Post Net Neutrality Doomsday Prep GENERAL - /pnndpg/

Anons how should i prepare for when the net neutrality repeal finally goes into effect?? should i download all my music, games, porn, movies, anime, manga, books, and consolidate them on a file server at home? am i going to be able to access the sites i do? or would i have to use netflix or spotify and botnet jew shit to access any media.

also how is it going to affect me if i use a VPN. are they gonna be able to see my packets then

and what about tor

am i gonna be able to access "muh" private trackers, use bittorrent and get "muh" warez n sheeit. if not through bitttorrent then somehow else

WOT ABOUT ACCESSING Sup Forums and other forums.

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont unnastan' any if this shit!!

If you use torn or a VPN you deserve to be spied on. You don't need that shit for video games or movies,

yeah but i do need it for whacking it to anime porn of futanaris YOU FUCKING FRUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I need it to avoid copyright letters while illegally torrenting hit hollywood flicks such as Justice League, Star Wars The Force Awaken, Star Wars The Last Jedi, and other movies as well.

Stop typing like a faggot.

you ok?

Jesus reddit is really brainwashed about NN. As time goes on their bullshit is going to become clear for all to see.

World isn't going to end, you just end up having to pay more for internet because the jews won.

>Jesus reddit is really brainwashed about NN. As time goes on their bullshit is going to become clear for all to see.
Comcast, Cox, and Frontier have already announced plans to raise their internet access rates in 2018. Obviously doomsday internet TV isn't real, but just because it's not that extreme doesn't mean its not worse than it was before a shit pie. Are you actually this stupid?

Meanwhile Charter released their gigabit lines and gave people on their 100mbit plan a free upgrade to 200mbit.

> doesn't mean its not worse than it was before a shit pie
A) B) Nothing about Title II repeal means they somehow gained the ability to raise their prices. They would have done it anyways.

the one time I tried switching to charter, they sent some nigger to hook things up
he showed up 2 hours late, didn't bring any tools, then blamed charter for not giving him any tools before leaving and not trying to reschedule
apparently he was some sort of subcontractor
fuck niggers

No, they're just going to hold out until the next doomsday announcement and believe that just as hard.

>wanting the internet to be regulated as a public utility makes you a SHEEP
oh just kill yourself

Because they could have done that a week ago. What.

data hoard thread?

>actually being this dumb and using reddit as an excuse for blindly following Sup Forums trends
Not my point retard. If the whole point of removing net neutrality on the consumer end was because things would be cheaper thanks to INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT, why the fuck are prices immediately going up. ISPs will be getting a lot more money from content providers, so why is everything going up for consumers?
Because their job is to make money and people like you are actually stupid.

>this is the average net neutrality supporter
hmmmm really makes you think

Son, it's time to buy all the hard drives you can afford and HOARD!

I have a whole bunch of games on steam. I'm trying to find out if there's a workaround to disabling the steam API. I know I can simply go offline, but I want my software to not even require steam.

If only GOG had a larger library.

You literally can't 'just go offline' with steam. You're stuck with their DRM for forever, or til they go out of business at which point your games are gone.

>infrastructure investment
You can't magically install heaps of fiber overnight. I would prefer municipal systems to what we have now, but come on.

>B) Nothing about Title II repeal means they somehow gained the ability to raise their prices. They would have done it anyways.

>Let's see if consumers will yell and scream if we shove this pole up their ass. What? Some of them actually liked it? Keep shoving it in then!

Soon we'll all have 10 foot poles up our assholes.
I hope you're a shill, because I don't want to believe that faggots like you exist that actually _like it_.

>wanting the internet to be regulated
stopped reading right there. Are you a marxist? Why would you want to give Gov any power over the internet? If the major ISPs turn out to be dicks then smaller alternatives will pop up that Sup Forums should back. That's the way a free market should run

the government built the internet, you and your stupid Sup Forums fed ideas are absolute cancer

Go used bookstore dumdum.

Find cracks for the games?


>YOU FUCKING FRUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do you write like a 13 year old

wat gaem is? pls?

>implying we don't have everyone taped in the 80s and 90s begging for the government to never ever touch the internet
