Hi fags, should I install gentoo or arch on my spare notebook during christmas? I mainly use it as homeserver.
Picture is not related, its only to get your attention.
Hi fags, should I install gentoo or arch on my spare notebook during christmas? I mainly use it as homeserver.
Picture is not related, its only to get your attention.
Debian or Ubantu if you're actually using it as a home server.
Gentoo if your real aim is to learn more about Linux.
Arch if your real aim is to learn more about Linux but you have a severe learning disability.
>the clickbait thumbnail cancer has now infected Sup Forums
>that bulge
is this a boy or a girl??????
That bulgeis instresting
Windows 7
If you're using it as a homeserver, use whatever makes running the services you use the easiest. Really any distro goes. If the choice is between gentoo and arch, use arch, get packer and enjoy the AUR.
Also gentoo won't teach you more about linux than arch, you'll just read a more detailed wiki. If you know how a compiler works (not just what it is) it's not hard to install. Neither is arch. Both weren't designed to make user go 'hurr me is so smart' so stop talking about it. Just not relevant. Figure out what you need and want in a distro and be done with it.
Generally, if you want something to do for the sake of learning something new, write a couple of useful bash-skripts. If you want to do something that is difficult, pick a language of your choice and do a coding challenge. Just don't waste your time.
Also you have shitty taste in girls, kys op.
Install LFS, these fags are only posers who says that
>Gentoo and arch will teach you how linux works!
Linux from scratch or stfu!
9/10 times I browse Sup Forums I end up jacking off.
If you want our attention you just need to post a kukuri.
Not a disgusting 3d shit.
DragonFly BSD
Its a pubic mound you virgin
>Gentoo won't teach you more than Arch
You and your IQ must be at least 18 to post here, user.
pls tell me she's not older than 15
Bad genetics tbqh. Well below average face, not even going to start on the body. This is supposed to be some teenager in her prime and she looks like she's a step away from being a two-dollar crackwhore. Combining vanity with bad genetics is a terrible idea. She should install Gentoo and become a neckbeard instead of trying to be a pretty selfie girl which she will never ever be.
Installing Gentoo only teaches you about installing Gentoo. And, it's not hard, it's time consuming.
I'd just like to interject for a moment
Keep telling yourself that, kid.
Enjoy your worst of both worlds Arch Linux.
gentoo has no systemd so it wins by default
mons veneris ̇͜>̇
I didnt want to confuse him with Latin
She is alright. I'd hit it.