ITT: Stupid shit Sup Forums believes
ITT: Stupid shit Sup Forums believes
Other urls found in this thread:
The fact that Apple products are 'overpriced'.
>Underdeveloped, undefunded, underused meme-tier programming languages have use in real world applications
>Muh "go is so worth learning! definitely so much better than C#!"
Extremely low quality bait.
Buying chink smartphones is a good idea.
>Intel products are good
iPhone X
>laggy, buggy, glitchy
>3GB of RAM
Oneplus 5T
>fast, stable, few bugs
>8GB of RAM
Sure thing boss.
Going by the catalog:
>consumerist technology is technology
>consumerism constitutes technology-related discourse
>proprietary software is good
>video games are a valid reason to use an OS over another
>there's nothing wrong with anti-user, anti-privacy services like discord, steam, and netflix despite them profiting off of your data and restricting you behind DRM
>there's nothing wrong with using a phone
All stupid shit that neo-Sup Forums believes
That any language can be directly compared and the comparison can result in one being better than the other "objectively".
That updates are a problem.
That linux can't be infected.
That Apple shouldn't limit speeds to preserve battery.
That AMD products are worth buying.
That any major problems with software can be traced back to barbaric racism.
That FOSS can stand on its own.
That you don't need to restart to update.
That you can avoid the botnet while participating in the botnet.
Most things it says.
>neo-Sup Forums
*nu-Sup Forums
>used thinkpads offer great value for the dollar
They did but the meme got too popular and now they are quite pricy
aliens glow in dark
That hanging out on Sup Forums all day should magically prepare you to be a master hacker, and that being a loser neckbeard with no life and an Internet connection means you will necessarily amount to anything in the tech industry.
>The NSA actually exists
>reality is what I want to believe it as
Time to go outside and stop installing girly themes on gook phones, neckbeard.
>Windows 7 is less botnet than Windows 10
mpv is the best media player
>video games are a valid reason to use an OS over another
They can be.
If you do not work, you don't need a good OS.
Latest iTurd is so laggy it's not even funny anymore. There are people out there unironically buying this garbage.
>windows is worth using for any reason ever
pick one
Why are you showing me a video on YouTube? I have been using them for the past month. You can't lie to me you dumb fuck. I can actually hold, and own the device. You're a poorfag who can't even access an apple store so you need to look at videos on YouTube. Sad.
ffmpeg is the best media player, mpv is just bloated wrapper
Sup Forums hasn't argued that
glad to see linuxtards are still as illiterate as possible
Now that you mention it I did go to an apple store with my sister and tried one out.
I was honestly unimpressed, the face unlock thing requires you to swipe up and sometimes fails one or two tries. There's honestly nothing spectacular that sets it apart from my 5T except a huge fucking notch on the screen and xbox huge bezels.
Of course my sister being my sister bought it because her clinically braindead college friends also bought one and like sending each other poop emojis.
>There's honestly nothing spectacular that sets it apart from my 5T
except the fact that the screen actually looks good and works as expected instead of being installed upside down due to cutting chink corners
but hey, anything to rationalize dat chink purchase & shitty updates
That was a problem on the oneplus 5 which is why I got the 5T. Anyway screen-wise there was no difference in colors/blacks to me.
Apple needs to release the 2nd gen SE variant if they want to stay relevant anymore especially after they admitted they slowed down older iPhones and that shit just got taken to court. Gotta say the people in the store mostly avoided the iPhone displays, most were just parents buying a iPad minis for their spoiled brats.
Arguing about which programming language is the best is a better use of your time than actually writing something useful in your preferred language.