Lets talk about this magical device Sup Forumsoyim
>32 bit RISC CPU @ 80MHz (or 160MHz)
>whole fucking 802.11 so that you can do cool shit
>10 bit ADC
>UART, I2C, I2S, SPI and 16 fucking GPIO
ESP32 bros welcome too
Post what you're working on
Lets talk about this magical device Sup Forumsoyim
>32 bit RISC CPU @ 80MHz (or 160MHz)
>whole fucking 802.11 so that you can do cool shit
>10 bit ADC
>UART, I2C, I2S, SPI and 16 fucking GPIO
ESP32 bros welcome too
Post what you're working on
Other urls found in this thread:
OK Let's discuss the fact this is as powerful as some old satellites.
/r/ing any non-temperature-monitor solutions here.
stop shilling..
Right after everyone on this board stops shilling GPUs, CPUs, headphones, smartphones and literally everything not even related to tech
Usung coputers isnt technology either.
Wanna talk technology?
Lets discuss the best coating for high speed titanium cutting tools.
You still have to coat titanium tools? Why make them out of titanium then? Also what tools are we talking about? I'm thinking of milling/lathe tools myself.
What's the difference between that and ESP8266?
Coat your face with a black man's jizz then.
it's a cheapduino that will do everything most people buy an arduino for
I like esp8266
how yo use
install gentoo
connected a relay with a transistor, it controls my christmas lights now; made a website to push the http request to light em on and off automatically.
$4 usd for each where i live
>connected a relay with a transistor
This is unironically the best use for an ESP, a wifi connected relay
This little chip is seriously magical for the price. Are there ANY downsides? How's the ESP32 compared to the 8266?
Nice work by some engineering here.
i can think of better shit to do with it, maybe you're too stupid?
>unironically the best use
Well that was worded weakly, let me rephrase that, "a huge majority of the uses for these chips is being used as a wifi relay"
>32 bit
Fucking dropped
Any part lists or code to share?
Wait what's running this webserver? Some pajeet-tier C codebase?
2n2222a transistor
1 channel 5v relay module
>wire like pic related
for the code, try the simple blink first, then move on to the server one. try with the arduino ide first, the examples are there.
You can get fancy and throw a diode in there to prevent spikes or whatever...
That relay seems to have a transistor already
next project
that esp-01 has the webserver code on it. files stored in esp-01 using spiffs.
that relay is for 5v and the esp output is 3v.
what's happening here is, we are feeding the relay 5v from somewhere else (battery or w.e), and we switch the access to ground from the esp with the help of the transistor with just 3v.
i have a few lying around
Nigga why don't you get a 3.3V relay in the first place. This is some shit you're pulling
Why do you use that pile of shit Arduino IDE instead of Sloeber?
>Hurr Durrr why not get a smart wall socket already
It's what I had, you stupid shit, buy me a 3v relay and I'll fucking hook it up directly...
atom also works surprisingly well with platformio.. atom is still shit but you know.. as a complete ide, debugger, programmer its ok
Yeah but you're telling people to hook it up like that. It's some pajeet tier advice.
current output from the gpio is too low to directly drive the 3v relay.
the guy asked for parts/code/circuit. I shared mine, you don't like it? Fine, share yours.
There's a transistor on these modules for exactly that reason.
Although both operate in the same frequency, this one has a custom protocol that can't be used to implement TCP/IP.
But this one can be used to implement a very like limited version of Bluetooth
yeah, if you pay an extra 5 cents you even get an isolation optocouple and configurable drive voltage and ground commoning jumpers
just these turbo niggers who just want the cheapest shit off ebay save the 5 cents and spend 10 cents on external trannies
>shilling your retard garbage
>didn't actually tell me WTF it is
You're not very good at this.
>didn't actually tell me WTF it is
essentially if you dont recognise it you probably dont have anything of value to contribute to the thread and should fuck right off m8
Nigga, you gay.
Sure thing, kiddo. Stay butthurt.
Hrm, doesn't that mean you're wiring high voltage leads yourself? Not sure how comfortable with that I am.
I feel like AFLFuzz would have a field day with this.
>10 cents on external trannies
Oh come on, any tranny going for ten cents will not be passable
They're both awesome.
>OK Let's discuss the fact this is as powerful as some old satellites.
But it lacks one of the things that made them extremely expensive even if made today.
They aren't hardened and cosmic radiation would fry that shit.
Cool little board tho, for 3 bucks it's way better than an arduino for making random shit in the house for fun.
Brainlet here, I kind of want into electronics though. Can someone explain what that relay shit does?
cuntsten tunglide
Good goy.
Triple the speed of the pentium
You can just buy a Sonoff for like a dollar more. It's literally an ESP8266 + a relay with a well thought-out PCB with big anti-tracking gaps in a nice/safe case.
Nothing because Sup Forums is full of fatass NEETs never trying to do aynthing useful with their time. Most people here cannot even code, so despite the crutch of an IDE a lot couldn't even make an LED flash without looking up an example.
What could this human bean possibly have to gain from shilling a 2bucks device?
Relay is a switch. Transistor acts as a switch. Voltage at the gate lets current flow; ground potential at the gate lets no current flow
they are for different currents and voltages
they switch at different speeds
one has high wear, the other less wear
should I go on?
wemos lolin32 or nodemcu-32s
also how would i send data to sql without the mysql connector library because that one's fucking shit
you realise that they have 3v relays right
Oh ok that makes a lot of sense
I want to make some smart plugs now
Can they send UDP packets?
jesus fucking christ the absolute state of Sup Forums
I want to detect beeps from a coffee machine, which indicates that it has finished
I searched around and found a few tutorials, some recommended using low/highpass filter(s), etc.
There's one module on the whole internet that already has all of this, it seems, but it's 5V (ESP being 3.3V, I know.. use a voltage regulator thing)
Does this have other names maybe? Couldn't find anything on Aliexpress that only reacts to certain frequencies, etc.
I hide a bunch in McDonald's and use them to flood their wifi remotely