2018 will be the year of the linux deskt-
2018 will be the year of the linux deskt-
>Current state of Java
how does linux struggle with the most basic shit smdh
Please remind me why are the keyboard settings stored in the DISPLAY SERVER config.
Get a proper keyboard.
who the fuck uses capslock
I mentioned this ~3 times in different threads over the past week, it's fucking stupid that this is still happening in 2018 and I'm glad people are seeing how shit Linux really is. It's not a viable desktop OS if you are doing anything but trivial tasks, aside from using caps lock.
Only place worse than the ubuntu forums is Sup Forums
What kind of shitty keyboard are you using? Caps lock is defined at the hardware level for anything decent.
I use OS X but still who the fuck uses capslock
Seems to work in my machine.
You should use a trip so my filter can know what else you mentioned.
Just werks on my chinkshit keyboard
>he doesn't use caps lock
The absolute state win lincucks
Capslock is not for capitalizing words, reatrded cuck.
>something basic doesn't work
>b-but who uses that?
>Ubuntu corrupts bios
>b-but who uses tha..oh wait.
Most people around here who shill linux don't actually use their computer for anything other than shitposting, viewing anime/porn, and some gaming. Quite literally, manchildren. Of course they can't possibly comprehend that others don't want to change their entire workflow, buy new speakers/printers/accessories, or spend hours hotfixing something just to get it to work on Linux.
>people actually use capslock to capitalize letters
what the flying fuck
Because X is retarded
Wayland doesn't do this, afaik
>the year this finally gets fixed
>Something simple doesn't work
>Learn to do this instead
Hahaha kekkzzzz
Werks on my machine
It's 2017 and windows still doesn't support Alt+Mouse key to resize and move windows around despite le linsucks having it for the quarter of the century.
The difference is that alt+mouse key for window management is a genuinely useful fucking feature that saves time and improves workflow unlike using capslock to capitalize letter like some fucking drooling amoeba.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
It was fixed a year ago
user, Linux isn't programmed in Java.
nigger the whole point of linux is to minimize mouse movement
>25 Posts, 15 IP
Not really. Gnome3' HIG was created with human ergonomics in mind (so far the only desktop environment in history to do it, hence why it's so unorthodox) and it puts heavy emphasize on utilizing both mouse and keyboard
I have literally never missed that in Windows. I don't think I've ever used it on Linux either. You're grasping, hard.
pls show me the firefox file picker with thumbnails in ubuntu.
tfw you can't
I've been using CapsLock to capitalize my whole life and I feel like a fucking retard for doing that because I know it's slower than just shifting. How do I get un-used to this? :((
>It's 2017 and windows still doesn't support Alt+Mouse key to resize and move windows around
>has to bring up something he NEVER uses to attempt to shit on windows
winkey + arrow keys move it around and resize just fine
i thought a linuxfag like yourself would prefer to use the keyboard exclusively. :)
Do normies really want to use complex shortcuts to resize windows? No. They use the mouse.
Normies probably don't even know holding shift capitalizes letters, they see "capslock" and use that.
It just so happens the latter is fucked on Linux. Unless Linux can cater to normies, it will go nowhere.
$3 has been deposited in your MS account Rajeesh.
lol that's not thumbnail preview. it looks like this (openSUSE has a specially customized firefox where it actually works)
More accurately
>Something simple doesn't work, please don't suggest to learn something else instead
>learn something else instead
>I have literally never missed that in Windows. I don't think I've ever used it on Linux either.
Oh so it's okay when windows does it.
fuck off
>It just so happens the latter is fucked on Linux.
it's not fucked. It's not even a bug. It's literally up to spec and consistent with every other keyboard *lock key (numlock, scrollock etc).
Capslock ON triggers on key press. But Capslock OFF triggers on key release. Same for the rest.
Alt+Mouse? The fuck? I have the superior Super key+arrow keys thank you very much. But 1 out of 1 million people have probably tried resizing ith this method. Nobody is missing out
Seriously what the fuck is the point of caps lock?
Actually, this affects JAVA Swing applications.
Capslock? The fuck?
I have the superior Shift keys thank you very much.
But 1 out of 1 million dumb people probably tried capitalizing ith this method. Nobody is missing out.
>it's okay when windows does it
Damn and I thought windows users were autistic but here you are sperging out over the fact someone highlighted a bug within linux.
Even better question, what's the point of scroll lock.
Wait. Windows doesn't have universal shortcuts snap to corners?
switching keyboard layout you stupid fucking brainlet neet
It's kind of funny that I'm the one accused of spergout when you're the one incapable of reading 8 lines of text before replying in an "impotent rage". It's not a bug.
>year of the Linux desktop
>not a desktop OS
what did he mean by this?
I never said anything about this Linux bug you absolute moron. Stop projecting this hard
Windows despite being the OS leading in popularity since it's inception doesn't have a lot of features that are common on other operating systems. It took them 20 decades to implement a very barebones and frankly unusable version of workspaces.
>Caps lock isn't instantaneous
>It's a feature
Huh, childish and autistic. Who could have expected this from the LIDF?
>Literally doesn't work on only linux
why the fuck you need a dedicated hardware key for that
>functional caps lock key is a feature in linux
This place is borderline uninhabitable. CSS barely loads, everyone is a mouth breathing subhuman ranting about how much work they have to do but only ever post facebook frogs and talk about video game equipment. Worst of all I still come here even though I hate you all.
Stuff like this makes me think the file manager should be the file picker. I think a file manager would be a much better file picker than most dedicated file pickers.
It's behaviour is consistent with every other lock key on the system.
>needs key for convenience
>why the fuck would you need to use one single key why not go through 3 GUIs???
And I thought Lincucks believed in convenience
For bilingual people.
>being able to snap is a feature in windows
>Thread about Linux
>Video game equipment
What did he mean by this?
cool, do you usually get this emotional when people are pointing out your OS of choice has issues?
>OP posts something from 2015
>thread gets max replies from winbabies justifying their microshaft sodomy
>burgerland is the only place on earth
end yourself mongrel
In Windows file picker is a full file manager.
Using a superior sub-30% keyboard unlike full-size Linux cucks
Nice argument.
It's not a delay. Capslock, Numlock, Scrollock keys toggle off on key release.
A decade is 10 years.
Windows have not existed for 200 years.
>several year old forum post with less than five replies
>huge linux issue
>A decade is 10 years.
And a typo is usually unintentional.
it's not functional in 2017, it's unreal how far you neckbeards will go to defend this
This hasn't been fixed in over a decade.
Just because you don't find this useful it doesn't mean other people don't. Alt+left mouse to drag windows around is a much more important feature to me than a potential 0.3s capslock delay which may or may not affect the current word I'm typing.
I can easily cycle through the various keycaps I have set up with ctrl+space, why the fuck use capslock.
Ctrl must be reinstated to its proper position on the keyboard fuck the usurper capslock
It is like that in KDE too.
Gnome is just a retarded interface.
The ideal setup would be to standardize the ABI of the file dialog and then have every application point to a single shared object.
Damn, rare user case of input lag, time to upgrade to windows 10. Thanks Anonymous cuckold.
>literally broken OS
>just use this workaround :^)
>This hasn't been fixed in over a decade.
Because it's not a bug.
It's not a delay. Capslock toggle triggers off on key release. It's like complaining that your shift makes a capital letter when you still hold it pressed.
Test Test Test Test Test Test
Can't seem to reproduce it.
Then again, I never used caps lock up until this point, my finger isn't probably fast enough to spot the latency.
>Linux caps lock issue
>Shall will fix it?
>Nah fuck it just get remove it from the physical keyboard
It's not input lag. Look at the capslock LED on your keyboard. Press it and hold it. the LED turns on on key press.
Now release it and press again. It doesn't turn off. It will turn off when you RELEASE the key.
Is this a DESIGANTED raid or what?
Indians are the most pathetic beings.
workz on my machine *insert carat nosed smiley*
Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation.
So what are you bitching about, OP?
This is really one of those things so fucking pointless you'd only see it on Sup Forums, and it would come paired with a dozen people foaming at the mouth over it, eager to spread everything but christmas joy.
Are you saying you tried to press 2 and your fat finger also hit 0 so you spelled 20 accidentally or are you saying you meant to spell years and got confused and wrote decades instead?
Or are you saying your ADD took over mid sentence?
I'd rather have it like in Android, where you can actually pick the file picker.
Don't forget that Sup Forums was always full of geniuses that do
>video editing
>heavy videogame
>entire adobe suite
>heavy CAD work
>processing scientific data in a very obscure way
all at the same time. It doesn't surprise me that such a bunch of technologically well versed people refuses to acknowledge any other way of inputting capitalized letter in any other way BUT the glorious CapsLock.
>it's not a bug
So it's purposely made to fuck with people who don't use shift to capitalize a letter? That's retarded.
Not an argument rahjesh. I'm sorry Amazon stopped selling you guys self circumcision kits.
Imagine being this much of a socially retarded specimen you get buttblasted over a typo enough to make two entirely separate posts about it. Holy fuck.
Hmmm, what do you call all these posts defending an error?
Seems to be a severe case of "it's a raid if it's criticism against something I like".
Stay in your containment thread >>>/fgt/
Any technical discussion here is of 3 posts maximum.
I don't get what the argument is about.
Is this you?
I don't think it was done intentionally. Xorg despite the shitshow that it is (and was) since the 80s in various forms was written by people who probably knew how to type.
And >inb4 muh handicapped people using capslock. The capslock works.
But it doesn't accommodate people who at the same time
>have shitty typing habit
>despite having shitty typing habit are quick enough
>while at the same time are sloppy enough to not raise their finger from the capslock before putting a character they don't want capitalized
For the problem to occur all of these things have to be true. If these people learned to type with Shift they would have exactly the same fucking problem since Shift works for as long as you have the finger on the key.
>an error?
Could you point out where that error occurs?
>mfw I get this all the time at work and thought it was my KVM being shit
Ya, linux is a piece of shit.