default has some criteria for threads (min. amount of replies and time passed since creation), before they are supposed to show up in the list.
Top right you can add additional boards.

>Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.

pic related

Sup Forums is just a bunch of redditors who cry about the US all day and post gay shit

Sup Forums is the first place that people who browse Sup Forums go

See that someone hurt your feelings little boy

ebin le maymay redditor xd

is good