Not an apple shill but wtf Sup Forumsuys this cute latina girl from school just posted this
Not an apple shill but wtf Sup Forumsuys this cute latina girl from school just posted this
Better get an iphone if you want to fuck a basic bitch senpai.
Enjoy your tacos
yeah I mean she is pretty basic and I never talk to her/have no classes with her so I don't think I had a chance in the first place
It's ironic because I feel the same about iphone users. It's a badge of shame, a welfare catilaack and a sign of blind fanboyism all in one. No amount of irrational social status bullshit will change this or my opinion. If that's the only argument they have, great. Not like I can hear them while listening to stuff with my headphones through my headphone jack.
r u 12?
Android users don’t get that real life isn’t Sup Forums or GSMarena.
People don’t want to associate with poorfags who’s selfies look like a World War Two documentary.
And you care...why?
fuck her and tell her that iphone is only used by dumb cunts
cuck detected
shill detected, have you sued apple for throttling iphone yet?
The stink of low intelligence is so bad we'd rather leave you to your own devices, but nobody is rude enough to tell you that IRL so it's simpler to let you have your way while you splash around in the mud.
she's too poor for sms charges
t. Andreet
>low intelligence
t. Android deveLOOper
t. Apple debt monkey
Piss off you stupid motherfucking shill.
my phone costs $60 and does everything I need perfectly :^)
lol what kind of degenerate you need to be to care about this shit?
What kind of country doesn’t have unlimited SMS included in plans?
Are you from some poorfag country?
>not reporting troll threads
You should all be put in Chinese forced labor camps
Smelly dumb andpoor scum.
it's costs me the same amount of money to either;
- ssh into my server and do whatever for an hour
- send one sms
>they post about mobile phones on a board about technology
Sup Forums - consumerism
lol, I have better ways of spending money than buying some fancy toy that's far from being a computer and costs $1000
yes we know you need your neetbux to pay rent to your mommy and for tendies.
>More likely to have a graduate degree
Appeal to authority. A college degree doesn't show intelligence. See: gender studies.
>More likely to be older women
It's confirmed. Older women are fucking retarded.
>More likely to be introverted
Which means they're fucking retarded.
>More likely to spend money
To overcome their sensitivities and try to look richer than they actually are.
>More likely to make $200k
By taking out loans
>More likely to have visited 5 countries
Basic bitch detected.
Lmao all your shill tactics have failed, faggot.
Well op, I CAN help you here but I will need more pics. I need to know how much spic we're talking here.
what kind of idiot fights about a phone
dont you guys have bigger stuff to worry about
>Appeal to authority. A college degree doesn't show intelligence. See: gender studies.
Said the brainless androne who said:
>Which means they're fucking retarded.
When the 12% more introverted is on the android side.
so you just called android users retarded! Thanks :)
Not a troll thread desu just happened to see this on Instagram and thought Sup Forums would like to see it.
even that would be better than working as apple shill :^)
I have an iphone 5s, never bothered "updating" because it's as fast as I need it to be and I don't see any practical advantages with the new models over my current one.
lately I have decided I want to upgrade
though, stumbling into threads like these and seeing some of the pro-iphone posts here gives me a creeping feeling it's some kind of marketing effort by apple due to the somewhat inhuman and irrational childish proxysms I see in the majority of the pro iphone posts which come off as stealth marketing
this together with the fact there's a class action lawsuit going on where apple is accused of fucking with my phone's speed makes me feel stupid for having ever been involved with their products.
I will be purchasing an android in the future, apple products are out of the question
not really surprised, poor people don't really have unlimited messages so they rely on iMessage not eating it up
t. Poogle Shill
>gives me a creeping feeling it's some kind of marketing effort by apple
yes, this place is full of shills
You must live in some pajeet country.
You can get unlimited texts and called for $12
>retarded spic acts like a retard
dude pretty much any monthly plan includes unlimited talk+text now, everything relevant is differentiated through data (at least in the states)
i wouldn't mind being paid by google for getting people to stop using apple cucktech
on my iphone it's very annoying and offensive that I'm not allowed to run any kind of browser extensions in order to load user scripts I make while I can do that on android
in order to execute any javascript in pages dom I have to use shitty hacks like making a bookmark and then replacing the link with a javascript evaluation which appends a remote javascript file to DOM
I don't have to do stupid shit like this on android
this is just one of many things apple does in anticipation that its user base is exclusively composed of fuckheads who do not know any better because after all, they were stupid enough to purchase their product
really makes you think
Nobody cares about your blog, faggot. Take that shit back to livejournal.
this is the logical answer OP
Obviously people do since there's a lot of replies
No thx I think that would be illegal
Also my phones at 1% so I won't be able to reply anymore and I'm going to bed bye guys
now this is autism
>>not fucking her and making her scream droid is superior
lmao @ your life
Sort of this, most people who have iPhones didn't set out to buy them, they are mostly gifts to teenagers from their parents. The marketing turns them elitist.
If a major factor of your choice of phone is whether or not you can score shallow pathetic chicks then you're not old enough to own a phone.
How the fuck would it be illegal to post pics? Are you retarded? You know what, don't even answer that; you're a spic so it's obvious you are
>wanting to fuck lat*inas
Abosolutely disgusting. Women like jynx maze comprise .0001% of the latina pool. Your standard chick is ugly, very dumb and even worse behaving,
they're actually pretty hot, obviously not all of them but a big enough percentage. that said it doesn't make up for how fucking dumb they are, and i mean dumber than usually when it comes to women
Ah I think I figured it out.
Pretty sure it's high school underage b& retards who think this
It's likely that these kids' parents buy them cheap phones (likely android) so that way they can contact them and stuff
Since people of that age are retards, they therefore associate android with those phones and kids who were unable or too poor to beg their parents for an iphone
The retarded fucks are probably too stupid to realize that there is a higher end market for android, too; plus flagship tier phones that are more sophisticated than the disposable $50 phones, but also significantly cheaper than the flagships
tldr: applel shills are underage, its a shame neo/g/ has become this cancerous
not a human, just ignore it
Not that I support racemixing and such, but I think OP specifically said she was cute, so if we take him at his word I don't think your post is really relevant, unless you're just saying that his kids are likely to be less attractive than his wife.
Do not interact with her. She might have brain damage.
post iphone+timestamp