Merry Christmas, Apple!
Merry Christmas, Apple!
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That's "Happy Hanukkah", goy.
Most Jews don't mind "Happy Christmas".
t. Jew
Does Israel have the highest lawyers and doctors per capita?
It's nice to see the ass kicking boot on somebody elses' foot for a change. Apple has opened so many ridiculous lawsuits against competitors, this seems deserved.
You can always trust a jew to sue.
Dunno bout all that, but it definitely has the highest rocket launches per capita
Kek. Apple just fucked with the wrong people.
Go apple Go !
Nobody uses iPhone in Israel. I don't think people there care
Macfags confirmed brainlets.
holy shit, this lmao
wtf i love israel now
they should take all their money they have saved. not going to do anything productive with it anyways.
Jahve bless the jews. Finally they apply their greed for a good cause
they need that money for innuhvatitons you ignorant bigot. Apple invented computers, smartphones and mp3 players..
Apple has almost a trillion dollars. They'll just settle and every chucklefuck involved will get 10$.
still a loss and it will hurt their reputation too. I'm waiting for next samsung ad in which they'll brag that they dont throttle their older devices like the """competition""" lol
Lawyers- yes. It's beyond insane. 1 in 3-4 people here study law at university. That's because jews don't want to get jew'd by other jews and they need good lawyers to protect them or to jew other jews
Doctors- nope. most doctors emigrate to other countries and we are left with arab doctors
How do jews feel about getting treated by arab doctors?
>unironically visualizing jewish virtual newspapers for any reason
>Doctors- nope
Will removable batteries /make a comeback/?
How will iToddlers ever recover?
>When you're so jewish that you get sued by other jews for jewing them
Also what fucking site is this, those trending articles sound like absolute trash.
>white goyim on the brink of extinction
>no real opposition now
>only other jews oppose other jews
>truces break
>jews start jewing other jews
>jews self destruct over inside fighting
>Will removable batteries /make a comeback/?
Possibly but I doubt it.
It's difficult to have a removable battery and retain the kind of feel current devices have, and people have long been brainwashed into thinking that these metal/glass only devices are "premium".
There's also the matter of shipping a phone with an external battery, it's more of a pain for customs.
Based Jews putting Apple in check.
i have a removable battery.
>posting from a premium metal body dual camera 3200mAh battery LG V20 with also, wait for it, a 3.5mm Jack with a Hi quality analog QUAD DAC.
>no water resistance
i also have a Kyocera Hydro as backup phone. removable battery and water proof.
iPhones, Nexus and the S6 weren't water resistant and also haven't removable batteries, so...
>most doctors emigrate to other countries and we are left with arab doctors
>that much of lawers and the culture of sue
Doctors shit in their pants when you talk about sue
I guess veterinarians are scarce as well
...and you wonder why jews have a bad rep
>even thinking this is an example of why jews have a bad rep
Do you watch any news?
Fucking Netanyahu playing the victim after the UN vote, thanking USA for "defending" them and then fucking tweeting "Merry Christmas from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel".
Jews have a bad rep because the Israeli government are a gigantic bunch of self-entitled faggots who milk the fact that many countries around the world blocked immigration of jews trying to flee Germany towards the beginning of WW2.
If I go to reddit and tell them that commie liberals sjews are against apple will they fall for it?
I thought it was just a meme, but applel users are actually mentally ill faggots.
>Jews have a bad rep
>because of Israel
Ummm no sweaty :^*
That's pretty much the entirety of their reputation now.