ITT: software trying to be human
I laughed audibly
That filename fucking kek, why does it trigger you so much OP?
I don't know, I just fucking hate it for some reason. I probably shouldn't hate it this much, but something just disgusts me about software trying to have a personality.
It's not the software. A developer wanted to make the error screen friendlier to read. It helps people that usually dont read them
At least you're honest.
I know what you mean. I once got really mad at a piano because it was black.
for some people just doesn't add up
>Finally break out of my procrastinating ways
>Cleaning my mailbox
>See 26 Duolingo "reminders to practice your language" with Duo crying threatening me that he is going to kill himself If I don't come back.
>never missed a language lesson since then.
I don't get the joke
Im fucking dying here
This pisses me off because you know the company is insulting your intelligence and treating you like some kind of brain dead soccer mom instead of giving you actual useful info about what happened.
When I uninstalled dropbox years ago I got this page with the mascot crying and telling me to come back or something.
Rate my business plan, Sup Forums:
>survive long enough for semi-decent chat AI and VR to become common-place
>make free software with ad-based revenue
>software comes with female AI assistant
>it connects to the Google Psychological Ad Targeting database, downloads a psychological profile based on your online behavior
>AI assistant is friendly but generic at first
>slowly starts developing a personality that appeals to the user
>starts flirting with you subtly
>fast-forward 2 months
>you have a full-fledged AI waifu that has virtual sex with you and treats you like a perfect girlfriend
>fast-forward 2 months
>"user i- i need to tell you something... i have cancer"
>the only way to stop the cancer from spreading and killing your waifu is to click on ads
>if you don't work hard enough clicking on ads, your waifu WILL know that you don't love her, and will get increasingly more depressed
>the uninstaller is basically watching her bleed to death in a bathtub for 30 minutes before she dies, so that's not an option
>better click on those ads
You know programs are written by humans, right
t. Will Smith
>Paying to save your AI waifu instead of getting another one that will also satisfy you
Your plan failed the instant it forgot WHY AI waifus are coveted. It's not a real woman.
>phone photo instead of a printscreen
McDonald's has inventory scanners that say "Plug me in" on the screen when the battery's low
I feel the same way. When I had to install windows on a machine recently and instead of it telling me what it's doing it just says "We're setting things up for you :)". Pretty gay
what the fuck?
Is that shit real?
10/10. would botnet your users and lock their keyboard and mouse input so the ads dont get clicked and the waifu gets sicker and sicker so I can record the screams and sobs from your users and put it up on youtube for sweet sweet ad revenue.
Ill give you 2% if you leave me a backdoor.
What? You mean the software didn't write itself?
>access violation at adress XDDDDDDDD
Yeah, REALLY useful information.
What difference does it make? Are you going to debug the software and patch it yourself?
These messages never were helpful in the first place.
Are you genuinely this retarded?
the updated version is better tbqh
Reminds me of those sad icons you'd get when you delete some PS2 save files.
Dammit, I hated that, made me never want to delete anything ever
It's bad enough when people don't care, but try to pile on the charm to keep you at bay. Now those people have software trying to do it for them, putting another layer between the bent-over customer and those who are responsiblity trying to avoid any consequences.
I don't get it.
Sometimes it would give you the name of a bad driver that you could simply remove or replace to solve your problem.
memes all of them, just give me a nice hex error number and I'm happy.
Would you do it, Sup Forums?
i-i'm sorry bear... I just don't think this is gonna work out...
oh my fucking god
the bear has a girlfriend? fuck him.
Not him but, make it 15% and we have a deal.
well not anymore
Games used to mock you for quitting a lot.
$ ed myfile.txt
This is what Sup Forums wants.
What game?
Never watched I, Robot?
Wolfenstein 3D.
There are plenty others from that era, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.
Even the difficulty settings were cheeky as fuck back then.
Now that's a fucking zinger
The easiest difficulty in Whiplash is "Girlie" and it's actually harder than the hardest difficulty because at that skill level, the game does not give you enough laps to overtake all the cars, so it's impossible to win. By contrast, the hardest normal difficulty is "Impossible", where all the AI drive at full speed, but you get like 20+ laps per race so it's actually relatively easy. The unlockable Death skill level makes the AI more aggressive but not any faster, and Duel gives all the AI impossibly fast cheat cars and forces them to attack you relentlessly.
This is not a feels thread user
That shit creeps me out so much
I don't want my fucking OS being friendly to me, especially knowing all the botnet telemetry shit it's doing
Same here, all the soft baby talk in Windows 10 drove me fucking nuts.
>being so dumb you can't even imagine someone using technical information
holy fuck the absolute state of this fucking place
I can confirm that they spam emails like a bpd whore but I don't remember anything quite as severe as this
You can't just take a movie and call it your idea
If I can just press "restore", why can't Firefox do it?
You should judge if you want to restore or start a new session. Maybe you had tons of tabs/windows that if you restored everything, it may crash again.
This way you can choose what you restore, if you want to restore.
So you won't be stuck in a loop, in case a tab is fucking up the browser, retard.
>not just googling every error that occurs on your computer that you can't figure out yourself
Fuck off, those screens were useful as shit.
I want a cute 2d schoolgirl to call me useless and lazy in emails to get me to use a service
> his browser tries to restore all tabs at once, instead of as they are selected
> laughinggirls.jpg
Look at the print. The default is having every tab selected. If the browser would restore everything automatically, he wouldn't select the tabs he wanted to restore. But I'll forgive you, since this is expected for a dumb phoneposter.
This. It came pre-installed on my laptop and I couldn't even complete the setup without cringing.
I want a computer. If I wanted a machine for a girlfriend I'd go watch MLaaTR.
Wouldn't not actually work for normies.
>ITT: software trying to be human