What's a good, free VPN? I tried Proton but after the trial expired it wont work now, keeps fucking disconnecting me from the internet. What does Sup Forums use?
What's a good, free VPN? I tried Proton but after the trial expired it wont work now...
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Just pay for it you dumb cunt
Why would I fucking pay for it?
How does she get away with it ???!
id stick it in her vpn
No it's not free, just get the privacy pack, that's the cheapest. Poorfag.
here, just let me tell you and everyone else what limited resource I use so that everyone else can get on there too and shit it up and make it completely unusable
wew lad
hint: if it's free, you're the product
enjoy getting datamined
>why would I pay for a service?
same reason you pay the barber for a cut, what world do you live in?
>free VPN
So you pay for movies and music too then? Sorry not gonna pay for something I can get for free.
>Paying for internet twice
But why
Opera browser
Then get it free if you can
>I can get for free.
then why make a thread?
could that short BE any shorter?
>Why would I fucking pay for it?
You wouldn't pirate a condom... would you?
for what son? for what for what for what for what?????
a wise man once told me, if they are not selling you something, they are selling you to someone.
so for what is the use?
do you know what the fuck a service is? let me know when you can steal a haircut
>get haircut
>stand up from chair
>pretend to get the money out
>run out of there instead
Bam free haircut faggot
genius ive been fooled. except a vpn is a continuous service so you have to keep going back for haircuts
You expect good service for free?
For all you faggots that keep saying I can't get one for free, then how do you explain the fact that I have a good one for free on my fucking android?
are you trying to tell me that a company that pays it's employees and its bills somehow makes money by giving away their product for free?
stealing/pirating a product is not the same as using a free service.
that service is only a service because it is profitable. it's making money somehow.
Proton doesn't have trial mode, only free account at the lowest level.
You fucked up, you got on the wrong, fake "Proton". Good luck. Except some knocks on the door this Christmas.
I got it straight from the website itself fuck off
can a raspberry pi act as both a pi-hole and a vpn?
is openVPN any good?
Your best bet it Mullvad. It's not free but it's pretty much the only VPN you can trust right now. It's got one of the best speed, 5 simultaneous connections. The best part is that you don't need an account. You are not tied to them, you can even pay by mail if you're really paranoid.
if i use this VPN will I be able to download lots of torrents without my ISP finding out and sending me warnings?
is openVPN any good at downloading torrents, should I use it?
torrents/software/movies/netflix/hulu/tv/anythingavailable for 1/3 the price of netflix
plus everything is saved even after the subscription runs out
use openvpn not tor... using tor for torrents fucks it up for the rest of the tor users and is unbearably slow, though I doubt you could set tor+vpn up if you have to ask this question.
i2p is unbearably slow for torrents but designed to work with torrents within the network
is openVPN better than Mullvad for downloading torrents?
openvpn is free vpn software that is compatible with most vpn providers. It's what linux users use because most vpn provider's official client is incompatible. OpenVPN will probably work with mullvad provider but mullvad may have an offical windows client to replace it with some additional features.
prick 2
try Ultrasurf - the most simplest and fastest free vpn
free vpns tend to collect and sell your data desu there are some good ones you can get cheap there was a post about it on torrent freak showing some good cheap ones
I pick Good & Free. What now?
What are you using your vpn for?
It just pretends to be a VPN but it actually doesn't work.
>implying Sup Forums gets laid
Source on the woman in the picture, who is she?
Don't even think about my mommy! She's a virgin!
>Why would I fucking pay for it?
Because it is a service, brainlet.
SetUp VPN extension on Google Chrome
>I can get for free
you seem to be havin trouble with that
im sorry did you post that lady because she is meant to be attractive? update your tastes idiot she is hideous
M-mommy, please... Titties...
i want to fuck she
HoxxVPN for Firefox. Works like a charm.
Other than that the only free stuff I've found is Betternet.
Not OP, but I want something to bypass country block and using Tor for it is overkill.
What titties?
>you will never be a cute soft moe girl, dressing in fun clothes and showing off skin in public to excite yourself and others
or are you a brainlet?
i2p isn't that bad considering the parameters and overhead, it's all a question of momentum in the end with alternative ecosystems.
>unironically using OpenVPN
>call others a brainlet
Literally brainlet
Happy birthday
That's hot. But I would not find her so hot naked. Strange, isn't it?
>more and more Important to be using a VPN
>steam can and will terminate your account for using a VPN even if you don't buy things
ban all 3DPD posters
they only ban you if you use a VPN to avoid paying your region's prices and instead Russian or Polish prices because they're cheaper. they have 0 incentive to ban for using a VPN at all unless it cuts into Gabe's shekel.
Its in the Ts&Cs man
I just wanna torrent stuff without my ISP sending me letters
$2.50/monthly Vultr VPS with shadowsocks
I've used PIA with steam for 4 years now and have not been banned.
Setup your own, you pleb.
get a 11$ a year VPS from alpharacks.
setup an openvpn server.
you are the worst degenerate