Have you tried Antergos™?
Have you tried Antergos™?
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No I dont use shit tier distros
I suppose it's basically Arch with a graphical installer. That's pretty cool.
I use it right now.
if you uninstall the shitty lightdm stuff right after it's finished and use xinit it's pretty good.
That means it sucks. Arch is supposed to be for the intellectuals. We cant have a bunch of noobs destroying our reputation as superior hackers. Fuck this is not fair.
I am actually not retarded and was able to install Arch manually.
>Essentials included
Yeah with hundreds of other bloat packages
There is no reason to put a tm after antergos you dumb phone poster
>mfw when I, an intellectual, manages to find the keyboard layout for the Spanish keyboard.
I use it because I enjoy using all Arch offers with the ease of a graphical installer and not having to download a fuckton of extra libs after setup
i wish my pc would support davinci resolve and wow runs faster but for internet navegation and netflix machine is on point
feelsgood hermano
Because you can not use Xorg?
Yes. It fucked up my partition table.
Never go for deviated distros, unless you are a fucking brainlet. Just install Arch/Debian/Void/Gentoo.
Yeah, the installer isn't as good. Manjaro is quick to install.
Dont you dare question me you faggot babby. I bet you use Ubuntu or Linux Mint. You wouldnt last a day with arch linux before you run crying.
I actually used it for the past year before I switched back to Debian.
It's pretty bloated out of the box.
Looks I'm right.
Yep. Nothing special.
Holy shit, I'm so glad I stopped using Antergos.
Started using it when I got my first issues with Arch and didn't have time to troubleshoot, just needed a quick functional system, but stopped after they fucked up their own repository.
At least Arch developers are competent and old-school.
Isn't this basically a worse manjaro?
yeah, it's pretty good
Are you literally just upset that they're not "white"? I didn't read anything bad in there.
uh, I didn't suggest anything bad about them...
friendly reminder
meant for this guy
Yes and i hated it, went back to ubuntu
Man look at this bait
Just use Anarchy Linux.
Anarchy is becoming it's own distro, use Zen installer if anything
Catalonia is now Africa apparently
>Only Africans aren't white
DESU you need a very high IQ to use arch linux.
I tried throwing it into a VM about 6 months ago
After installation it refused to boot, so that was the end of that
zen intsller is a thing too, nothing special OP