Calling out arch fags and fags that hate systemd. Why don't you guys use alpine?

Calling out arch fags and fags that hate systemd. Why don't you guys use alpine?

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Never heard of it. What is special about it?


Alpine Linux is an independent, non-commercial, general purpose Linux distribution designed for power users who appreciate security, simplicity and resource efficiency.

Alpine Linux is built around musl libc and busybox. This makes it smaller and more resource efficient than traditional GNU/Linux distributions. A container requires no more than 8 MB and a minimal installation to disk requires around 130 MB of storage. Not only do you get a fully-fledged Linux environment but a large selection of packages from the repository.

Binary packages are thinned out and split, giving you even more control over what you install, which in turn keeps your environment as small and efficient as possible.

Alpine Linux is a very simple distribution that will try to stay out of your way. It uses its own package manager called apk, the OpenRC init system, script driven set-ups and that’s it! This provides you with a simple, crystal-clear Linux environment without all the noise. You can then add on top of that just the packages you need for your project, so whether it’s building a home PVR, or an iSCSI storage controller, a wafer-thin mail server container, or a rock-solid embedded switch, nothing else will get in the way.

Alpine Linux was designed with security in mind. The kernel is patched with an unofficial port of grsecurity/PaX, and all userland binaries are compiled as Position Independent Executables (PIE) with stack smashing protection. These proactive security features prevent exploitation of entire classes of zero-day and other vulnerabilities.

It's significantly more popular than Arch for non-anime desktop uses already.

bumping for interest

>all this Alpine shilling
Is this the new Solus? Are you the new Kevin? What's your name, Kraig?

It's very very minimal. Doesn't have systemd or GNU. It looks 2x better than void linux.

Very very underrated distro. Barely gets talked about on Sup Forums

Yeah i made like 3 threads about alpine man. I just want your guys input

OP isnt it supposed to be used for embedded systems. with its 'running from RAM' features and the like?

Also why would you use busybox in a desktop/laptop setting?

For the desktop?? really?

>designed for embedded systems, not for desktop use
>missing software packages
>small community = poor support = little documentation
>uses musl so not everything will compile
Not saying Alpine can't be a great desktop OS, but for the average Arch user it's probably not the best.

Why does it have xorg, dwm,xfce, obs-studio etc etc then

Alpine Linux is a community developed operating system designed for x86 routers, firewalls, VPNs, VoIP boxes and servers

You're pounding a square peg into a round hole. Yes, there's enough software in there that you COULD make a desktop system...but why? There are other non-systemd distros with much better software repos. Stop shilling this shit. There's no reason to care about every single megabyte of ram and disk space in a desktop.

it doesn't explicitly say it's for embedded systems. It doesn't say that anywhere at all.

Of course it has a small community. Documentation isn't that bad either

desktop linux is irrelevant, any desktop-centric linux distro is completely retarded, alpine has a decent cloud/embedded install base and is therefor not retarded

>There are other non-systemd distros with much better software repos. Stop shilling this shit. There's no reason to care about every single megabyte of ram and disk space in a desktop.

Found the void user, gayyy.

>desktop linux is irrelevant
Not if you're a programmer.

Nah, I use a systemd distro. I've actually used alpine btw, unlike the chucklefucks in your threads. You're not looking for people's thoughts, you just want others to validate your source of distro, like it even fucking matters. You probably don't do any work, anyway.

there are 3 different install modes
but desktop from ram would be pretty good actually
curl | tar && cd && make

>curl | tar && cd && make
literally, install gentoo

OP has embarked on a life long mission to purge the world of GNU software because somebody told him Linux is just a kernel and the operating system is GNU/Linux.

portage is python, therefore bloat

Well,i want to see if people even know about it or even used it tb h

Parabola and void exist

Bro, i'm using debian (net iso). I shilled the shit out of debian (net iso) on here

Because I use Artix

Void uses GNU. parabola uses systemd and GNU

I made an alpine thread yesterday. Some user posted his desktop. Alpine is his daily driver. He even has a home server that runs alpine

This thread OP seems to be shilling a router distro for desktop use.

this is meI am OP

because void exists

What do you mean when you day "router distro"?

I don't like debian anymore. FUCK SYSTEMD. Systemd fucking uses googles dns servers

He's saying it's sooo minimal and tiny, i could use alpine on my router.

(OP)original post

Im literally just hearing about it.
Looks interesting though

Have you ever visited the gnu/linux minimal threads

Hey, if you guys hate systemd
and GNU
>what a retard
why don't you install router distro
>underpants on head retard


I didn't even know there was such a thing.


each thread has like 200+ replies, recent ones died out. I'm the OP for each and every thread

only newfags use cuckwatch

Good to know.
I will keep an eye out from now on

Does it keep using grsec after the patches went private? If so, that's actually a very compelling point for using it as a main desktop OS.

He router os his desktop

I am going to, retard. I always knew GNU and Systemd was bloat

I'm the user who uses it as his daily on a laptop. I have had no problems whatsoever. I run it from ram and use an ad card to store all my settings and files. It boots to desktop in less than 15 seconds. Name one reason it cant be a desktop is too?!?!?!

OP here. What the fuck do you mean by "I run it from ram"?

nice copy and paste faggot
Here is some info on it. Well the saving settings and whatnot.

The underpants on your head are bloat.

And here's how to run from ram

There was no reason for me doing this other than trying it out. It works fine for me and I don't feel like changing, read : im lazy

Are you telling me you didn't install it on real hardware?

Nothing will replace Arch or the AUR.
Read my lips.


No I did not install it on a hdd or ssd. Your point being? As I said in a letter post, I only did this to try it out. Just havent felt the need to install it to disk....

What DE do you use? Have you encountered any problems when trying to perform some common task with the hardened kernel preventing it?

gnutards are literally wetting themselves itt

And not home use?

The only problem I have at this moment is using a network manager. I connect to wifi or eth0 via cli.
I do know when I set up my temp monitor, it wouldn't search for some devices because of the hardened kernel, like i/o ports and a couple other things.
But I don't really do much other than ssh into my server and shitpost here.

Because there are plenty of things wrong about arch aside from systemd

I talked the suckless founder once, he runs alpine on one of his laptops

They are retards. It can be used as a personal desktop. It has the fucking xorg package.

It doesn't say it but it does imply it heavily

>any linux on desktop

It still boggles my mind why void users aren't using alpine. It doesn't have system or any GNU bloat. And it's up to date package wise

Show me. Where it implys it


If it wasn't for desktop then why is this here???

Great distro, but it's shit for laptops.
Little docu available and their shitty choice for a name makes it impossible to search for solutions

Battery management problems?

How is it shit for laptops when it works perfectly fine on mine?

I get 4 hours on a full battery....

Your battery is shit. They jewed you on that cumpad deal

Alpine is older that solus and more focus in server side.


Paid $75 new for it. Dont think I got jewed as much as people who bought it new for $400....

because im using void and its comfy

Oh wow. i even got it right. How fucking predictable are you?? Buy a real laptop thats at least worth 300 dollars faggot. Thinkpads are the worst meme on Sup Forums. I'd rather fall for the gentoo meme than buy a 15 year old cumpad

I'm searching their repos. They even have gimp, mpv and the latest firefox.
These faggots are complaining about not enough packages. Search up a package yourself

The fuck are you talking about. My laptop is $400 new and I only paid $75 for it. It does everything I need it to without any problems. I'm sorry I didn't buy your (insert meme brand here) laptop for $800.... I don't need an expensive laptop to shitpost you moron!!

Well theres always a catch. No dumb fuck would sell it for 80$

But user, I dont have a specific reason why you shouldnt use it as a desktop, you just shouldnt. Especially on a laptop user, that would be bad!!!

You obviously don't know how sales and discounts work. But thanks for the lulz

Your welcome man. Enjoy the bitcoin miner inside your laptop

BTFO. BITCHHH. All the normies are gonna use gentoo, void and debian while i use alpine

Makes a lot of sense. You must be a genius!!!

If you like alpine then you should check out TRIOS.
It uses openrc as well and has native zfs support. Although it doesn't use the hardened linux kernel.

But AUR is like India of repositories.

Fucking meme distros i have never heard about

No one in this thread can't give me examples on why alpine is bad.

>this is how easy it is to shill things on this board

Well, we have the grsecurity drama and shit like that and everything is. under musl
But still one of best distro if you know what you doing. Also, Xorg don't break so easy.

OP here, don't even know what musl is

All the more reason to avoid it.

Is anyone saying it's bad? I don't really see that. What they are saying is that it's more for embedded systems, and not desktops, and that if you're trying to use it to avoid things like systemd you're fucking retarded. Which is true.

>troll thread is still up

I talked god once, he said you're a faggot

I use it for the hardened kernel.
It's Small footprint.
The systemd substitute is just a plus.
There is literally no reason I shouldnt use it as a desktop.