Consumption while coding

SO I have tried coffee, tea, energy drinks and water while getting shit done.

I feel like I get sapped and tired when I drink coffee and redbull, and feel instead better drinking cranberry juice or OJ.

Anyone else hitting this bend? I need a single cup of coffee a day to address caffeine headaches, but I feel like the energy drinks intentionally make you feel tired in order to make you buy more.

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Try vyvanse my dude.

Well no shit your body burns through those sugar drinks immediately and crashes so you need another. Since you already have caffeine addiction you should probably just switch to Adderall.

never had an energy drink, but i grind some beans and make a sexy cup of coffee twice a day.

I was on Vyvanse for years. That shit kills you. Not literally, but it dulls you out considerably. Sure, it keeps you going for the day and you can focus real good, but it makes you feel like a robot. I only noticed it when I went cold turkey on the shit during one summer to save money. Never again, man. Never again.

Try alcohol

Jesus, how the hell does that help? I'd imagine that would be like going from one drug to another drug.

Just makes me light headed. Then I do stupid shit like add my .pem private key files to my git repos and I wake up to some "new admins" on my servers and alerts from foreign IP logins.

Honestly you should probably try to drop caffeine, sugar, and energy drinks in general. They aren't inherently addictive, but literally anything can become addictive if you do it enough.

You'll probably feel like shit the first week or so. Get headaches and so on, but it's worth it, I think. You will also be more alert in the future.

Not bad advice.

I'll reward you with this 'bitchin' list of software I'm reading through atm.

I took 10mg of Adderall once that my co-worker gave me.
10hrs of continuous, focused coding. It was magical.
Haven't tried it again, saving it for a rainy day/deadline.

What do you do what are you working on

Simple fix, don't do stupid shit

Green tea and lots of water soda it for me. Don't drink energy drinks unless you're in the death march.

Installing Mesosphere on a few servers then tying the knot on Gitlab to move my retarded coworker's PHP and C++ apps to a decentralized service and API based models in a similar fashion to Google's Borg, using Kubernetes and Mesosphere. At least the morons will have CI/CD easily available with a cheaper datacenter than Azure.
Then Im out in six days because I got a job making literally 6x more elsewhere.

This is what happens with the wrong meds. I was explaining this to my psychiatrist, and it's like this:

Some meds control your impulses SO well that they control your impulse to be spontaneous or fun.

I found the right meds (Adderall 20mg XR and Adderall 10mg IR as needed) and it works for me.

t. ADHD pro

nicotine my friend

Tea and water. Fuck caffeine and any other stims. I lived half my life fighting the sleep cycle with that garbage and getting off it was the best thing I ever did.
>inb4 you can't possibly do deadlines and long hours without caffeine
Yes I can and I am better at it because I'm not going from hopped up to crashed over a period of hours every day.


There's nothing wrong with coffee.

Not the guy, but my tolerance for it has been going up. Now I need 2-3 cups to feel anything, and that is shitty for my stomach

This is how I feel nowadays.

have you tried eating some fruit?