"According to bug reports filed on Launchpad, the official Ubuntu bug tracker, installing Ubuntu 17.10 may inadvertently corrupt the BIOS on a raft of Lenovo laptops, including the Lenovo Yoga line."
is this the end of ubuntu?
"According to bug reports filed on Launchpad, the official Ubuntu bug tracker, installing Ubuntu 17.10 may inadvertently corrupt the BIOS on a raft of Lenovo laptops, including the Lenovo Yoga line."
is this the end of ubuntu?
Other urls found in this thread:
keep the e-celeb shit in your containment board, Sup Forums
Wew lad this is the oldest video on the interwebs
Fix already committed. This was news, 6 days ago.
Has anyone been affected by this?
Shit. This actually happened to me. Fuck Lenovo.
>Windows is so unreliable! Install Linux!
>lenovo botnet breaks when it cant access windows botnet
Really made me think
It's a reaction video to an old video by an e-celeb, which means it is a literal fucking carcinogen.
What the fuck happened? To both companies involved?
Ubuntu was always a distro for the people. With slogans like “Linux for human beings” and trying to be very user friendly.
Lenovo, during the first few years of their ownership of thinkpad, were excellent, creating the best models during the CD, C2D, and Sandybridge gens.
Nowadays Ubuntu has included amazon spyware, declared that their priority is IOT and cloud shit, and are now bricking laptops, and lenovo’s Build quality has gone down the toilet, there was that super fish thing on consumer lines, and they are getting easily bricked by an OS installation.
>linux has major problem
>fixed in 6 days
>windows 10 has problem
>release forced update at worst possible time
>update reinstalls the entire OS
>update resets all of your settings
>update breaks a dozen other things
>update installs a ton of crapware you didnt want
>update makes windows 10 look even uglier somehow, an amazing accomplishment
>update doesnt fix problem
Windows is trash.
what is the fix? there were people talking about de-soldering the bios chip or replacing the mobo in the comments. what will canonical do if you have replace your fucking motherboard?
At least it doesn't corrupt the fucking BIOS
Can anyone explain what happend?
By the way, how it is possible to fuck up BIOS?
You can restore a corrupted bios by flashing. Windows 10 destroys Linux partitions irrecoverably. Data is more important than bios, which in the absolute worst case you can fix through RMA. No way to recover lost data.
Windows is trash. The only reason MS is still around is because of vendor lock-in.
ubuntu is reseting the clock in my thinkpad bios, is this related?
Stop acting like it's some biblical end of days prophecy when it's just a bug that is already fixed. Bugs happen. Nothing is perfect. Except it and move on or else enjoy your unnecessary stress and high blood pressure.
>You can restore a corrupted bios by flashing.
>Moreover (and most important) USB booting is not possible anymore since USB is not recognized. It's very serious, since our machines do not have a CDROM.
This wizard fixed his, kek
>I've had the same problem. After trying different solutions, I had to remove the bios chip with hot air, read the content with a usb programmer, and flash a new chip. So now i can remove the secure boot and saving on exit...
I know this is an extreme solution, but I hope I can help someone find a simpler solution.
One of the symptoms is you can't save any BIOS settings, and that USB boot won't work. So maybe.
Does it affect MacBook SMC? If yes, than I am screwed like never before.
>Canonical shipping shit that's wasn't grenlit by anyone.
Fuck me when will this company learn.
Unity, Pulseaudio, now fucking this.
But what about removing HDD/SDD (soldered-down fags can suck dicks) and shorting BIOS battery?
>Is this the end of Ududntaboo fags buying Lenovo laptop?
More likely.
Read the bug report. People are saying that doesn't work.
>debians dogshit
>muh 8 year old packages
>use ubuntu instead it's literally debian for desktop
whos laughing now
Okay, I will read.
I have a pseudo-ThinkPad E330 with UEFI and Asus X502CA with UEFI and even MacBook Air with EFI of some sort, and I have Ubuntu 17.10 install flash...
I am going to try it. (without proofs)
Also I have Sata HDD with Windows 10.
So, syndromes are:
1. Unable to save BIOS settings
2. Unable to boot somewhere else
do you have windows installed too? windows and ubuntu can use different time zone formats. booting into windows then ubuntu can cause the time issue.
Wow, God exists, or I am lucky nigga.
Just wanted to install 17.10 to my Lenovo Shitbok...
No usb boot. I think you could still boot off another partition.
Okay, I actually have Ubuntu 17.10 with XFCE installed on my MacBook - no effects, everything boots just fine from USB.
Now I am going to install Ubuntu 17.10 on Lenovo E330 with SandyBridge Pentium CPU.
Why would you post a shit reaction video and not the original?
LENOVO machines affected so far (please add your affected model to this list):
Lenovo B40-70
Lenovo B50-70
Lenovo B50-80
Lenovo Flex-10
Lenovo G40-30
Lenovo G50-70
Lenovo G50-80
Lenovo S20-30
Lenovo U31-70
Lenovo Y50-70
Lenovo Y70-70
Lenovo Yoga Thinkpad (20C0)
Lenovo Yoga 2 11" - 20332
Lenovo Z50-70
Lenovo Z51-70
The bug also affects Acer Aspire E5-771G.
>not installing the LTS of Ubuntu
Did this to one of my Samsung Laptops a couple years ago. Samsung still hasn't sent me a replacement.
Fucking your users over makes you more money than respecting them. There's lots of people (like Amazon and Superfish) that will pay you good money to fuck your users. This is why any business or software project that has any monetization model at all is suspect.
What are the technical details of this bug?
Is this problem exclusive to Ubuntu? Because I have two yoga series laptop with Debian testing on them
How is this even possible?
>tfw running a T430
>not installing the LTS of Ubuntu
This. The whole point of these versions is to work out the bugs for the next LTS.
Holy fuck, I booted into my BIOS and the time is set to 19 hours in the future.
How do I verify if my BIOS got fucked? Change the system time, turn it off, and power it up again?
Hold me anons
>Buying lenovo laptops
>Past T420 models
You dug your own graves, retards
>inb4 xx30 fags
You make it sound like Linux has never corrupted ThinkPads before:
>buying a prehistoric laptop from 2008
You're posting on a technology forum, gramps, we're not luddites.
>How do I verify if my BIOS got fucked?
1. Try to boot from USB
2. Try to change some settings and save
If it doesn't work - you are fucked, buy a new Laptop.
(Ok, joking of course, install rEFInd instead of GRUB and using rEFInd install Windows, and using Windows - update BIOS via tool.)
So buy a modern, better built laptop retard. Thinkpads stopped being good a long time ago, it's time to drop the brand loyalty.
This has been an issue for way more than 6 days. People have been reporting this on the issue tracker since 17.10 came out and the fact it took 2 months for a response from Canonical is extremely disturbing.
I wasn’t referring to just this event, but more about the companies in general.
>I've had the same problem. After trying different solutions, I had to remove the bios chip with hot air, read the content with a usb programmer, and flash a new chip. So now i can remove the secure boot and saving on exit...
>I know this is an extreme solution, but I hope I can help someone find a simpler solution.
What's the problem, isn't this a technology board?
>only effects new, consumerist laptops
I see no issue here.
Prehistoric laptops don't have Intel ME. Not falling for the newest gimmick consumerist technology isn't being a luddite, it's just smart.
Wtf this actually happened to my school laptop, a Lenovo E31-70. they could not figure out the issue and gave me a new one for free. Thanks Ubuntu for the new laptop hahahah
Did they took the old shitbook?
If not - try to revive it, nigga
Is is ubuntu problem, or linux-kernel problem?
Does debian-stable has that sort or issues?
It's a systemd problem
Hm... The sameshit™ under Windows?
I know what I should do. Multi millions $ of damage.
When Chernobyl blew up? 26 of April, right?
Installation is simple, program modifies all *.EXE and one on them might require 'root'
are you having a stroke user?
Deja vu?
>Ubuntu 17.10 may inadvertently corrupt the BIOS on a raft of Lenovo laptops
How in the fuck is this even possible?
Lenovo B40-70
Lenovo B50-70
Lenovo B50-80
Lenovo Flex-10
Lenovo G40-30
Lenovo G50-70
Lenovo G50-80
Lenovo S20-30
Lenovo U31-70
Lenovo Y50-70
Lenovo Y70-70
Lenovo Yoga Thinkpad (20C0)
Lenovo Yoga 2 11" - 20332
Lenovo Z50-70
Lenovo Z51-70
The bug also affects Acer Aspire E5-771G.
It's nothing but consumer trash.
Because root can write to the EFI variables, and systemdicks doesn't mount them read only.
Afaik OpenRC does.
Add Lenovo E31-70
PHEW. Dodged a bullet.
Original since user is a major fag
>Browses to Ubuntu section
>Buys laptop
>Can't figure out how to connect to WiFi without a fucking CD
I dont get it
It means that I'm ashamed to share a country with a woman with that level of ignorance
Whew. I have a thinkpad yoga 260 with a ubuntu - however I update only a few times a year unless I have some reason to, so I'm still on 17.04.
>the lintard damage control in this thread
Systemd mounts efivars rw by default for some god awful reason and is just an accident waiting to happen. Badly behaving userland can lead to bricks, or when the userland thinks its doing the right thing as it follows the standards to the letter but not all bioses are implemented correctly
>Lenovo Yoga
fugg. i was thinking of upgrading to 17.10 it a few days ago.
Welcome to the botnet faggot.
ubuntu 16 did this to my msi gaymer laptop. i'm using an hp elitebook now.
She was given a Linux Kernel Guru scholarship from The Linux Foundation because of that incident.