Get Haven, get control

get Haven, get control

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If you think he matters anything to any govt, you're pretty retarded

Just a pawn in a much bigger game

he mad

This guy is literally Sup Forums's wet dream, why do they hate him?

How does he get his money after ruining his life?

russia, and he was rich

Cause trump tells them to hate him

Wait, he uses a Nexus? What?

if your threat model includes people planting bugs or secretly searching your house, you need much more than a simple android app

afaik he doesn't use a smartphone, he's just tinkering with them

You can install a custom ROM without Google Play services.

It's interesting, liberals hate him because muh Kremlin and conservatives hate him because he crossed the government. Never thought I'd live in a timeline where Democrats are pushing for another red scare and Republicans are pushing for more regulation and overreach.

you can't run away from the botnet, anyway
especially if >if your threat model includes people planting bugs or secretly searching your house

Doesn't matter, the backdoors are probably at the hardware level like in our x86 cpus.

>his glasses are still missing the nosepiece just on the one side
nigga get some new specs

He is using a Nexus 5x with copperhead OS


Accepting help from a Russian spy. Suuurre.
>Snowden isn't a spy!
Damages US credibility and runs off to Russia. The same Russia that is essentially run by a dictator that outright kills or jails any opposition. I mean the US sucks in a lot of ways (despite what you think it's actually a great place to live) but not as bad as Russia.

No. Team rwby will reunite and stop the white fang you piece of shit.

Sauce on video from pic
How have you people not seen this?

>Just a pawn in a much bigger game
In Obama's cancer satellite operation that is. You know too?

>This guy is literally Sup Forums's wet dream, why do they hate him?
The wet dream of a board with Christian teenagers would be Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, but certainly not someone who wasn't a charlatan his whole life. It's not the governments and the NSA who's guilty, it's people who have exposed their crimes. And sure enough:

Nobody has the monetary incentive to run a shill program on behalf of Snowden, that's why. Sup Forums is a joke.

This is the truth, was thinking the same thing when I first saw the shill against him on Sup Forums, it was weird to watch all the hate and now I know why.

>, why do they hate him?
We don't. He's a cool dude.

>bootloop 5X


Snowden is so cute, I wanna kiss him

tfw your home gets broken into because your phone bootloops

unwitting idiot that did a normalization campaign

Wasn't he dead ?

dead inside living in Russia

everyone's dead in russia, it's the purgatory

how come it's not on fdroid?

You're thinking of Assange

What does it actually fucking do?

thats metadatah

too right, comrade

Because isn't edgy support liberty and freedom.

Consider the alternative: Snowden is not a spy. What incentive does Russia have to turn over Snowden to the US? If Russia does not turn over Snowden, then it is a message to other leakers that Russia is a safe-haven for them. This encourages future security leaks.
Snowden escaping to Russia and not being turned over to the US is not evidence that Snowden is a spy, it is evidence that Snowden understands how US-Russia relations have always worked and is willing to use them to his advantage.

your proposal makes sense until the very last point, "his advantage", would he have done it purely for self-gratification?

my sides

Let's just take Russia, and move it somewhere else

It is. Enable guardian project repos.

Welcome my brother.. It's great to see a familiar face here

>leak more cocs

He's a weeb.

I hope he kills himself, his face annoys me.


are you stupid? "his advantage" imply means he doesnt end up in jail with a fivestar waterboarding chef for the rest of his life

>Encourages future security leaks
You are making it sound like governments and the NSA did nothing wrong and unconstitutional. Whistle-blowing would've been more appropriate.

i mean what incentive would he have had, to give himself fugitive status? being a wanted criminal and being forced to live in glorious Russia for the rest of your life "just because" doesn't sound like a good deal to me; there must have been something else in it for him.