What's your excuse for not using it?
>closed source
>has uBlock
>ran by corporation not known for purging politically slightly incorrect people
>shielded from sjw liberals taking over
>doesn't install le ebin maymay plugins without your acceptance
>good dev tools
What's your excuse for not using it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>has uBlock
Which is a buggy and deprecated piece of shit on Edge.
>closed source
That's the exact reason to not use it.
>this is what niggers actually believe
>identity politics
fuck off, shitposter
>Which is a buggy and deprecated piece of shit on Edge.
You're wrong, though.
kill yourself
>disparaging whites 24/7 is okay
>call out dumb niggers for being autistic fosstards
>y-you can't say that :(
No you fuck off.
Not really. The filter lists don't work properly and the advanced mode is pretty much non existent. On top of that it's based on 1.13.XX while not having all of its functionalities. Like what 1 year behind?
What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm not even black and I've never even been South of the equator
1.14.22 released 4 days ago. Lists work fine.
Hey, you! Let's talk about Microsoft Edge.
>niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers
I'm on Windows 7
I use it to read epubs so far, that's all. It's really good for that. Thank you based street shitters.
Obvious bait
do i need one?
Who are you quoting?
Edge is slower than Chrome and Firefox for the websites I use at work, and I suspect it's slower for all real-world usage. It's also way behind on standards support, while still pushing its own "standards" like its pre-standardized version of CSS grid layout. That and it doesn't work on all the operating systems I use. Microsoft just can't make a browser. Their attempt to rebrand IE as Edge won't work and you shouldn't be falling for it.
>doesn't install le ebin maymay plugins without your acceptance
It's just a matter of time. Windows 10 installs apps without your acceptance. Why would it need to ask about installing Edge extensions?
>good dev tools
They're playing catch-up. Chrome and Firefox's dev tools are leagues ahead. t. actual web dev
does it even support css filters yet?
Also M$ pays you to use it
man, I have to remember to set it up to block those ukranian ads when I get home.
dosent work on glorious gnu/linux
i was using edge, but they keep adding annoying features. really sucks. now using firefox, did not know how good it was. it is pretty, pretty good.
>ran by corporation not known for purging politically slightly incorrect people
>shielded from sjw liberals taking over
Wow, Sup Forums advocating Microsoft software over identity politics.
Have we come full circle?
Keeps splitting off tabs into new windows for no apparent reason. Also sometimes stutters like fuck when playing YouTube videos, which can only be fixed by refreshing the page.
>>ran by corporation not known for purging politically slightly incorrect people
>>shielded from sjw liberals taking over
You must not be familiar with Microsoft then kiddo. They're literally just as rabid with their progressivism as google. Microsoft is a mecca of snot nose millennial scum bags.
Bait thread is bait
>ran by corporation not known for purging politically slightly incorrect people
>shielded from sjw liberals taking over
kek, ok kid
The only acceptable answer
still mad you didn't get a job at facebook, google, microsoft, or apple huh
Well, you can add
>Sup Forumsedditors use it
to the list of reasons why I don't
You can't lie to me, dark man.
No, I'm a network engineer for Verizon.
>try again
Fuck off
All I need to know is that it's made by Microsoft
>no webm
>closed source
>owned by microsoft who data mine the ever living fuck out of their cattle
>just an overglorified IE with better HTM5 support