Turn off javascript

>turn off javascript
>no more bitcoin javascript miner etc.

Wow that was so hard. Why is everyone on Sup Forums pissing their pants over what Hiro did?

Why should I reconfigure my browser and just sit there and take it in the ass? "It's alright getting fucked by Hiro just stop cleching your ass and make it easier . Idk why everyone is upset that hiro is plowing your asshole when you can just stop resisting"

I really do not care anymore. It seems that if you use x-server or a desktop/gui, you are bound to be part of some 'botnet.' so nowadays i just use a throw away box for x/desktop related shit. Like for Pete's sake even ssh protocol is cucked.

maybe we shud du 4chanz in a virtual macheenz :^)

Anywhere money can be made, money will be made. Whether you like it or not. This is technology in 2018, unfortunately.

Gee, thanks. I didn't think of that.
I don't need basic functionality anyway.

Well just for starts there's the way it was introduced, where it would randomly render the site as a white page with scattered text if we did what you said. If he finally changed that after 5 days, it doesn't make it less malicious an act.

Because it broke the site's CSS

Can I get a gestalt?

use noscript/umatrix and get4chan X?

But forcing malicious ukrainian ads with a clunky anti-adblocker script is literally the worst way possible to make money in 2018 on a site like Sup Forums. At least in the long term. He literally pissed away the last bit of trust people had in this site and the few people who did disable adblock on Sup Forums sure as hell aren't going to make that mistake again in the future.

is 4chanx gonna be fixed soon or is ccd0 gone until new years? still has some issues that break pages as noted by issues people have opened on the github.

>tfw phoneposting doesnt have this problem


>Sup Forums
lel, we are here because lots of like minded people are here we can hate on

>there is one script
>turn it off
>no CSS
Good advice

Because when I turn off javascript, this happens.

4chinkX works with js disabled?

I'm using 4chanX and noscript and shit's broken. See Can anyone please help?

woah that suddenly makes everything hiro did okay

many shitty websites won't even load without JS. It's a cancer.