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everyone please do this
hiroshima is a fucking scumbag

tbfh you need to try and keep this on one coordinated thread, not create multiple even though this is important. it just dilutes what you're trying to achieve.
anyway that's my final bump good luck

> brainlets who have no idea about internet security, on a fucking TECHNOLOGY board of all places, REEEEEEEEEEing the fuck out and leaving in droves
> This is a bad thing

Glorious round of chemo Gook Moot, it's like Sup Forumsday all over again. Fuck off and find somewhere else to shitpost about apple you useless cunts.

>pol gets flagged as malware
Imagine the butthurt

Fuck off Hiroyuki.

glad you noticed, thought i would kill 2 turds with 1 flush

Reported it


aaaand done, also free bump



Good thread



What you guys think of my British impersonation?

American one too.

This will most likely drive the normalfags out, great idea OP.

based nukes.
2 was not enough


the scripts are gone


2 years of Sup Forums Pass has been added to your Sup Forums account.

t. Hiroyuki Nagashima

You should go back to Sup Forums.


I didn't take a screenshot, but I sent my report as well.

Fucking shifty zipperhead admin.

bump for justice.
moot pls come bakc

Hello silly goose im christopher "moofter" poole, the cock sucker you called
Unfortu ately i have a beter job phoneposting and selling your xata to googke so i cant come back but you can come inside my boipucy if u want ;)

fuck him

Because uBlock is blocking it you retard.

I wouldn't doubt this is moot, judging how faggy this post is written.

He told you to your dumb cunt faces
>We had tried to keep Sup Forums as is.
>But I failed. I am sincerely sorry.
>Sup Forums have three options.
>-Much more ads pop-up / pop under ads malicious ads

>tfw realize evil gook Hiro is actually hero

boards.Sup Forums.org dorks

Does the change actually affect your browser or download any malware? It's been a few days and I'm tired of just using Clover and mobile data.

No, he is a faggot who is out to make money out of this shithole.

I must missed something. Whats the deal? What happened? I didnt notice anything, probably due to having all ads blocked on browser.

Why not simply report the sites he's pulling the crapware from?

Finally an incentive to leave this garbage site.

And go where?

Could somebody explain to me what the hell is going on and why people are panicking?


Excuse me, what site is trying to load them without your explicit permission?


I hope they revoke Sup Forums's captcha api keys

Oh thats great, everyone "knows" the secret and refuse to explain why everyone is shitting their pants for some reason.

Why the hell Im supposed to report the site? What Hiro did? Or its another meme "for those who KNOWS *wink wink*"?

Which pissfilter app are you using?



I did and didnt find anything execpt of screams and panic, no explanations. It sounds like you dont know either and simply redirects me to search for something that exist only in some people's heads.

>Which pissfilter app are you using?
Red moon
I believe it's on f droid


Perfect, thanks user-bro.

If you don't know whats up even after looking around you are practically retarded.
Just leave this board you gay reddittor.

Okay, so you dont know either and simply refuse to confess.

Some info at least, thank you.

You "looked around" and didn't find what user just linked?
Wow, you really are retarded. Kill yourself.


Wow, how hard is it to simply open /qa/ and scroll down a bit?
Fucking newfag.

I was looking at Sup Forums.

Also, now I know why I didnt notice anything since I have Ublock and such running.



Purge filters, update filters.

Stop whitelisting domains you fucking retard, the left side of that should be a big blob of red, not solid green.


loopchan /tech/

Jim Watkins is worse than Hiroshima