Japmoot Vs. The archive(s):

Japmoot Vs. The archive(s):

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Finally! Fucking newfags ruining Sup Forums with their archives

goodshit there should not be any archive other then the native one for select boards. Good job hiro.

this is a good thing

Japmoot will hopefully win this

Just make a browser addon that lets any user scrape Sup Forums and send threads back to the archive.

nice try Hirohito

So he has time for this, but still not a single word on the malware ad shit?

Prease buyyu 4chanu passsu whaito piggu

goys are easy to trick

hello red dit

the fucking point of this shit is its not saved on most boards. why would you want some nigger saving everything. on a third party site.

that doesnt make sense, if anything someone who wants everything archived is a red dit fav because that is exactly how their shit works afaik.


That's a good thing though

But doing it without any kind of announcement is a dick move. As much as data selling and obfuscated anti-adblock scripts.

Crl + S niggers

Your browser can archive threads

Retards. Hiro isn't going to get rid of archives. He just wants to make it paywall'd. He was talking about paywalling archives long ago, and now it's feasible to do so if he blocks the other archive websites.

>paywalling archives
sounds utterly retarded

It is. He made a post about wanting archives to be a thing for pass holders, though.

i honestly miss the days when archives weren't a thing

I want to show her my pig tail if you know what im saying.

Things were wilder back then

I know a guy who has archives of Sup Forums from 2005 to 2009

sure, any rando can scrape the site and keep personal archives, but it's not like what we have now where you get redirected if a thread is dead

I did though, and then hiro fucked us all.

Not anymore they can't. Please try to read the OP link to stay informed of the current situation, faggot.

Is he the guy who gave them to Jason Scott?

But I need archives so I can look up my old posts from 2014 so I can prove I’m an oldfag

Would it be possible to decentralize this such that if an individual user has a script, what they view would be added to the archive if it's not there?

Is there any way I could get that archive?

possible sure, is someone going to do it? probably not


Im ok with it. Archives run against everything Sup Forums used to be.

He better not block the fucking Sup Forums archive god damn it.


>new IP
>new IP
rly makes me think

Would it be possible for hiro to block scrapers as a whole rather than by IP? even tools like wget or curl?

>Would it be possible for hiro to block scrapers as a whole
Yeah but not really. All he can do is block their user-agent, all of the stuff that makes you look like a browser can be spoofed.
Even if he puts in some super-advanced javascript cancer, you can still run something like headless firefox or selenium.

But what about the Sup Forums api I’m reading about that’s required for archiving

Impossible. You can simply browse the site from a normal browser and load each thread manually, then fetch it from the browser's cache, or simply using a macro that automatically does right click + view page source and saves all the html, then strips the unnecessary parts.
There's no way to block archives, you could run a fetcher from a dynamic home IP and nobody would ever notice it.

>that’s required for archiving
It absolutely isn't.
The current version of the archiving software uses it because it is convenient.
The archives that existed before the API did just fine.
The problem is the archive's IP is getting blocked.

>archive's IP is getting blocked
Easily bypassable as proven on Sup Forums by the autistic jap thread spammer.

guys, I just got V1 UNSUPPORTED message in the captcha field

Refering to legacy captcha. Is that normal? First time I see it.

>This impacts our ability to archive Sup Forums now and in the future.
Good riddance. I've always felt weird about the archives. It's okay if people save individual threads they like. But why on earth would you archive every thread on a board forever and make it open to the public? Sup Forums is NOT a forum. Those dumb archive-fags need to understand that.
It's like going to a restaurant, ordering a hamburger, and eating it. And when you leave, the information that you ate a hamburger there gets saved for all eternity. Why? What's the point? What good does it do? Who even cares, other than datamining companies and government agencies?

>Yesterday at approximately 10AM Sup Forums time, our alternate database started experiencing trouble fetching new posts. This was due to our IP address being blocked on the a.4cdn.org & i.4cdn.org servers. The IP address was changed, and fetching resumed, however it was promptly blocked a few hours later.

>I now know that desuarchive / rbt is now also affected by this block. This means we are unable to fetch any new posts / thumbnails / or media. This situation has never occurred before to any Sup Forums archiver past or present.

>This impacts our ability to archive Sup Forums now and in the future. Already one archiver, yuki.la, appears to have similar issues that they are barely getting around. If left unresolved, the issue may eventually affect all Sup Forums archivers.


Genie is out of the bottle, can’t stop archiving now


i’m not getting that

fuck hiro
archives are great for searching for new releases, translations, uploads, music, images, links, etc
especially when you can't browse the site 24/7 like some people

It was just for a moment, I reloaded the page and went away. Didnt take a screencap though.

Sup Forums should have a temporary 1 week archive, for those cases

but I actually prefer not having a long lasting archive

>t. tripfaggot
Stay butthurt.

Archives help to see when mods/hiro censored shit on Sup Forums, unless you're a newfag born yesterday you should know what I'm talking about.

Sup Forums shouldn't host archived threads for more than 24 hours at all, otherwise the site will become a DMCA complaint magnet.

it's just one week, and it's not like it's going to happen

why did you have to use a food analogy

>It's like going to a restaurant, ordering a hamburger, and eating it. And when you leave, the information that you ate a hamburger there gets saved for all eternity.
Whats with this site and fucking retarded food analogies?

here it is

>Any calls to the v1 API will not work after March 31, 2018. Starting in November 2017, a percentage of reCAPTCHA v1 traffic will begin to show a notice informing users that the old API will soon be retired.

it's just ameriburgers lol, it's the only way they can create analogies

Newfags love archives because they think an hour of reading them now makes them an oldfag

It's time to leave.

Forced archiving is a cancer.
Japmoot is the chemo.

No confirmed ransomware or bitcoin miners yet. This was FUD. But the ads load confirmed malicious code. ublock origin with up to date filters should block if.

aye, this. just updated and added all of the domains to my filters and they aren't a problem anymore


I bet hiro did this

>Archives help to see when mods/hiro censored shit on Sup Forums
There's probably a reason for doing that though. Like someone posting CP, or whatever. Using Sup Forums is a privilege, not a right. If he deletes something, it's not "censorship", it's "executing his right to do what he wants with his own website"

I've seen mods also delete on topic legitimate threads because of ignorance.

lol no

Fucking kill yourself you hot Pocket eating gook

This. Basically the Evemon solution for market scraping.

Is there any other way to not use the V2 Captcha? I'd buy a pass but I'm not giving hiro my money.

noscript captcha on 4chanX

Hey why doesn't someone just make a new Sup Forums that just exactly resembles old school Sup Forums and have a complete reset?
8 chan fucking stinks because it has way too many boards and the majority of them are just for weird porn anyways.
If someone just made a new Sup Forums that was an exact replica of old Sup Forums, then everyone could just move there and no one would have to worry about Chinkmoot being shady ever again.

an american-friendly analogy

So no javascript quick reply?

Thanks, that's better, but it's still shittier than V1.

I wanted to do a text-only Sup Forums as a personal project but I'm lazy and uninspired.

Depending on how far back you mean by "old school", there's robotmetal.

Quick reply makes you weak. Having to type things out builds character.

There are many textboards around, and many of them are pretty nice. I find that I enjoy textboards and the smaller imageboards more than Sup Forums these days. Sup Forums can be too fast and there's too much shitposting. Haven't found a nice textboard or imageboard centred around technology yet tho. Lainchan just got too damn shitty, and the moderation and word filters got old fast.

man this place is going to hell

Wtf is happening to this site

It's just an an issue with the API and cloudflare.
Continue with the fire, Sup Forums.

oh no

no no no

Remember noko?

How do you stop reddit from finding your site and stop them from ruining it if they do

spam loli

Not popular enough for reddit I think. Most of the problematic users come from other more popular imageboards, or shitpost-centric boards.

It's hard for a community to preserve their identity and style when they get a sudden influx of new users after being linked on Sup Forums or whatever. A bit like immigration. Get too many, and you can't properly integrate everyone.

i'll make the logo! :^)

What if the site attracts unironical paedophiles?

You mean like this site?

as opposed to wholesome, ironic pedophiles

There is nothing wrong with being an ironic pedo.

>being this massive newfag
>what is g󠇦g
>what is rw󠇦ss
Back to red󠇦dit with you.

This isn't too far from the solution
We know for a fact that cute anime girls trigger plebbit, all is left to do is post more cute anime girls in OP images, there're many generals here so for starters each general should have an OP with a cute anime girl in it, like the programming one for example. there're many different edits with anime girls holding the book.

t. ahmed bin saleel ben snackbar the british citizen

Shit worked at Something Awful Forums. It wasn't until several years later the place became deserted. Meanwhile, Rich Kayanka got a multi-million dollar payday from all the neckbeards trying to find that one thread where someone actually posted useful information but they didn't print to PDF to save permanently.

There are plenty of chans out there you dumb newfag. They never reach the same level as this site because they're too slow for the average Sup Forums user or the admin goes on a power trip and fucks everything up.

Fucking hell Hiroshima.