GNU/LINUX Window Manager fags can post their statusbar too.
>inb4 using win10 ltsb
i run 5+ linux vms for everything that isn't porn or news reading, virtualizing is just better with a microshaft wangblows host
GNU/LINUX Window Manager fags can post their statusbar too.
>inb4 using win10 ltsb
i run 5+ linux vms for everything that isn't porn or news reading, virtualizing is just better with a microshaft wangblows host
>needing a task bar
Wake up, grandpa
>>needing a task bar
>posts an image with two taskbars
here's mine
if you use cortana i automatically assumr youre a normie retard
you wish your dick was as big as the vertical space wasted on gnome 3 amirite senpai?
where is your edge
Cortana and the search button/bar are not the same entity, retard.
>Sup Forums doesn't know what a task bar is
Color me surprised
there isnt cortana on ltsb, subhuman
Yes, now pull down your panties and let your senpai penetrate your tiny anus, bb.
I wish my life was as clean as my Taskbar.
>inb4 edge
i need it for some IT portal at work, its the homepage so i just click and it logs in.
>Using cucked Gnome
>Being a GuhNOME fag
>Not using 4chanX
>Not using Stylechan
>Not trying to make GuhNOME even look the least bit nice
>Pic related
Why the fuck are the window buttons placed in between the clock and the other system icons?
What kinda shit..
I used some shitty clock mover combined with Pixel Saver, I know I need to find a better one
Mine's GOAT
Get cucked.
mine - sorted by color
New taskbar. Whaddya think?
Yours is disgusting
r8 or h8
That font rendering make me want you to kill yourself
it just works.
kids get out please
Did you seriously look up everyone's post to see if they have osu or not and then bullshit about it? You did, didn't you?
t. resentful 6 digit
Good shit mate.
I have never watfched one episode of any anime. I mostly watch european cinema
I use Mint hahaha
more like khazar turk
Not the person you're replying to but you can easily remove all anime with a minimalistic skin. Not all songs you can play are anime songs either. Either way don't be so surprised because you're on an anime website
You imagined an e
master OS checking in.
>google chrome
what film
(((Eric Schmidt)))
Did you meant to reply to ? It's "Si j'avais quatre dromadaires" (If I Had Four Dromedaries) by Chris Marker, great director, photographer and film essayist.
user, I just use winkey + R and the command of program I want.
>Si j'avais quatre dromadaires
Just watch Marketa Lazarova, and then you can die. Thats the best piece of art ever created.
I didn't like it, but I know many people who swear by it.
sauce pls
Christopher Doyle's (known from being DP to Wong Kar Wai) Hong Kong trilogy.
This is from Chris Marker's The Koumiko Mystery.
Riseup is like a gmail+mullaved to far left activists. I don't like them or Mozilla connections with them, but they are very good connections.
Also, the right should do the same thing. (free e-mail serve to right-wing activists)
I make music and sheeit.
Are you retarded?
>i run 5+ linux vms for everything that isn't porn or news reading
>hurr durr running a trusted guest on an untrusted host makes it safe hurr
no is u?
um, a task bar is any visual strip that displays active or "pinned" / favorite programs. docks count too. just because there are tons of different terms for it, doesn't mean you're not using two task bars.
Dwm for the win. Every single faggots has bloat on their systems. Just look how clean this status bar is.
comfy shitposting machine
>Implying that there's only Google Chrome or Firefox as viable browsers
>No tab open with lesbian midget trap porn
Just where the fuck do you think you are bitch?
Hurt I no need taskbar cuz task bar is hidden. Also 4 gigs ram usage from de is fine
>ewww look at all this BLOAT
>i prefer my taskbars clean, empty and useless
>implying this isn't true, unless your entire web browsing experience is limited to Sup Forums shitposting
Good fuckin song
your life is good I still need IE because some sites just dont work with anything else
am Windows poor fag and am proud of my taskbar !
This is just a boneless desktop thread.
Most used small programs on the taskbar, most used large programs in the start menu (because I have a shit laptop and if I accidentally open solidworks it's a pain in the ass), most used folders at the right end of the taskbar.
transparent taskbars look like shit with maximized programms
The posted taskbars are just another proof that Sup Forums hasn't really got any kind of job and is basically just a bunch of kids.
What am I doing here?
How to make Firefox not waste half the screen?
Oh shit, how do you get folder links on the right?
right click - toolbars
on linux - install 59 nightly and use the option to merge titlebar with tabs
beyond that, you can trim it with css but then you start losing functionality, like in that picture he doesn't even have a tab bar so he uses tree tabs with giant grey empty space because, alas, text is horizontal and not vertical.
Looks like notches are the future
work pc. Skype for business makes me sad.
i want aero back
fuck this flat minimalistic shit
I should probably mention that that is the Deskband Controls foobar extension. I use this with hotkeys, and I can just keep foobar minimised.
Fucking meme OS, can't even display clock properly..
There you go CIA nigger faggot
Enjoy being cucked by google retard
works on my machine