Hey Sup Forums is it possible to make Lubuntu really minimal ?

Hey Sup Forums is it possible to make Lubuntu really minimal ?
And I mean really, disable everything and just use the terminal to run application ?
I Just want a single application to have the best of what my toaster can do ,Lxde is taking at least 300 mb.

Other urls found in this thread:


sure, just close anything you don't want running

Just get dwm or i3. They take up like 100Mib of RAM

use other distro, like puppy or tiny core

What can I close exactly beside apps ?
Disable Bluetooth ?
Also lxde itself Is a memory hog , well for me at least

I'll try them , but I am looking for a more "radical" way , regular browsing is OK I can browse smoothly with palemoon (even 6 tabs with quantum is smooth ) but I just don't have enough memory for something else .
Close the browser look for apps in the background ok but what if I don't want anything to run beside the apps itself ?
Disable the DE temporarily and then launch the app is possible ?

I wanted something that could use Ubuntu repository but still really lightweight

>What can I close exactly beside apps ?
well for starters, any user program besides X and a WM
any daemon you don't need (so basically anything except for basics like systemd, pulseaudio, networkmanager)

you can strip ubuntu down as much as you like, there's nothing stopping you getting an identical setup like using ubuntu

Use openbox as your wm and ditch the DE, uninstall or disable all the unnecessary shit after that.

Just use tty if you don't need gui

There's only so much you can do since Ubuntu kinda like to eat ram but;
-Remove lxde and get only a VM such as i3 or DWM
-install minimalistic alternatives to all common apps such as file browser, term ... Etc
-look at the running services and disable what you don't need
-if still to slow , remove systemd

>well for starters, any user program besides X and a WM
>any daemon you don't need (so basically anything except for basics like systemd, pulseaudio, networkmanager)

Done and done

>you can strip ubuntu down as much as you like, there's nothing stopping you getting an identical setup like
Except i don't really know how

that might actually be the solution
still possible to run app view pictures..?

Is system d really a memory hog ?
I had issue with system d journal back then...

This is where arch and alike are actually useful

just did a ubuntu setup like that for demonstration
the only things i've installed are;
base, icewm, ttf-dejavu, xterm, screenfetch, xinit, xserver-xorg, x11-xserver-utils

Pic is about the disk cache fallacy and not Linux software being memory hogs

just install ubuntu minimal

also, keep in mind that there's no risk of programs you want not working on such a bare installation, as your package manager will install anything the program depends on anyway
unlike windows, where you have to be careful when stripping that down, as programs for windows simply expect a full installation of windows to be present

basic installations of most desktop environments are made with the "one size fits all" approach and include features to accomodate as much users as possible.

Shit like printer applet, network manager (there are alternatives for laptops and you don't really need it on a desktop) and others can be disabled without breaking the system.

But nevertheless the best approach to get MUH SUB 100M MEMORY INSTALLATION (if that's what gets you erect in the morning for some reason or another) rather than striping down an existing installation is to build up. Debian netinst, ubuntu server etc are incredibly useful.
Since you're building up you know that majority of stuff you actually install will end up being used by you instead of being thrown there "for good measure".

ubuntu has a netinstaller option, too
no need to get the server version
i used this as well;
you can also just pick the alternate/text installer in a normal iso, and skip the "install software" step, as it's seperate to "install the base system", which is all that's needed


That's what I call minimal!

All the dependencies you're sure ?
I had issue with libpng12.so.0 in Artful
I downloaded it from Ubuntu website

>All the dependencies you're sure ?
provided you're installing something from official repos, and the maintainer didn't make any mistakes, yes. you can install any package on any configuration, and it will work
if you're installing packages not in official repos, there's a bigger chance they didn't properly fill out the list of dependencies (assuming things present in the full installation are present on yours)
be sure to file a bug report if you can in those situations

This is what happens when windowsfags think they understand Linux memory management. The Linux kernel attempts to use as much ram as it has available, so the amount of free memory is not actually a useful metric. The kernel will fill all physical memory with various caches and only evict them when other applications request memory. There is no straightforward way to gauge memory pressure in Linux (other then when oomkiller starts killing stuff), but some things to look at in /proc/meminfo:

MemAvailable represents memory that is allocated but is available for reallocation.
Active represents memory that's actively in use
Inactive represents memory that was recently used and is being held, but could be reclaimed if needed
Slab represents memory used by kernel caches
SReclaimable represents slab memory available for immediate reclamation
SUnreclaimable represents slab memory that can't be reclaimed (except usually some of it can)
Committed_AS is a theoretical estimate of how much memory is needed to complete the current workload

In general, your system is not under significant memory pressure if data is being stored in the various reclaimable caches (MemAvailable, Buffers, Cached, Inactive, SReclaimable). Another indicator is if Commited_AS is less than MemTotal, you're probably OK.

op isn't commenting on what that picture was about, he's just after using less/smaller programs


here's with a bare lxde setup (openbox, lxsession, lxpanel, lxterminal)
man, ubuntu really likes to install extra stuff. it installed things like lightdm while installing the above for some reason, and that's with no-recommends/no-suggests

I meant arch as in arch linux

In my experience, Lubuntu is shit.

Yea just drop the ubuntu bit

Uneaten ram is wasted ram.

ps -o pid,comm,pmem,pcpu,uname -C $(xlsclients | cut -d" " -f3 | paste - -s -d ,)