Inb4 phoneposter

>inb4 phoneposter

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what is with slavs and techno

what if there are things in the list that I didnt download? only person on this network

wifi leechers probably
any time I get a new ip address I think I'll run it through this site before I decide to keep it

and photoshop

and ceehpeeeh

What if I don't have any wifi and the things show the same start and end times ?

Considering the seeding, not particularly surprising.

However the dates are all fucked, I downloaded some of this stuff 2+ years ago.

How is it techno when it literally says house in the title?

did you want to fuck the bunny back then, or now?

I actually haven't gotten around to watching the movie despite downloading it just after it came out AND being a furfag... it's just a fucking cartoon.

>click neighbouring IP addresses
i hate this town

I'm less concerned with the furfag shit as I am about the twilight shit desu

I'm curious about this, is the neighboring IP address your actual neighbors or within a particular vicinity of you?

I live with my family so I'm pretty sure someone requested it. I think I've seen a part of the first(?) movie, it was almost mediocre.

lul nothing on me. i don't torrent that often though.
my neighbors torrent windows 7 and some obscure movies


Only thing illiget things I'd ever torrent is extremely rare porn. Like 15th page of yahoo search rare, so I doubt I'd show up on something like this. What few other things I might pirate occasionally can be done through snail downloads.

I certainly do torrent, I guess just all the wrong files though. A lot of my surrounding IPs had media consumption linux distros, vlc core, and rick and morty. iq 420

All you guys with CP neighbors, where the fuck do you live, the police would be on you in like a day here in Canada.

Nothing listed.

They got nothing on me.

Are torrents from private trackers also listed?

oh shit check found me some cheese

If you consider an open-registration tracker a private one, then yes.

If it accepted a stupid frogposter, then it probably accepted NSA plants, too.


>tfw nothing

i just got this ISP about a month ago and i don't torrent anything. what do i win?

>torrenting in a post-DDL world

shiggy diggy my niggy

If you were wondering, clicking on it brings you to a page about cp laws. They certainly do not have access to it on their website, which is a relief.


what did he mean by this?

r a r e ip

these russians have nothing on me

depends how the isp assigns addresses. type in "where am i?" into google and see how close it is to where you live.

from one of the suggested/similar IPs

>last jedi 2008

You probably don't have a static IP, and someone else in the network has previously used it.

kek wtf, why is this on imdb?

Actually I do have a static IP.
It changed when I moved, but that's about two months ago now.

What it most likely is, is that certain trackers insert random IPs into peer lists as a way to obfuscate the data about who downloads what. Note that the start and end times are the same.

they are the same on every result desu, I don't think there is a way for their scraper to determine how long you've been downloading without actively checking

No they aren't. See: and a lot of other results.

all of the ones around me have the same start and end time. are trackers targeting me? when should I expect the partyv&?

Mines boring, just my wife downloading two episodes of Outlander. My one similar IP tho...

I found a guy who downloads tranny porn. You can click on the torrent and see who else is downloading the same thing, and then filter by country. I've found like 13 tranny downloaders in my country so far.

This website is fucking great.

Got nothing.

Not sure why you'd pirate photoshop when you've been able to get it legit for free for years now.

>Run this on my office IP.
>CP everywhere



>tfw nothing interesting on nearby ips either

Ive got nothing, nearby ip's have movies and brazzers

> static ip
> mobile / not wifi
> showing torrents, all things i wouldnt have downloaded otherwise

i think its bs?

I always pirate photoshop. I want the most expensive one, what ever that is

>cox communications

So the current theory is that bad actors insert random IPs into their swarms to throw the feds off the people who are actually downloading the cheese?

That's so scummy and dishonorable holy shit.

A lot of these I have downloaded (with a couple exceptions: 5 & 6) but it's missing a lot and I haven't downloaded AoT since S2 was airing. Although my torrent client might have cycled seeding it them recently.

I figured at least using the same exchange point in my town, maybe not though, they gotta cut the ip ranges off at some point right?

>street fighter 4
seems perfectly believable to me

>static IP
My fucking arse

Nothing came up. Good to know my proxy is working I guess. I downloaded the most recent season of Shameless like a day ago.

I tried connecting to my VPN and seeing what came up. Lots of fucking porn.

what happened here?

the feds only care if you're uploading/downloading the stuff in quantity

they don't have the resources to chase down every twisted fuck that downloaded a couple of movies

>tfw private tracker patrician

Turn off DHT, PEX, and LPD, and only use SSL trackers you retards

But you see arrests all the time on the news. They must be getting most of them.

um what the fuck this was an ip close to me

>close to me

wtf? my ip comes up with nothing and I torrent shit all the time, is it because I don't seed?

how the fuck are those torrents a thing? why does this exist? why are they tracking those torrents in the first place?

why would they not encrypt the torrents?

that website tracks seeding only

Nothing shows up now. A few days ago it was showing me a pack of metriod rule 34 I downloaded two months ago that shouldn't be copyrighted or in any kind of database.

ok m8. someone within my subnet. check .30 if you do not believe

Some of these I actually downloaded like 4 or 5 months ago and no longer have them in my torrent uploads, weird

there are millions of people downloading ceep in the US alone kek

delet this will bring the day of the rake closer for us

Wait seriously? I thought it was some kind of super niche thing only ultra paranoid creepos downloaded through Tor with Tails.

My opinion of humanity is dropping fast.

>day of the rake

There aren't millions downloading CP, idiot. Are you that gullible?

sad knowing they can be this dumb and insecure and the chance of any justice being done is tiny unless the law needs a fall guy

yes there are.
literally millions.
every subnet I check on that website I run into at least one

Thanks yify

Isn't it more likely to be

Not him but I only had to click a few neighbouring addresses to see someone downloading it.

You can't stop someone from knowing what torrents you download by there very nature. People are connecting to your ip adddress all their doing is spying on the swarm encryption won't help. I2p has a secure version of the bittorent protocol that hides your ip but it's slow is shit because your essential leeching and seeding for someone else and then delivering their packets over an unknown number of hosts.

not when they have actual tracked time/activity like

desu that's not downloading, this website reflects people seeding

Well now I just feel bad about the world.
Dammit Sup Forums why do people have to be so awful.

hilariously I took a small sample of US hosts and India hosts seeding normie porn and checked their neighbors, 60% of the time US neighbors were seeding pizza vs nearly none in India

>check neighboring IP address
>Marsha 3YO ped0 hussyfan.avi

Jesus Christ dude.

ITT: We discover all our neighbors are pedophiles ;_;

No John, you are the pedophiles.

All I did was click on a few different addresses and I ended up with this. This is absolutely fucked.

Nyoro~n. :3c

Yes, there is no secret pedo club.
Dumb would be normalfags download CP and then get caught with it.
Fuck some of them even have children which in the worst case scenario will end up in the next production.

really makes you think

I wonder if they would email the list if you just asked. all russians have their price

>Do this
>It says I'm in a town two towns over
>ISP for once is looking out for me

if johnny law comes looking for you, your ISP will rat your subscriber address out

I'm looking all over telus communications in Canada and I see nothing untoward. I'm thinking this might be a bug you guys are seeing.

Johnny Law? As in the cops are some random nigger that wants to kill me?

just might be desu
