I need to start learning linux for my job plus I've always wanted to move on from (((windows))) anyways, I'm looking to start with linux. What is a good linux distro, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums approved linux distro
There are only 3 distros that matter: Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu; in that order. Disregard anyone saying anything else, they're brainlets, tryhards, or memesters.
For a noob probably start with Ubuntu or mint. If you wanna learn about Linux by getting hands on go for arch and read the wikis. If you wanna be a linux god try gentoo
mint, xubuntu, zorin, elementary, manjaro, opensuse maybe even debian if you want to
Start with Ubuntu. Once you're comfortable with the command line, you can move to distros that interest you.
Is a retard, don't listen to him.
GNU/Linux distro ?
Gentoo if you are willing to learn what you are doing (or Arch, both have excellent wikis)
Otherwise pick a distro recommended by the FSF :)
Gentoo, but Sup Forums's approval is almost universally worthless.
>forgetting Redhat
>including Fedora
No love for openSUSE :(
>(((Sup Forums)))
All my what.
Also, Mint.
Redhat, Fedora and CentOS are basically the same distro, the only difference is how old are their packages.
Go home lunduke.
Try again with gentoo's handbook next time
mint or X/L/K/Ubuntu
opensuse comes with a noob friendly installer too, although a bit more complicated.
I've used Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Mint
I noticed 0 difference, other than Xubuntu never freezing or fucking up
I only use it for programming and science stuff, not gaming
Fedora's package management is in no way compatible with Redhat's, so not really.
Fedora users are basically Redhat's alpha testing division.
GNU/Linux was invented by a Jew, computer was invented by a homosexual.
True whites don't use jewish gay things like that. Gi back to pol and tell everyone.
Gentoo. its obvious. alternative is clover os
mint got poor security practice and not trust worthy. they are also political and supports Palestine terrorist. And at last, mint smells like a teen spirit.
How is linux used on the job? If you need to be comfortable with the terminal, use one that forces you to use it. So in that case, avoid Ubuntu or anything that holds your hand too much. I'm biased and would say Arch, but gentoo is fine, too. Arch is nice because of the wiki.
t. used Mint for a year and a half, but didn't learn much about linux cli because of it
hahahaha learn this OP this is the true red pill
You mean a 80% white with slight jew blood due to heavy mixing. And he only invented it due to WHITES triggering him with non-free software.
Also, you mean a WHITE homosexual.
Check mate.
manjaro is #1
Sup Forums tries to keep it a secret because it's arch but easy to install and they don't want the board being flooded with windows refugees
Manjaro has issues with keeping ssl certs and pgp keys up to date. The devs have twice asked users to change their system clocks to fix broken updates due to their poor management.
No, it's either DEBIAN or GENTOO
Your kerning is retarded.
>Noobuntu for absolute beginners
>Debian for people who actually want to learn GNU/Linux
>Gentoo for advanced users who have used Linux for awhile
You mean tracking, not kerning, user.
Fellow gentooman checking in
Void linux
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Pick one
Also Archlabs is best loonix
>Year of the Linux desktop already
Linux mint.
Same as Ubuntu but better I guess.
At least they distribute with different DEs and don't force you to prepend letters to distro name to change its appearance.
Distance between letters reminds me those ugly latin fonts that chinks put onto every crap they produce.
Seriously dude, change it.
>network manager
yeah, debian wiki is the best wiki for sure
What do you have against NM?
BLOAT. Also i don't use wifi anymore. Ethernet master race here
But it's really convenient if you use laptop and change your position often.
I mean both NM and WiFi.
Actually I dunno, maybe there's something less bloated, but I'm personally satisfied with NM.
>Actually I dunno, maybe there's something less bloated
wpa_supplicant or ethernet (more secure practice)
I used to use netctl on Arch. It is really nice but requires systemd.
But you can't auto switch with wpa_supplicant, and it doesn't have fancy tray icon.
>doesn't have fancy tray icon.
enjoy the wifi botnet. bet your router isn't even running openwrt.
You could just display the wpa_supplicant connection via conky but I'm stuck with NM to use eduroam.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>for my job
Red Hat/SUSE/Oracle
Don't even bother with anything else since you'll be using one of those.