What can we do as a community to purge the Linux world of the Gnome cancer? Why do most distros still use it as the default? Why did Ubuntu pick Gnome of all things as the replacement for Unity? How can we change this and steer things towards a better future?
Fuck Gnome
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Make your own.
Contribute to Budgie Qt
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Daily reminder that Gnome, GTK, and Red Hat are destroying Linux. Red Hat probably works with the NSA too.
Daily reminder that the kernel Linux works fine without Gnome or GTK.
>14 (fourteen (XIV)) years have passed
>this is STILL open
gnome has peaked at version 2.30
Luckily, we now have the choice between Cinnamon and MATE.
But those both run on GTK (Gnome Toolkit).
Just install i3 or sway.
Make something better. So far nobody has, Ubuntu tried and failed and has acknowledged that.
But Unity is way better than GNOME.
I'll keep using GNOME until I can get my phone's notifications on my desktop without pulling a shit-ton of KDE dependencies.
A lot of distros use it as default because KDE has always been based on QT and the QT license used to be kinda closed. Ubuntu picked Gnome to replace Unity because they used Gnome before they used Unity and they didn't want to spend money developing Unity anymore. You can write programs that don't target gnome and you can refuse to use gnome.
An abandoned warehouse in San Francisco, kitted up as for a rave, electronica playing at 15db louder than "my ears are bleeding and I'm developing an aneurism" volumes and the windows all painted over black so that the strobe and spotlights and lasers can be seen better. Computers, mainly made of whatever stuff has been exchanged for crack or scavenged from dumpsters behind dot-bombs, are scattered around on whatever furniture is available, which also consists of whatever stuff has been exchanged for crack or scavenged from dumpsters behind dot-bombs. There's no break area, but you may be able to bum a beer (or more likely something harder) off of one of the developers hanging around, and they will probably be too jacked up on X, coke, acid, heroin, ether or all of the above to notice that you've taken anything.
Development strategies are generally determined by whatever light show happens to be going on at the moment, when one of the developers will leap up and scream "I WANT IT TO LOOK JUST LIKE THAT" and then straight-arm his laptop against the wall in an hallucinogenic frenzy before vomiting copiously, passing out and falling face-down in the middle of the dance floor. There's no whiteboard, so developers diagram things out in the puddles of spilt beer, urine and vomit on the floor.
At the end of the day - whenever that is since an equal number of programmers will be passed out at any given time - or really whenever someone happens to think of it (which is rarely), someone might type "make" on some machine somewhere, with mixed results. Generally nothing happens, so he/she shrugs his/her shoulders and wanders off to look for someone who might have more pink/black-striped pills. Once in a great while, generally in the unpleasant time between the come-down from the last thing they took and before whatever it was they took just now comes on fully, someone will tar up a bunch of random files and post it on a website someplace it as the next GNOME release, usually with a reference to some kind of monkey.
GNOME developers rarely live past 25 and prefer "alternative" art - generally stuff made of feces that's "too edgy" for most people to "understand" or "like." Core GNOME developers are heavy Ketamine users. The bodies of GNOME developers can often be found in dumpsters or floating face-down in any sufficiently large body of water.
What's wrong with GNOME? Seems better than KDE
Gnome is a terrible user experience, you can't even minimize windows by default. Also the devs hate it when people try to do things differently then them, see You should try more than just Gnome and KDE, there are other desktops like XFCE, LXDE and LXQT that are worth trying.
>billion dollar per quarter company
>covertly owns 90% of modern desktop Linux, could go propritary like Apple overnight if desired
>tests out NSA developed SELINIX on no-cost offerings
>PROBABLY works for the NSA
LXDE is a meme and it's garbage, just putting that out there.
KDE is buggy and prone to crash. It's been nearly a decade that I read people saying this last iteration of KDE is finally stable but it never delivers. It's a shame because it's also packed with features. Another big minus is how clunky everything is.
Yeah, that's quite retarded, I can't believe that was their response to the issue, I actually had that issue about lack of status icons, I ended up installing an extension to make them work. It is not optimal, but I think it's still better than using KDE, it is not a dealbreaker for me.
Maybe I should change to other DE/WM? I love GNOME because of its simple, yet complete functionality, I haven't seen other good DEs with a dashboard and integrated file/application search. Any recommendations? I don't like KDE
You should try XFCE with the whiskermenu. It doesn't do file search by default, but you might be able to set it up to do it.
Thanks, that will be enough, I guess, I actually have XFCE on a T60 and it works quite well, I felt like XFCE was a waste on my newer machines because it is stripped down from all the eyecandy in comparison to GNOME. I loved Enlightenment 16 back in the old days, but it looks dated nowadays, and E19+ is too buggy to use.
The way I see is that I like the way XFCE looks and works and it's a bonus that it leaves more resources to the stuff I'm actually doing on my computer, I really don't get the obsession with DE's using shit tons of resouces for flashy animations. It really is too bad that enlightenment went to shit, I've tried it a couple times and it's always a buggy mess.
wtf I hate gnome now.
A good DE should provide some animations/eyecandy without taxing the system too much, or at least leave it up to the user to configure, that was the reason I enjoyed enlightenment so much, it had a lot of eyecandy and it wasn't heavy resource-wise, even on older systems.
The eyecandy is mostly a gimmick but it makes the system a bit more pleasant to use, in my case I think some extra system load is acceptable in exchange for that.
I prefer my DE's eye candy free, but to each their own. Also you can do some eye candy with XFCE, you can edit window transparency for different events like moving windows and what not.
Y'all should try XFCE, it's the best desktop there is imo
I remember using kwin on xfce but eventually figured that was kind of a waste of space.
>Why did Ubuntu pick Gnome of all things as the replacement for Unity?
I actually thought this might have been a good idea until I downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu and saw how awful it was. I remember back when Unity just came out how hard Ubuntu apologists were coping, I can't even imagine what they'll have to go through now.
Xfce and Cinnamon are my personal picks. I realize the latter of those two is a GNOME fork, but after trying it for some time I'd say it's fairly usable, though Xfce is still better for customization.
It would be interesting to see the major DEs take some influence from i3. Maybe default to floating with a tiling option and keep the binds that let you move between windows and rearrange windows all with the keyboard. That was normies who want a very bloated environment can still benefit from advanced window mangement, the way Windows 7 showed people that you can work with two windows next to each other instead of maximizing everything or sloppily managing window sizes yourself.
KDE just werks for me.
>so I use XFCE (I love its GTK+ thingy)
All of the qt desktops are ugly as fuck and buggy as fuck. I personally think XFCE should fork gtk+2 and maintain an actual stable version of gtk but if they could make a good looking qt spin I wouldn't mind.
No, Richard, it's "Linux". Everyone knows it.
Unity is horrible.
> "Waaaa!"
If you only use "Linux" to refer to the kernel, you can avoid many confusions, such as people trying to differentiate between GNU/Linux on the desktop, and things like Android. "They're both Linux, but not really, this is real Linux... You know what I mean, right?" If you ever have to think "You know what I mean?", you're phrasing things poorly, FYI. It's better to be very clear, whether you agree with the philosophy of the FSF or not.
Similarly, there are times where you might get your idea across better by phrasing things in a way you wouldn't normally, like using 24 hour time for anything past noon, but specifying "AM" for anything before noon because not everyone uses 24 hour time and will understand what you mean by "7".
Those bitches Transmission devs do need a lesson. When they introduce shit changes they respond in the same manner.
I'm so happy that you ex-Windows retrograde fags are bummed by this.
There is literally nothing wrong with GNOME. Use it if you like it and don't if you don't.
oh yeah because that's exactly what Linux need, another nerd making a half-assed environment that will never see enough development.
the true cancer of linux is that it took diversity to the other extreme.
I thought that I was stuck forever with LXDE because of the low-power hardware of my netbook, but it's only after I'd tried Xfce on the same hardware I realized how shit and disabled LXDE is.
Yes xfce is a great 'tradeoff'. The only problem I have with it is compositing and the general gtk problems.
If you don't know how to select or change DEs you have no business running Linux.
You don't even NEED a fucking DE to use Linux you stupid porch primate.
Sources proving Red Hat MAYBE works with the NSA?
You can ignore the diversity and set up what works for your personal use case. If too hard, fuck off and buy Applel. Problem solved.
>make something better
You niggas do realize better desktops already exist, right? Xfce, to name one.
I'm laughing too. Nibbers can't set up the most versatile OS in history yet they cry like bitches.
If you switch distros for the DE, KYS.
>using a de
t. can't think for myself
you are a moron; the very fact every random moron like you can setup a unique environment makes it diverse to the extreme.
There goes another
> durr tiling WM and terminal