Laptop + eGPU is the future

Laptop + eGPU is the future

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So think because you watch Linus tech tips you’re some kind of heinous or something?


>posting niggers on Sup Forums

Laptop + eGPU + eCPU +eRAM + eSSDs is the future pham

i thought so too until i got one
using a laptop as a desktop sucks dick. your desk ends up covered in cables and adapters, external harddrives etc.

having one box with everything inside it is just more convenient and clean

I don't know what ur talking about. it sounds like you watch LTT

phone plus dock is the future

Laptop + Desktop is the future

Literally what's the point? It's less useful than just having a separate desktop if you need the extra power, and a lot of laptop GPUs are powerful enough for the average person's every need.


>2018 - 8

found the niggerposter

64-core phones + 256gb ram is the future

screencap this

what if i don't need laptop.

ugly niggres

No; it's autism.

The future is a phone that functions as a hard drive, that you can plug into a laptop or a desktop as needed.

No thanks, i prefer desktops.


you can already do that

>phone plus dock is the future
Memes aside. This looks like an option that might work. The tech is there just the implementation isn't perfect... Yet.

>aplpe wath + dot-matris penter i he dure
scenreacp tihs