Online Identity General

How doxxable are you? If someone online really had a reason, how easily could they find you? Which of your online identities are linked to each other, and which are linked to your real life identity?

Advice, discussion, whatever.

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nice try NSA.
it'd be hard to find me for the people who don't need to find me

Very easily. I'm phucked.

I've never used real information online.

I'd actually really be interested in any reading you guys have on scrubbing your online presence.

I don't make statements on the internet under my real name unless its directly beneficial to my career.

Hello Ted Cruz

>find me
Relatively easily
Not google my name and find me easy, but not obscure difficult either
>Doxx me
Lmao fat chance

does this hentai picture make me gay op

An NSA employee can find everyone. So no point. The stalker might be a good friend of an NSA employee. You cannot escape being doxxed.

probably fairly easy. But I'm not a target, and there's not really anything that would tie my anonymous posting to myeslf.

I have a unique name. Literally the only person with my name.
If someone were to Google my name in quotes, all of the results are about me.
After I cleaned it up, the only results are me reporting bugs and my emails getting copied to Linux email distro archives, and those "background check" websites.

The NSA could do it.
But that's it.

I was on facebook for like one year in 2008. I've been a "computer nerd" since about 1995 and when all this social media shit came out, something gave me great pause. So I really didn't share much nor allow for much of an online presence. I don't know, I just found it foolish that all these people were sharing EVERYTHING about themselves online. I've had an andorid phone for about 5 years and just switched back to a flip phone.

Nice meming, but no she is female. It does make you a Disney fan though. Is that better or worse?

>An NSA employee can find everyone. So no point.
NSA is not a likely nor foreseeable adversary, so to say that makes there "no point" is stupid.
>The stalker might be a good friend of an NSA employee.
But very likely is not, let alone the chances of them having a friend who is likely to abuse their privileges for them (although that has happened before).

probably this

>I have a unique name. Literally the only person with my name.

i have 13 gmail accounts,
5 irc accounts with seperate zncs. SSH tunneling to those.
Keepassx has randomlength and charset for all the passwords to my personas.

3 SIP accounts for SMS verification from an Indian provider. Paid in btc a while back.

And I run a public shell server (sort of public) so that I can hide among the users.

I use js-payloads to do object storage on behalf of users, such as object storage through aws/digitalocean and run a few ipfs nodes through js.

My laptop only runs a non persistent live distro when in sensitive mode. I don't have a hard drive in the laptop.

All my persistence is a simple microsd card in an adapter with luks on it.

For back up I have hard copy qrcodes using ssss-split/combine for shamir shared secrets that I can split up and cache them IRL. But that for the truly secret shit likke my personal diary and such.


Diff levels for diff needs. Merchant accounts for ebay/amazon is used through a bank account I had a homeless friend of mine make. I pay him weekly to keep the account open and keep him honest.

I use phantomjs to automate the checking of online accounts if they don't provide some sort of api to use.

My Yagi antenna lets me snipe hotspots a few hundred yards away with modified crda so that I can up all my wifi cards up to 5W. Have to heat sink my alfas though for prolonged use.

Then pipe every thing back with JP regional configured routers so i can use out of bound channels (in reference to the US). So normal "US" cards don't pick them up. Uses WDS.

Socat lets me pipe some Network traffic along weird mediums like IR. But its spotty. I'd need a more robust packet switching method thats traditionally used through shortwave to make it feasible using IR. Don't have an IR laser controller, or an IR laser for that matter. Also IR sensors have a shitty threshold for throughput.


Literally the first thing I was told when my senpaitachi first got the internet is to never put irl information online.doxable poeple are being dumb

3rd page of google for my main online username will reveal a forum post made years ago in which I posted my real name, which is very unique. googling that reveals the fact that I bought a house, and it's address, and that I voted R in the last two elections. I'm extremely vulnerable. Luckly I don't have a reason to be worried.

>has this all
>posts about it on Sup Forums
I hope you didn't expect us to believe you.

For regular people, typing my username for a game i play leads to my github which leads to my real name. there is nothing incriminating on there so its fine, i also rarely keep things updated so the information that people receive is old.
for actual companies they have a lot more information. I create aliases quite often (whenever i reinstall my OS), so every 6 months to a year. The aliases are linked to my real name through around 5 or so steps. I also have dozens of other accounts that i use for a single site and nothing else.

lmao bullshit

And now they gonna get ya because of this single post.

really don't care if you do. But if its useful to someone all the better.

I think it would be incredibly difficult

Which part is bullshit, i.e. which one is actually infeasible?

there's nothing to be gained from doxing me, i don't draw ire
names aren't linked together but aren't attempted to be separated anyway
the only times my real identity is linked to an alias is for people wanting to send wedding invitations or christmas cards

if you asked one of the people that knows my address nicely, they might just tell you

Everything you've ever committed to keyboard is public information and you'd be kidding yourself to think otherwise in 2017.
Nobody who spends their free time browsing anime forums is worth doxing though.

HAM over laser is a really old thing the rest is just simple networking.

My information is on those White Pages type websites and I dunno how to get it off

phone companies and other sites sell your information.

My name is literally John Smith.
Nobody can ever find information about me with any certainty.

Just choose a name/pseudonym that a million other people also use. Good luck doxing that shit lul!

Touché. Thanks anyway.

That sounds awesome.

holy autism user, what are you hiding?

I have a LinkedIn profile, so there's that.
Beyond that, I'm thankfully quite paranoid about linking stuff. Some identities I don't bother separating - I use my Steam username on a whole bunch of gaming-related shit - but generally unrelated stuff is kept separate. I think I mentioned my steam profile at work once, but you'd need to fucking find that guy and question him about it, and that's provided he even remembers that. Steam is also the closest thing I have to a social network, so no embarrassing facebook posts or tweets or whatever to worry about.

But then there's stuff like writing style analysis. I like to think I'm good at lurking and adapting to whatever the local general tone is wherever I post, but some botnets would probably still see past that.

>t. John Smith

>online identities
What the fuck do you mean? I literally only have an email. I don't even tripfag or anything.

I bet you also like to fap to yourself in the mirror

Well I don't have any social media accounts but my name is pretty unique. You won't find past my first name and last name and where I used to live on the internet. My siblings on the other hand....

Yes I do. With your loved ones on the floor lapping at my feet.

>"your loved ones"

is there no way to delete yourself mostly (at least) from the internet?
why can't you permanently delete your facebook?

You can permanently delete your facebook now

I used my real name for my facebook, and my GMail was my real name but backwards.
That and my dumbass elder sibling brings her botnet with her everywhere and posts everywhere, doesn't even care that the NSA is watching everyone. If you guys can't find me with my name then i'm fucked.
Here i'll even give you my first: Jacob
Find me :^)

The paperman animation looks like every other 2D CGI shit, but I want to fuck that.

both my first name and last name are dictionary words. good luck finding me using a search engine.

what are they?

Any suggestions for the SIP account?

In what regards, ease of purchasing (btc, monero) or more of lax things you can do like caller id spoofing?

More along the lines of providers. I have plenty of crypto.

Hot Cold Man is a good place to start

LazerSMS is great.
TeleCallMart has an api for automation.

Again you have to defer tothe use of the account. That is, SMS only, DID for incoming calls? The ability to forge caller id? IVR for phishing? etc.

I use alot of automation for obfuscation so I go with the ability for using an api.

Awesome. Thanks for the info.

oWo what's this?

With multiple personality and LSD induced psychosis I doubt it's very easy. Every single service I sign up for is under a different name, not because I care, just because I feel like that was my current name.

Oh hey me

very few close friends that i dm and call often know my real name, phone number and what country i live in. other places like discord servers and forums only know me by my username alias

I have an extremely common first and last name so not easy unless you looked me up by online alias.

The only opinions I have ever posted online linked in any way to my real life identity are a couple of product reviews on shitty electronics.

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's.

The social contract can have my name, my location, my bank account, my place of business, and my education history. It's all theirs anyway. And it doesn't need to know what it doesn't have because it is not theirs.

I can't even find my own shit online amidst the millions of people with exactly the same name as me.

Is this a copypasta?

For starters if someone has my IP they could narrow down to country I'm from, maybe city
If someone would want to find me, they should know more about me, because that's not enough, my real name for example and then it's as simple as facebook search like " "
Good thing, I've deleted my facebook.
So now, I don't know, maybe through my google account, I have one with full name (because of email), but one should connect my identity to this email, which I doubt would work.
NSA, though, could use one of their exploits in Linux to sniff me :^)

Thank you, kindly.
Your neighbor NSA agent is happy.


Underrated, also, any good guide on online privacy?

How do you go about "finding" someone on the internet? Do you just google or are there better ways? Say you know:
Name, city or region, some nickname, some detail about their lives (e.g. where they studied, their age, ...)

Not that I want to find anybody but I'm 21 and I wasn't too considerate when using the internet as a kid. I've tried to clean up as much as possible after me, but I don't remember everything I did so there may be something left somewhere that I still have to delete, and I would like to find it

I don't think it'd be extremely difficult, but the only thing I really have that is public is a few pictures with some friends because I frankly don't give that much of a shit.

And that I use my first name on my google account, which might somehow lead to it maybe. For people to find out who I am they would need access to my accounts. It'd be nice to be cleaner but some people happen to contact me through certain networks and I don't want to bother anyone with this whole "I changed my email address/account/number".

I don't give a fuck

write on them

Are spaniards really that poor

It's just to bait faggots like you.

write on them

All public information about me on the internet is information I myself uploaded on my website (resume, etc.). I have no social media accounts, so it's literally a non-issue.

you poor as fuck paco


very good


Let's see, mail that has ordered to my address in it - YES
Lots of online users with 2-4 different passwords - Yes
Was friends online and had discussions with people who I knew irl - yes
During times above was also in a group mentioning something that makes me one of a few thousands and provides a location - yes
Use my full name as a password some games - yes
15/10 doxxable?