"Technology sites"

"Technology sites"

It's weird how all the tech sites are like this

It's almost like you can't get a job in tech if you hold political opinions in contravention with liberal goodthink.

>Sup Forums

>he cares about something other than 10 year old laptops

>he only cares about consumer garbage

the market says everything has to be political
so tech journals and newspapers start telling their editors and writers to put in politics
now the market doesn't care about political everything
and everyone who was invested emotionally into the political bullshit are wrining their hands and shuffling their feet as the site of their jobs going out the window is too difficult for them to comprehend

SoylentNews posts about 70-80% technology news and 20-30% general news and politics. The commenting community is pretty good too

That site has as many conservatives as liberals

However the SJW editors (Aristarchus, takyon and martyb) turn it into a full time circlejerk.

You very much can, the people spouting this retarded shit all over the place are unemployed millennial webdevs. Where I work our dev team is about 40 people and half of them are classic Fox News gobbling "FUCKIN OBAMER" level conservatives. And even the lefties there are pretty level headed, a discussion about pronouns came up and somebody basically said "If you want me to call you something fine, but I'm not switching every other day and you can't get mad at me for not fuckin knowing" and even the fat stumpy girl with purple hair agreed.

Don't let the megaphone of the internet confuse you, people generally aren't this stupid. They're pretty apathetic.

And one of the site's main devs is a Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist who can't write three sentences in a row without digressing into a rant about (((the Jews)))

Isn't it literally "soyboy news"?

>can't write three sentences in a row without digressing into a rant about (((the Jews)))
A respectable man.

People who use this term immediately drop to chemtrail/fluoride conspiracy level retards in my eyes.

You're not a very smart man, are you.

Where is he wrong?

No, you're not.

He's not, but Nazis get asspained real easily.

Nope, too much soy has rotted my brain and I have now only the mental capacity of a simple woman. If only I had listened to Alex Jones and bought his miracle SUPER MALE SERUM

Now my pet frog is gay, too! Nothing is safe from (((Killary's))) HAARP mind control rays and demon soy!

Circlejerking about ANTIFA politics in a technology website.

>Circlejerking about X Y in a technology website.
We call it "half of Sup Forums". What's so special about this one?

Antifa: a couple dozen edgelords in masks is an existential threat to Western Civilization

Potential election meddling by a foreign power: meh, no biggie

Bullshit unless you were one of these Sup Forums or ledditors who came here to shill about NN which you probably are. The discussions here may be inane but they are still about technology.

> The discussions here may be inane but they are still about technology.
Consumer electronics is not technology. Go back to Sup Forums.

what site is that?

They are you fucking retard specially anything that has a processing unit containing an arithmetic logic unit and processor registers and that basically describes most digital consumer devices discussed here.

>People here discuss ALU
LOL nice delusions. Let me outline what people discuss here:
> "hurr hurr durr mah 120 FPS gayme is bottle necked by mah 7GHz processor.
> "mah housefirexddd"
> daily goyvidea vs amd thread #57
> "OMG macbook give me a cock I can suck on right nowwwww"

Most libs hate the jews


People forget there's a difference between real life and internet life, granted the line becomes blurry at times. However, when things are perceived at 10, reality is somewhere between 1 and 4

If they have an opinion at all, it's usually about the policies of the Israeli government; and many Jews criticize Israel for the same reason.

The really hateful, bigoted, conspiratorial, antisemitism is overwhelmingly a right-wing phenomenon--even if you can find some examples of it from all over the political spectrum.

Election meddling by a foreign power, through rather conventional means of propaganda - because FUG liberals: By the way it's russia doing it to the US: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Staging millitary coups in countries and destabilizing them for decades - because FUG communism: by the way, the US is doing: World police and global heroes

Clam down , we're all friends here

>It's a Sup Forumsack clicked the wrong board and is posting his shit on Sup Forums episode.
Don't you have a magapede general to post awoos or some shit?

Nazis are left wing. Right wing thinks they are God's chosen people.