How do mods on Sup Forums delete threads? Do they go directly into the database and delete a thread?
How do mods on Sup Forums delete threads? Do they go directly into the database and delete a thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
They get an extra button which runs a function to delete the thread in the database and queue the files for deletion.
Please leave.
Did make this extra button themselves?
>he doesn't know.
Get a load of this retard.
Okay cunt
So they have some typs of login system different to ours? And they get mod features?
install wakaba
they ssh into the Sup Forums server and delete your thread from Sup Forums.php using a text editor
It's almost like it's some type of software
m00t made that button when his 8/10 gf left him because he felt like nothing should exist and everything needs to be deleted
What did his gf look like?
They go to server room and uses super strong magnets to flip bits.
How much of a soccer mum do you have to be to actually not know how shit like that works?
Exactly like your mom
I wanna put my hot load inside your mother
Why did you make this thread?
they know every post's delete passwords
I'm gonna be making a fourm in the future
He travels back in time and prevents you from writing the comment in the first place
she's pretty, like a beautiful elf from rivendell
I'm sorry you have to deal with all that horseshit. Godspeed.
god damn
i thought Sup Forums will some cool gui like that automatically checks if image is porn. i mean its pretty easy to implement with thousands of cool shit in php
This looks like a slightly modified
So that means some of the moderator shit is probably done in Ruby rather than PHP which Yostuba is currently written in. Desuwa also was working on a BBS software for a while (to replace Tablecat?) but that's abandoned now. I really wish Yotsuba would get "epic hacked" or leaked already.
>directly into the database
Don't be retarded, nobody trusts mods enough to give them access to the actual database.
>hot load