So from my understanding this is what a minimalist Sup Forums umatrix looks like

So from my understanding this is what a minimalist Sup Forums umatrix looks like
Everything works fine except the post form appears at the top of pages even when it's disabled.
Does anyone know a fix for this?

Enabling this option works, but it will cause the normal captcha instead of the noscript version to load, which will fail unless you enable script and xhr from

Oh yes or if you use an extension like 4chanx you can simply add custom css with

#postForm {
display: none !important

that worked bro
while we're at it do you know what css code i put in to increase the size of filenames?
it's the only other issue i have, they're so small that it's hard to read

this should work:

.file-info a {
font-size: 12pt

Obviously you can change it to whatever size you prefer. Default is 10pt

10pt works great
i'm using stylechan which for some reasons makes it 8 or 9 pt
thanks a lot for helping a noob user out

You can disable Sup Forums css if you use style/oneechan


What does that option even do? I see it has been added recently..

yea i have no idea what y'all are whining about, enabling purely css and image is working fine for me

For posting new threads There's no way but to enable gstatic and more google scripts.

Web pages can have content inside tags that only displays for clients with javascript disabled. Webpage designers can put html in here to unbreak shit that would otherwise be broken by not having javascript.

That option in umatrix will cause your browser to use the stuff in tags even though you don't actually have javascript entirely disabled. In Sup Forums's case, the reply box is normally toggled between shown/hidden with javascript when you click a button. The tags include css that makes it always visible, so clients without javascript can still post.

For privacy should I keep it on or off?

disabling a.4cdn xhr breaks the catalog, disabling sys.Sup xhr breaks captcha when starting threads, disabling frame breaks the captcha when replying to threads, and disabling i.4cdn media breaks webms
could you explain how you got around these breakages

It's just giving you the option to take advantage of things configured to work better with noscript. I don't see much of an upside or downside to it.

It doesn't affect privacy. The content inside the noscript tags is sent to your computer as part of the html document either way. This just changes whether your browser displays it or not.

For some web pages, the noscript stuff will unbreak shit that is otherwise broken by blocking scripts, so in general you should leave noscript tags spoofing on (this is the default).

nah i posted this thread by just enabling the things u see in the op
but i had to reenable boards.Sup because i found blocking it broke my ability to access the 4chanx catalog

I use anyway

Please stop spoonfeeding the idiots

I'm neither the person you replied to or the person he was talking to, but Im tired. so fucking tired of dealing with shit. it never ends. this kind of shit has been happening for as long as I can remember. things get patched, need to be bypassed. trials need reset or cracked. sites do gay shit. fucking antiadblocker. resource abuse without even getting on a botnet.
for once I just want to sit back and rest but this shit is seriously fucking over my rest.
Why do you ask for this information to not be freely available?

Are you are saying that you can block all of the new hosts just like things were before they were added, and all you do is enable that one switch and the site works?
It doesnt work for me.


Is this good?

using medium mode

Welp, how come I have many more shit?

Enjoy your botnet you fucking wop

>not just using the block element function is uBlock
You guys complicate shit way to much

Underpants on head retard

How do i know if affected?

t. UBlock newb

My current status. Am I doing it wrong?

forgot image. Also I'm still getting white, though once I refresh it again it goes away.

Do you open the tabs via middle click and then go to them, or do you click on the catalog and get instantly sent to the thread?


i guess the latter?

So you click them and they immediatly go to that tab without any input from you

No I mean anytime I go to the catalog the page is white. I have to refresh to get it to go away. When I click on a thread the same thing happens



This is what I've done, seems to work great. Had to greenlight Google specifically in order to post, though.