Enter website

>enter website
>autoplaying video with loud audio
>leave website

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, what a great blog. Where can I sign up to get email notifications of such insightful tech info?

Auto play videos are the scourge of the internet.
>If I want it to play, I will play it

Who hurt you

That's my website. Fuck you.

OPs shitty thread with, unsurprisingly, a frog picture

>enter website
>autoplay video
>rightclick tab and mute it

>See a thread I don't like
>Instead of ignoring it I'll be a petulant little child and keep bumping it because everybody has to know that my autism is flaring up

>implying bumping

>implying my replies to your shitposts aren't bumping

>implying lings cars isn't the best website ever designed

I chang. I make web page video play automatic for you. nice and loud and loud so you hear it good.my mom tell me to. she almost deaf. she like loud video.

>this mad someone doesn't like your shit thread

>throws a temper tantrum because he doesn't like a thread and calls anybody mad
might be a better fit for you

>click on website
>ad pops up asking me to disable ad blocker
>ad blocker extension automatically detects ad blocker popup and closes it
>website predicts having adblocker extension installed and instantly reopens popup
>screen starts flickering rapidly

This happened 10 years ago, it still happens now?

>enter website
>it's literal datamine
>i'm posting on the website right now

>he doesn't have a adblock-detector detector detector detector

>enter website
>fishy domains mine data
>realize I'm still here

>enter website
>autoplaying video with loud audio
>blacklist website

inb4 sour grapes

>enter website
>anonymous posters complain that legacy captcha is going to be completely replaced with the new captcha system
>they say that they'll be part of the botnet
>they are too stupid to realize legacy captcha is also part of said botnet
>leave website

>enter website
>encounter threads with frogposters
>leave website
I fucking hate you guys

>>this entire thread
hiroshima once against cast his pearls before swine, you sadbois still won't fucking use noscript
i weep for you

>there was a point in time when popups and autoplaying videos were only found on porn sites and such

Nice thumbnail, may I save it?

>be living in the middle of nowhere
>paying $10/GB of 4G data as that's the only internet available
>page autoloads/autoplays 30mb HD video in side bar
>go bankrupt

>js disabled
>autoplay disabled
>enter any website

>select all squares with X
>image is just a close up of X and you have to select over half the squares


>game launchs internet explorer in the backround
>it attempts to set itself as main browser