Previous thread: >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Use boards.Sup as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
Benjamin Stewart
first you cucks
Cooper Lewis
family found the hentai drive... it's over bois
Owen Hill
If you're still a virgin by the time you're 21 you should fucking kill yourself.
Michael Hernandez
John Adams
It's time!
Isaac Allen
Grayson Wood
if you still haven't perfected the triforce by the time you're 21 you should fucking kill yourself
Bentley Diaz
Carter Kelly
Hi, spaghetti!
Bentley Williams
Best way to climb up AHD?
Benjamin Edwards
this is gay I'm turning it off
Evan Torres
Jordan Myers
what the fuck there's more now
Jayden Thomas
Liam Price
disable javascript, derpa, you fucking moron
Adrian Wilson
needs more bloom
Asher Smith
David Sanders
Benjamin Jackson
Ayden Price
>jerking off to 3DPD women
Dominic Cox
kys permavirgin
Easton Stewart
what are some usb hubs that are good for external HDDs? i have no more usb slots
Cameron Taylor
Just get a bigger case at that point. The fractal r5 has 8 drive mounts.
Xavier Fisher
zed pees sitting down
Jace King
Are all the recruting threads in AB in the poweruser fourm or are there more up higher?
Jacob Walker
Don't know about Legend but Elite und TM don't have anything.
Ayden Lopez
After the shit that happened to AB with the leaks and the staff all getting shutdown most of the high grade trackers left.
Elijah Hernandez
There is still no private tracker that incentivizes preserving rare files.
It's all about downloading the most popular shit that you don't want, in hopes that other people will download it even more.
If you try and go for preserving the rare stuff, you get punished because you're still paying for the download but there's no one to seed to. That becomes a vicious circle where most people don't want to take risks.
And then there are the people who really care about getting that buffer and have optimized growing it quickly. These people are having a great time, but don't help the community at all because they're not downloading any of the rare shit, that would ruin their buffer. No, all they do is take the couple files they care about, seed the freeleeches, snatch the popular stuff, and on we go.
I have half a mind to make my own fucking tracker with no pajeets allowed and non-retarded economy incentives.
Joshua Robinson
There are plenty of trackers that give you more bonus points for torrents that aren't well seeded
Nathan Campbell
All in pu
Bentley Kelly
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Parker Foster
It clearly doesn't work well enough, or people who follow the rules wouldn't be fighting to maintain a ratio.
You're just not thinking from first principles if you think that. Maybe you're happy with what you have, but the system is stupidly inefficient.
The protocol only needs enough seeders per torrent to max out the bandwidth of the potential downloaders, anything beyond that is a waste that would better be spent on other files.
When a majority of people go after the popular freeleech crap just to maintain an economy, this is a complete failure of the incentive system.
What you want to max out is 1) Quality 2) Availability 3) Speed. What the current system maxes out is 1) Quality 2) Popular content 3) Ego of the admins
Evan Cruz
Literally the only trackers where people have a hard time keeping ratio are try-hard sites like RED. Everywhere else, especially sites with a bonus point system, are basically fine. Stop talking out your ass.
Luis Walker
Maybe you like chasing after points like a fucking dog getting a reward, then the system works.
Camden Bailey
You're a retard.
Sebastian Butler
Retards are the kind of people that reply with three word insults.
The problem and the solution are simple. The amount uploaded is a bad metric. Availability should be used instead.
And I'm just ranting, I don't need you to understand.
Cooper Sanchez
kek, the fact that you don't understand why you're a retard makes it that much funnier
Isaac Evans
>Playing the girl on ircs. Eventually, some virgin is gonna invite you.
Juan Fisher
Start making user releases. Remuxes are easy.
Michael Gutierrez
AHD is the most professional tracker because they archive all their internal and user releases.
Nathan Stewart
I chuckled.
Daniel Sullivan
Is Awesome-HD worth it for TV shows?
Jordan Foster
If MTV is all you have then yes, there's some stuff on there that MTV is missing Not much though
Jeremiah Brown
I'm a part of practically every good cabal tracker except a television one.
Guess I'll check it out.
Jayden Green
mtv is cabal
Isaiah Anderson
You should probably focus on joining BTN
David Robinson
you are and homosexual
Elijah Lewis
Is it? Wasn't mentioned in the OP manifesto.
Yeah, I want to join BTN but I need to get power user. Kind of a bit too lazy/busy to do that.
Jacob Carter
>Is it? Wasn't mentioned in the OP manifesto.
jealous btnfags won't accept mtvs superiority
Jordan Fisher
Why are other people using your computer, especially without supervision?
Xavier Sanders
Look at this dumb cheapskate muthafucka
Too poor to pay 5 dollars for a seedbox during a freeleech event. HAHA
5 dollars and you set for life, bozo
Or learn how to game it another way, dipshit retardo
Elijah Hill
seedboxes are for goblin jews trying to jew the system
stop being a goblin jew
Ryan Jenkins
What? I never said I had a hard time keeping ratio. In fact, I'm doing just fine. Thanks for the concern, though.
Caleb Martinez
pretend the monies are my buffer
Jayden Lopez
You can get into U2 by official recruitment in OurBits. And there is a lot of recruitments in every where.
Angel Taylor
CHD is not as same as the old CHDBits. The new one is a shit.
TTG and MT are the best now.
Dominic Rodriguez
What have you downloaded from OT for Christmas, /ptg/?
Brandon Sanchez
I invited my normie friend to AHD a year ago or so and he had an incredibly hard time getting his ratio and hell even seeding 72 hours. I realized how autistic I sounded texting him yelling at him and gave up
I remembered I had invited him when i saw the xmas announcement. I checked his profile for shits and saw that he's uploaded over a tb
I text him asking him if he bought a seedbox and he goes on to reply saying oh yeah I completely forgot dude I really wanted some movies and did some research downloaded this really cool thing called mRatio you punch in some big numbers and it works
I told him the fuck dude the whole site is freeleech youre going to get us banned. he texted back what the hell is freeleech
I'm on HDB and BTN. I really don't wanna be cabal banned. Do I tell staff or hope that they don't notice because of the global FL. What do pham? He told me he was going to stop. ..
Connor Brown
Ian Harris
>. Do I tell staff >considering snitching on your real life friend r u fucking high? I used to ratiocheat years ago and got away. It'll be okay senpai. the staff is based and won't tell ptp or hdb. you'll only get warned.
Luis Diaz
>r u fucking high? I wish but I feel bad basing at my grandma's house. I did last year in the bathroom and the hallway reeked >I used to ratiocheat years ago and got away. Yeah but they've gotten better at detecting that shit. I know they don't have 312cucks nosing around but 1+1≠5, like they can tell.
>ptp I actually got treebanned from there. It was good while it lasted familia. I didn't know that my inviter had been invited from rizon too. But I was only only banned on PTP
I made a big buffer on HDB but can't afford to lose AHD after tehc went down too
Bentley Sullivan
Do you need some buffer? Lemme know.
Leo Reyes
>mRatio >2017 gg user
Gabriel Johnson
>>ptp >I actually got treebanned from there
Carter Carter
It's a very good idea to remember to cross seed btn with ahd. I remember like every 6 months and slap on half a tb to my seeding size. Useless af but I'm helping some friends. Especially now with the freeleech those massive seasons it was only me and the uploader on. Maxing out my fios
James Gray
And he's not making brown?
Connor Green
>jealous btnfags won't accept mtvs superiority I would want it when BTN goes down in a month but there's this awesome tracker called hdbits that always has my back
Evan Morales
>I would want it when BTN goes down in a month
t. fbi?
Oliver Rodriguez
Can anyone on bitme please check whether any material is available for SY0-501 or Comptia Security+ ?
Caleb Mitchell
It goes down due to lack of maintainence for a month every year. It's overdue. You will lose all your fucking snatches from likely 2 months prior. They only make quarterly backups. That gold star you won? Yep that's definitely gone
Landon Garcia
Comptia Security+ is on learnbits
Elijah Harris
Is there a way for me to view how long I've seeded each torrent on AB?
Jonathan Collins
You're going to have to take it again in 3 years pham. Where are you trying to work? Do you expect to have any female coworkers?
Jose Walker
Under bonus rates it will say. Same with torrent history or snatch list
Liam Hall
Is there a torrent client that lets me watch say a movie as it is downloading as a torrent file? As in it loads from the beginning to the end instead of just wherever?
Dylan Price
Any client with sequential downloading. Like qbitorent.
Benjamin Mitchell
I use 2.2.1. Is the switch to another client hard?
Liam Mitchell
Clients: qBittorrent Players: Soda Player, webtorrent
Alexander Hall
Yes. But you just do it instead of crying
Parker Miller
This is why it's best to be /pure/ even if it means a somewhat longer wait.
Also I tried to invite real life friends and acquaintances to whatcd they were too stupid and/or lazy to click the registration link and create an account even though they asked the invites unprompted. I was going to invite another friend to PTP but didn't have the bonus points at the time (before I got free invites by user class), and I haven't spoken to him in years anyway, so dodged a bullet there.
Nathaniel Brown
>Eh, nobody else is gonna upload that obscure german movie I've got. Really, that's the way I got my 10 uploads in as well: obscure german shit. It's just surprising how much complicated movie ripping is compared to albums. this is why we dont want whatcucks in our movie trackers. fuck off
Josiah Davis
no dont. utorrent 2.2.1 just werks
>post holiday uploadage
Liam Rogers
if it's a season pack or rar archive. give priority to first file
if your internet fucking sucks then use a shit like qbittorrent
>mRatio dont raise any attention, always better to deny everything
Cameron Howard
>encrease ratio no wonder they ban all those foreign countries outright
Tyler Campbell
Exactly. Patience. If you don't want it in half a year no way in fuck will you have done any meaningful seeding
Justin Roberts
Thanks, found it there. So is it safe to assume that BitMe is more for regular textbooks for medicine and the like?
Luis Roberts
>tfw unpure on hdb, btn, bB
Elijah Watson
>tfw banned from btn for bad ratio
Xavier Brown
this really a thing? id assume if you seeded for long enough they wouldnt matter THAT much
Brandon Morgan
it is?? wow i pulled that shit out of my ass. last i checked i was one of 63 users on that tracker.
i dont know. i got pruned from bitme after joining in the wake of scihd and i was just hoping it would be like it but it wasnt. i also graduated college and no longer needed an old ass elearning tracker
gullible user
Cooper Moore
>gullible user ah well, stranger things have happened.
Eli Richardson
>Is Awesome-HD worth it for TV shows? aaaand just as i am a 20/60gb deep of a season pack.
if i stop downloading can i just seed this indefinitelly? i downloaded it in episode order. i can grab the rest off of torrentday
Jayden Williams
If you're asking if you can just stop it and cross-seed the rest of the data Yes, you can
Elijah Gutierrez
fl doesn't end until the 28th
Jordan Flores
they would just remove the banner, user
Wyatt Moore
neon sacks of shit can't name all the trackers in OP's pic
Parker Sanders
stop saying neon newfag, i bet you only know .clicks