/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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first for HD600 fags need to kill themselves

HD650 is much better, yes

you are just the retarded little brother poster
your shitposting skills are just copying from the hd600 fags not sure which of u is worse

What are you listening to, and on what equipment? This, on speakers. Sounds good, man.

Merry Christmas from comfy Japanese made headphones

Does amplifier gain change anything sound wise or literally just the volume and noise?

Thinking of getting akg k712 as my first open headphones.
Also planning on getting studio monitors some time in the future.
Would an interface like Steinberg UR22 MK2 or scarlett 2i2 work to drive them or is it too weak? I dont want to be arsed with getting different amp/dac for each audio thing I get.

The HD600 meme ruins these threads

>Thinking of getting akg k712 as my first open headphones.
Avoid unless you want literally more bass than Beats.

My Philips Fidelio X2 is bretty gud. Anyone else have this?

I dont understand what this means i heard they were good
but sure go ahead and suggest me something better to get on europe max 230 euro since ill save like 100 for amp dac or interface

Why do all budget IEMs sound like tinny garbage? Is there a price point at which i won't have to apply a -10dB treble EQ? I just want an IEM equivalent of the KSC75.

>I dont understand what this means
Literally what he said. More bass than beats by dre. Do you want bassy headphones with sharp treble?

What are the second best headphones behind the HD600?

I just want good heaphones my dude
something all around that will make me go "holy shit"


>but sure go ahead and suggest me something better
HD600, obviously.


Etymotic HF5. Akko a cute. A cute!

I just picked up a pair of Shure 1540's. Sounds like muddy ass compared to the MSR7NC's. Is there a headphone that combines the comfy of the 1540's and the flatter response of the MSR7's?

they are actually 320 euro so almost 100 more than my limit
i could get those but then i would have nothing to drive them with
also stop shilling that

HD58x then.

HD 579 or if ur a gamer maybe dt 880 or shp9500

I can't handle the deep insertion

Also take a look at the ATH-AD series you will want to purchase third party pads though.

isnt dt 880 like boring accurate just for audio engineers and shit
idk where to get hd 579 in europe
and the phillips are nice for their price but i got more than that why not spend it? or is there nothing good in my pricepoint?

chose akg 712 pro cause i saw they were 300+ theyre now 220 euro

Try Philips she3595. 10-15 bucks, probably the most comfortable iem I have, sounds only second to my Shures, which hurt after a few hours.

DT880 are not accurate, nor are they good headphones.
Price and performance do not correlate in the world of audio.

The 712s will definitely make you go "wow" but the treble is very sharp and sibialnt. If you listen to treble happy music I'd advise you to go with something else. Otherwise they are amazing in my hopinion. I owned them for a month before returning them because I couldn't handle the treble - cymbals in some metal music felt like they were crashing right inside my hear. I got a pair of HD650s later and these have no "wow" factor at all but they're pleasant to listen to any kind of music without any fatigue which is why I still have them so many months later.

>nor are they good heaphones
so that guy suggested them u dont hmmmm
audiphilefags have it tough
how does one even choose which to get without trying first? is there some safe pick everyone loves? like hd600 but a bit cheaper

>like hd600 but a bit cheaper


I would but they don't have a detachable cable. I'm picky as fuck i know

Is the difference between the 2015 version of the NFB-11.32 and newer NFB-11.32 with the ES9028 and the Amanero USB input worth another €125 (275 vs 400 for reference)

That, if you're willing to wait, sure.

dont listen to them kiddo the akgs are amazing

This, most overrated headphone out there.

Just bought a pair of hd600 but i can only drive them with the integrated audio of my mobo.
Do you think the FiiO E10K might be a good bang for the buck at around €85?
Otherwise i was thinking about getting the magni w/ modi schiit combo, but i can't afford it right now.
Other suggestions are welcome

if you can wait for the stack then go for it
otherwise get the fulla 2

user here
I hear ur suggestions but if do decide to get the akgs would any of those interface drive it well?

I was just thinking this earlier, been listening to my IEMs on the Oppo on high gain and there doesn't seem to be a discernible difference to me, any perceived difference would be better made using harder to drive headphones.

I have both the k712 and hd600, k712 is better.
its not that bassy, hd600 mas more mid-bass k712 has more sub bass, better imaging, better soundstage.

do u think i can drive them with one of those interfaces? what do u use to drive urs with?

no idea how they would go with that. I use a hpa4bl and it drives everything fine.

DAC X6 is best bang for buck for HD600.

Are bluetooth earphones a thing?

>not accurate
I love when you audiophools use that word, please tell me, accurate to what?

>450 dollers

Just a reminder that the k712 is better than the hd600. the level of shilling for the hd600 hilarious.

>I prefer pig-disgusting V-shape to accuracy

These look perfect. Talk me out of it, /hpg/.

>its not that bassy

Is there something as comfortable as the hd800 but not as expensive?


This graph reminds me of chicken and waffles.

Howdy dudes, Merry Christmas. Am in the market for some nice floorstanding speakers for my new apartment. Care to shed some opinions on this list I've made?


Budget is $500!

Sennheiser HD600

>Sennheiser HD600

Don't get anything from schiit, they measure like ass

get bookshelves and stands or increase your budget, $500/pair won't get you anywhere with floorstanders.

Fair. Even with used tho? Did ya check the pastebin?

IF still nah, recommend some bookshelves? Am fine with used or new. Thx bro.

if you really want floorstanders DIY could be an option, you can buy premade kits that you just need to throw together with some glue/clamps/screws like this madisoundspeakerstore.com/full-range-speaker-kits/fostex-bk-16-folded-horn-kit-pair/

porta pros are pretty comfy

I want to lick her feet!

>topping chinkshit is best


Interdastin. Seems like shit compared to some of the used ones in the pastebin tho, right??

all non-vintage klipsch speakers are complete shit, only the silver series monitor audio bookshelves are good.

Cool, shit, I had no idea.

Unless you have a really large room, book shelves will do just fine, and you'll get better sound for the money at your price point.

Chink-fi has alway been the best value in recent years

Room is 14'x18', so medium-sized I guess. This bookshelf list any good?


Why do people dislike AKGs here? The pair of 712s were tops


tinny and treble rape

>The pair of 712s were tops
OK, Fri’Chikenique

the senn shills are out in full force today.

AKG have a signature hump at 2-3khz which is even worse than shouty shit like the HD600 so it goes from shouty to tinny, they're also beyer bright.

No I'm not sennshill, The Philips X2 are much better than the k712.

>all I do is read graphs
Pics and timestamp otherwise shhhh user

i'd ask you the same but nobody cares about your garbage AKGs and if you own them it would mean you're even less qualified to comment on anything

lmao, this is the most retarded thing I have read all day, philips x2 multi-grain bread.

>The pair of 712s were tops
lmao this is the most retarded thing I have read all day

>and if you own them it would mean you're even less qualified to comment on anything
whats it like being this retarded?

back to irrelevance AKG shill

besides the HD600 what are the best headphones under $2000?


>No mention of accurate to what

o i am laffin

I came here looking for some headphone advice and all I see is sennheiser owners arguing about 600s and 650s and people shitting on everything else

hd600's are the ninja 250 of headphones, not bad but overhyped by their owners who think they can compete with big boy's.

What about pairing the O2 or e10k with a Magni 3?

> O2
Meant ODAC

Finally dug out and fixed my old baby Stax.
The cable has gone bad after years of use.

Redid it to have a detachable cable for convenience.
Even got color coded heat shrink, red for left, and blue for right.

finally could unbox and listen to my HD6XXs, they're great

congratulations on your better HD600s

Should have gotten HD600, which are better.

they're more expensive and have less bass, the fuck are you on

>more bass is good

more accurate bass is better than nobass so 6XX are vastly superior