*saves gnu-slash-linux*
*saves gnu-slash-linux*
Guess the ethnicity of its devs.
why would i give a shit?
they're spics of some sort right
I like latin americans desu i think theyre cool, and their history and stuff
b-because the..the master race, senpai!
what is that logo?
I keep seeing these posts because they have Spanish names but the void website has an .eu domain
Spanish... So fucking what? Let's see what you've contributed to non-systemD GNU/Linux advancement?
t. 100% anglo Ausfag who speaks Spanish
*has no documentation*
haha oops ;)
>unable to install bootloader
XBPS is well documented, apart from that its just Linux.
What are you having problems with?
>Jerman Domestic Market
checks out
>He cant partition his own disk
everybody laugh at this fag
Why isn't there a torrent iso
Because its 2017
Not him but earlier this year I had a hell of a time trying to figure out why I couldn't get NFS on Void to work and got it to work by pure luck. Muh runit
Why is void better than arch
nigger fuck off. Debian (net iso) for the win. Debian is great for servers and desktops. Void is shit for desktops and no one uses void for servers at all hahhahhhahahahaa
no systemd
>partitioning has something to do with bootloader
No wonder why void is a failure.
Less bloat
Being unable to install a bootloader is usually because you munted the partition.
No wonder why you are a failure.
Couldn't get a clean install on real hardware.
It took 4 different install mediums to install on a virtual machine. I like the idea of a system that small but goddamn, I'm not wasting 6 or 7 CD's to figure out which install medium isn't going to fuck up.
any distro who uses grub is shit tier
>not doing the chroot install
debian is a fine idea, but the GNU ecosystem is a shit
the devs incompetence isn't a warning sign for you?
Nice distro, Needs more software in repos.
Come on man, really?
look at the filename, or just do a simple reverse image search.
They are spanish
Does void have something like the AUR?
As long as it ain't Jews, it's fine by me.
hurr avoid linux XDDD
what is this trying to tell me?