Is this the perfect OS?
Is this the perfect OS?
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There's no such thing, but it did come pretty close to perfect. This and OS X were like the peak of "just works." I see that macOS is carrying the tradition and hasn't really changed much, but Windows 10 is a mess. It's sad, really.
yes and windows xp is to
Best Windows? Absolutely,as of today at least. Just reinstalled seven after 10 died on me for no apparent reason, never felt better for not having updates forced down my throat (I use this pc very rarely and everytime I came back home I had to waste an afternoon waiting for w10 to download shit and restart itself several times). I still have no idea how microsoft fucked it up so much, even interface wise.
Yes, it's the ultimate desktop OS. Even says so in its name!
Vista unironically had a better GUI.
Not the same
Vista is just MS mostly copying Leopard tho
You realize the one in you screenshot, where it says "BASED" it's actually 7, right? Vista's task bar is different.
Mine has no drivers for the network card.
It really isn't. Despite being the best Windows by far, all its advantages as an OS come down to 3rd party software being exclusively available to it. A barefones Ubuntu install is more useful than a barebones W7.
Look on the manufacturer's site.
Cause noobuntu runs Photoshop and Office 2010. Right..
That was exactly the point I made.
For now.
All OSes are shit.
Linux, BSD and so on - you will have to fuck with terminal comands all day long
Windows - you will be flying away to stratosphere due to some very important NSA updates and BSODs due to shitty drivers.
Mac OS X - after each update you will check glitches and slowdowns.
naw it's absolute crap. those ugly ass blue bars. i always thought windows 8.1 was better than windows 7
perfect OS is Chrome OS
Nope. It isn't free, because it uses not degoogled crome as DE
ayyyy there's /u/Femanon (male) in another windows thread :3
if it supported linux filesystems and linux programs, yeah
Who cares? The Future is botnet
>no source code
Nah. Windows 10 is. I have a touch screen laptop and the tablet mode just werks.
get your fingerprints taken and botnet signed up in just 1 OS!
I really tried to make 10 not completely suck, I tried insider builds, I even filed but reports about many of the fucked up and broken aspects of the UI, I tried pro, I tried ltsb. It's all trash from michaesoft from here on out. The marketing shitheads are now in charge and pajeet just kodez whatever retarded useless bloated and broken freemium spyware botnet the marketing monkeys want. Linux might not yet be quite the hero we need but it's the one we deserve.
Proprietary malware botnet.
Nothing to hide
>windows 7
oh no, oh no no no.
Why do people glorify Windows 7? I don't understand. It was just regular Windows, honestly I don't think much has changed except for their business plan.
Windows 7. Just works period. No Store bullshit, No forced updates that could end up breaking shit,No touch/desktop hybrid bullshit, Full support for nearly every software made if it's got least a 32bit installer (64bit version win 7, 32 bit Win 7 that support includes 16bit installer). No fucked up start menu that has ads. Simple to do basic personalazation shit without having to jump through 5-6 different things. It's capped at 192GB of ram support, so if M$ hadn't fucked with the cpu support chances are good we'd see such a consumer system in the wild (or some user here would create one)
It was only comfy because Vista was dogshit.
Windows 10 is only "bad" because it had to rely on post-installation commercialism more since it was so easy to get free. But it's better and more functional than 7.
>I use this pc very rarely and everytime I came back home I had to waste an afternoon waiting for w10 to download shit and restart itself several times
Windows 8 is actually perfect for this scenario, because you can configure it to keep a computer updated as long as it's plugged in.
>all that legacy garbage
Not really, its just that W10 is fucking horrible.
Having nothing to hide doesn't mean they have nothing to find.
I am finishing a pc build next month and thinking of putting windows 7 on it. How long will it be supported until?
So far it works in Coffee Lake and Ryzen.
You have to use Rufus MBR option and turn CSM on in your motherboard.
Then you have to use MSI Afterburner in the USB to add the USB 3.0 drivers and AHCI/XHCI drivers.
That is all, after that it will run normally.
I wouldn't know. I'm still trying to install windows 8.
I have win7 and an i5. Whenever I'm playing total war Warhammer 2 or battlefront 2 with my 2 buddies who are on win10 with i7 I always load in to games at least three to five minute before them. What could be causing this I'm not really clued up, but for the same of winding them up I always say 'that's cos you guys are on shitty win10'
Proper USB 3.0 support would have been fucking nice. Slipstreaming updates is a lot of work if I want to install on a modern system with something like GPT + newer USB ports.
Probably because the inherent telemetry in Windows 10
You can make the 7 toolbar work exactly like Vista's. Set the buttons to never combine, use small icons, and then add quick launch to the taskbar. Voila! You got Vista's taskbar.
Not to mention you can also do this in Windows 8/8.1 and 10 too, but with 10 you gotta remove all the extra garbage they've added to the taskbar.
Windows 8.1 is.
Windows babies please leave. Learn how to use a real OS and stop glorifying your spyware.
it was pretty good, 8.1 was ok once you fixed it, 10 ltsb is dandy, on a related note, snow leopard was the best version of osx, lion and mountain lion were usable but after that it's trash for grannys and soy-boys to facetwitter
Underrated poster.
Still having problems of compatibility with 10 tho
>you cant criticize the aesthetics when there arent any
You mean fucking shit OS
That would be winblows 10
if we have to believe the numbers, yes.
>receive touchscreen acer aspire with locked windows 8 (flatmate bought macbook, cba with win8)
>wipe it and install win7
>literally everything works out of the bad including touchscreen and touchpad combos
It's not Windows 10 so no
Windows is shit, deal with it
Yet more supported and widely used than alternatives.
Must hurt.
>windows xp
Fuck me it was. Tried 10 and 8 and 8 was slower with games and the metro nonsense really pissed me off. Also all the hoops I go through to change the background. Windows 10 gave me less problems.
lol no
Functionally, I guess it's pretty good. Aesthetically, definitely not.
Then why do proprietary software companies do not release free (as in freedom software) ?
If they have nothing to hide they could give the source code under GPL :^)
i hope you mean 8.1
>not using startmenu8
>muh games dont load as quick as it use 2, citation: (citation needed)
Because they don't work for free
Gentoo should come preinstalled on all laptops.
Sup Forums tiers
"now now, we all know the point of i7 is to load gaems faster. It has special game-loading instruction sets.
In my experience 8.1 is lighter than 10. I put both on an old Acer AspireOne with AMD C-60 APU and 4 GB RAM. It choked on 10, especially when some background process was going or the forced updates were taking ages to do their thing. 8.1 runs amazingly smoothly for such a shit PC.
I haven't compared them for gaming since this PC is too shit. I'd still use 10 on a gaming PC -- DX12 is only going to become more widespread unless Vulkan takes over entirely.
Few things beat that godly blue that is in the stock Areo.
But using Win2k wallpaper on top of it, now that's just too good.
No, just currently the best(least worst) Windows.
What is the.reading speed of a HDD/SSD
People hate on Win8 but I loved it on my laptop because it is less battery intensive than Win7 or Win10.
Agreed. I was amazed how well it runs on shitty old netbooks, at least so long as I install a non Metro start menu and stick to normal desktop apps.
People just hate on it because Metro is a massive failure, and that garbage start screen.
I was sure you were going to reply... namefagging windows shill.
That doesn't look like a freedom respecting distro to me. How can an OS be the best when it doesn't even respect the privacy and freedom of those who use it? Windows went so far as to partake in PRISM.
God no, driver hunting was such a pain in the ass
With Wangblow 10: Botnet Edition everything just werks out of the box. It's even quicker, has better support for multiple monitors, window management, and high resolutions. It even uses RAM more efficiently
It's this decades Windows XP
That's not the same you motherfucking pleb.
lol yes
>i always thought windows 8.1 was better than windows 7
please die
It's not even the best Windows version, let alone the best OS.
basement dweller neckbeard loonix user with a superiority complex detected
Windows XP supports multiple 64-bit architectures.
Worst b8 on this gay earth
but it wasn't mainstream
I wish that someone at Microsoft would leak the source code for it so that we could fork and fix it and write new kernel extensions. All it needs is a better permissions system, the virtual desktops and notification view thing from Windows 10, built in Bash or some other decent standardized Unixy shell, and a solid package manager to get software from common repos managed by the community.
We could do all that and more if we just had the source for it. Why must life be so horrible?
You can have virtual desktops right now, I used them in Vista. I can't tell you the program name as it's been nearly a decade since I installed it but it certainly exists.
I shouldn't have to install it separately. It should be built in and fully integrated with the OS.
switch to mac then fag
Well, thing is, you're either going to not have it or install it separately, so make your pick. Alternatively, this
I'm using Windows 10 LTSB and Fedora Linux. OS X is hot garbage.
>and Fedora Linux
The distro existed before the maymay, twat