Linus Cuck Tips will die on your lifetime

>Linus Cuck Tips will die on your lifetime

How does this make you feel Sup Forums?

Tbh phoneposters should get a full frontal lobotomy

it's gnu/linux

I don't give a fuck because some literally who from Netflix is not tech related

I’m on the go fagatron. Say that to me on my razr and c what happens

I doubt it, he is younger than me

Glad obviously. why would you even ask that question on this board?

this. plus he's clipped - eunuchs live longer.

Sad. I like Linus.

no, that's linux.

stop talking shit about the man who invented linux, we all know you're jealous

I'd just like to inte- no, wait, you're right.

I'll die before him, unless someone here is planning something.

We are planing on donating our organs to you so you can outlive him, how did you know?

In 20 years nobody will remember today youtubers.

it's gnu/linux

pro-tip: Linus Torvalds' legal name is GNU/Linux Torvalds

>you will die in your lifetime
>do you feel it now Mr.Krabs?


His work with the kernel is very important, so seeing him go will be a very sad day.

it definitely wasn't your birth m8


>iShits spam these dumbfuck thread
color me surprised.

maybe if anons processor wasn't being throttled he'd realize that he's posting it again


Every day, a shill thread for this guy.
>Fucking kids, go outside and play

>go outside and play? but i can't see my phone screen properly outside!
>-- 2017 kid

Who are you quoting?

>not using linus tech tips inhouse operating system kernel

We're the same age and I have a high stress career, so maybe not


Hopeful. Hopeful that aids will make a resurgence and kill off the homosexuals taking over technology.

He's 1 year older than I am, so I may beat him to it.

Nigga looking like a wood elf from Morrowind


Fargoth looking ass

What's wrong with posting from a phone
Posted from my Sup Forums approved Lenovo ThinkPad™

>Posted from my Sup Forums approved Lenovo ThinkPad™
Good boy.
>What's wrong with posting from a phon (android doesn't count.)

What difference would that make?

Nah, it's unlikely I'll make it to 40s

Look mom, I posted it again!

Dat UUID doh

Ambivalent. Some of his videos are good but to me he's not one of those personalities where you grow attached enough to be really affected where you hear of their death.

Here's a tip direct from Linus, bring your own condoms to the bathhouse and maybe you wont get EVEN MORE aids infected

good i guess?

Doubt it

I think that lovable bunch on Canadians will succeed in killing YouTube with their homebrew video hosting site, further spreading their obnoxious ads and cancerous shilling worldwide.

Androids are phones, so they count

I could see him anhero’ing by autoerotic asphyxiation or something kinky like that

What OS does that shit? I bet it's iOS.


Yup, and it’s here to stay.

Not if I die first!!


Prepare for the oldest and smallest .gif ever

You don't seem to get what a vasectomy is

I'm glad so people will stop confusing based Linux Linus with some useless cuck on youtube.

You will die during your lifetime.

no, I will become immortal
I born just in time for the technology, r-right?

Unlike religion, this has a chance of being true, but we're probably thousands of years off not hundreds, and certainly not decades.

It's like cutting your dick right?

no, a vasectomy is essentially 'disconnecting' your testicles from the rest of your body, it has nothing to do with cutting the penis itself
you're thinking of circumcision

If you give him a hat and fuck his teeth up he looks like a Disney pirate