Is this bullshit statement true or is it something to make normies get into tech ? I'm trying to learn but I think I'm too much of a brainlet for something like this
Anyone can learn to code
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Honestly, anyone can. It's almost identical to learning a new language, except that you must use perfect grammar and syntax at all times.
Nah it's bait, some concepts are very hard to grasp but really, its about the dedication. Not everyone wants to spend thousands of hours on the computer to master this craft. But sure, everyone "can" learn how to program. It's like math : everyone can learn it, not everyone is going to be good at it or are they going to care.
There will always be someone better than you,l but if you like something, truly have a passion for something, go for it, even if that means working twice as much as someone else. I think it's worth it.
took a data structures calls and can't even do day 1 of advent of code because I can't parse long arrays in java. also I realized I need to make three integers for the values of the arrays
It's bullshit, obviously. It's like saying everyone can learn to do calculus. Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses.
Now I would say that MOST relatively intelligent people can, but of those that have a difficult time starting out only a fraction actually bother putting in the effort to overcome that. You either need to be smart or be motivated. If you're neither then don't bother. But a little motivation can go a long way.
What are you having trouble with? I believe that like math (
i've tried dabbling myself, i've learned some of the base concepts like if and bools and all that stuff
but when im like watching a video online of someone coding, they are pulling all this shit out of their ass "then we need to declare this and do this and this"
i know some of the base tools i just dont know where the fuck to even begin
imagine being taksed to build a skyscraper, you get a very VERY basic set of tools and then you're told to get going. like where the fuck do you even begin
it blows me mind even thinking about how gates and ritchie and the rest of the people even did everything to begin with
how do you make tools without even having a tool to begin with
boggles my mind how they did it
Well that's a start. But yeah I feel you, most programming tasks are like that at first but if I could give you an advice is try to understand the problem you have in front of you. Then make very small fixes to that problem and work your way down. After you're done with that huge project, you'll look back at it like it was pretty easy after all. Every engineer googles shit, all the time, it's actually good because that means you are motivated to fixing the issue.
If by code you mean following directions word for word to drag blocks into place, then yes.
Table; Geniuses;
My god I wish I could say no so dumb wojack posters like you can fuck off to /r9k/ and self loathe about how pathetic you are.
But yes the statement is true as day, "Anyone can learn to code.".
If you can learn you can learn to code I bet someone out there is teaching a raven to code just to prove this point.
OP please kill yourself anyways posters like you are hopeless.
I used to tutor people in programming and it became clear to me that there were two types of people; people who could program and people that couldn't no matter how hard they tried. It was like the latter group had code dyslexia or something. I looked it up a little and the closest explanation I could find was something called the "Twin Peaks theory" but apparently it is unscientific and a fallacy or something, but I still believe it.
Of course everyone can learn how to code. Just like anyone can learn how to make a brick wall.
But then again, not because you can build a brick wall you can build a skyscraper, the same applies to "coding".
Are these basic tutorials that you're watching, or people live coding their own projects. If it's the latter there's no reason you should understand half of what they're doing. If it's the former you might need to slow them down, or try breaking down the problem on your own first. The biggest part of learning to code isn't the syntax of the language or the tools you use, but learning how to break down a problem into digestible bits.
Actually I remembered the name wrong, it was "Double Hump".
do you guys have any books you can recommend with some practical examples?
i'd say im >>>fairly
They had a lot of maths to go off but yes, pretty much every time I sit down to write something in C I'm just amazed at how truly brilliant these guys must have been to have this insight to build all this stuff from scratch.
anyone can learn to code but it has to be a desire to instead of a "this is gonna make me so much money" thing
Same here, and i was relatively competent. In high school we had some basic programming lessons, we did c#, assembly and arduino.
Among the whole class only my friend and i managed to make "programs" that aren't just turn led on turn led off, but when you tell me to make a simple thing like an X and O game i literally don't know what im supposed to do.
The main problem is i just see the program as one thing rather than a group of different sub-programs doing things in unison. I don't know what to start with or what comes before or after.
I don't think it's true. The study was really flawed. It was assuming that people would somehow understand mutuable states in c style languages without ever seeing it in their lives.
I keep doing tutorials but feeling overwhelmed about everything and I also feel I may not be as good at math as I thought I was
What language and what resources are you currently using?
How do you know when you have an issue like this ?
I'm trying Python and using a book called Learning Python the hard way
i've used a bunch of different things, ranging from books - "head first into java" or whatever its called i tried the c programming language breifly but quickly gave up on that
i watched some of the cs50 courses for C
IIRC the study allowed for any consistent interpretation, they didn't have to assume mutability to count as a success. The ones that failed were the ones whose answers had no rhyme or reason behind them. Or at least that's what I remember, but my memory is hazy.
I would have said it's true, but I had to help out at my university supervising first year CS students programming classes and after a full term of them learning Java some people still couldn't even build a class on their own or had any clue what things like constructors were.
So I guess not just anyone.
Yes, everyone CAN learn.
If they claim they "can't" it's simply because they secretly DON'T WANT TO, but God forbid blaming it on their laziness! Much better to just say you "can't" because of some magic force outside your control.
This of course holds for a lot of stuff, not only coding.
Well, guess what?
Even Dennis Ritchie once didn't know how to program.
Even Mozart once couldn't play the piano.
Even Michelangelo once couldn't paint.
It's almost like you aren't born with those skills, but you must learn them through dedication and commitment.
1. Baby steps
2. Iteration is king
Pick a language. Write a lot of small programs doing very basic things. Repeat many times for many programs. If you can comprehend how a cooking recipe works, a series of steps to cook something, then you can write programs. When you run out of small exercises, pick an algorithms book and implement some of it's pseudocode also simulating it on paper with a pencil, for various small input data. Bubble sort for start. Happy programming!
my struggle is not math it's the logics
i literally can into logics and it genuinely makes me feel retarded
C is probably difficult to learn as a first language because you have to explicitly manage memory yourself, so learning Java first is probably a good idea. I started learning Java in a community college course using the book "Building Java Programs" by Stuart Reges. The most recent edition is fucktarded expensive, but I think you can get something like the 2nd edition used for pretty damn cheap on amazon. One of the great things about this book is that the author's university maintains a huge list of practice exercises and an automated grading system for them. You can check that out at
It's mostly another crock of shit to try and flood the market with developers.
Sure, anyone can learn to write Hello World, but competently developing large scale software is extremely difficult and takes years and years of practice.
That kind of mentality simply comes with practice. Start with trivial programs, then work your way to larger and harder problems.
Almost anybody can learn the basics. If you can't figure out variables, loops, and if statements you may be retarded. Not anybody can make good programs though.
Yes, but few people will put in the time.
>he's too dumb to code an emoji onto hot chocolate
Just give up now. If you're not dreaming in code at this point you won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
my problem with java is when the different books use different versions and different versions of ecplise or whatever
i found the java is pretty difficult to setup compared to for example C imo
i really want to learn java specific for android development though so i guess it makes sense to start there
It's bruteforce memorization. Like most learning.
Basically if you've been taught how to declare and assign variables, loops and function declarations but can't wrap your head around them even after sitting on it a few weeks then you've probably got the curse.
Had the same experience.
There are people who have so low intelligence they can"t use public transport or cash money. Do you seriously think they can code?
Uhh, Gates bought DOS and they were big on basic.
millions of indians code every day user
In my intro Java course we didn't even use a full fledged IDE. Just the command line and good ol' Notepad++. But learning the language and learning to use developer tools / environments are two whole different beasts. Just find one that works and stick to it. Once you're comfortable with the language you can experiment with different setups.
>and after a full term of them learning Java some people still couldn't even build a class on their own or had any clue what things like constructors were.
While studying CS for a year, the teachers never explained anything useful during my java classes. I didn't know you could pass parameters to functions and other basic things. Still managed to write "working" code though.
A year later I started studying EE and got a few C classes, they explained things at a more fundamental level and it instantly made sense to me. After a year of being a total retard I actually became competent at programming pretty quickly.
What I'm trying to say is that sometimes the teachers are to blame too.
how do i get better at processing things like functions within functions in my head such as [obfuscated code incoming]
(function() {
function c() {
var b = {};
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a += 2) {
b[arguments[a]] = arguments[a + 1]
return b
function b(bX) {
function B(i) {
if (!b) {
b = a[797];
if (!i || !i[a[0]]) {
return a[1]
if (b === false) {
b = false;
not literally this but variables in functions after a while confuse the shit out of me and i just get lost. how do i exercise this part of my brain
learn from a beginner book, don't watch videos
if you can't do that then, well, you're probably retarded, unmotivated, or have the attention span of a woman
probably a combination of all 3
hf is bad
also a lot of books are bad too dont be a dick and discourage people because remember, you too once sucked dick at programming.
That book was shit, didn't help me at all.
I recommend pic related.
maybe i should go back and give java a whirl again
i was convinced into start learning C because it's the "father of all languages"
Its half true. Anyone with average intelligence can learn to code and be very competent but it takes years of consistency and hard work to get to that point. However most people will not put in the effort. Your intelligence determines how long it will require.
Regardless of intelligence you cant really call yourself a real programmer unless you've been doing it for a year and read 3-4 books at least. With enough motivation you can get pretty far in a few years.
Looking through this book and jesus christ, it doesn't explain anything. Some people can learn to swim by being thrown into a lake, but people like me just drown. I don't know any good Python books, but there's a huge list of free resources here
Also, IIRC the MIT intro to programming course on teaches Python. Maybe that's worth checking out.
If they at least get the idea into their heads that `code` is hard then it's a net positive
outdated desu
Anyone can learn to code. Not everyone can learn to program.
>if you can't do that then, well, you're probably retarded, unmotivated, or have the attention span of a woman
Literally this and watching videos is a total waste of time. I can skim through a chapter of a book in the same time and get 10x the amount of video from a video. When I hear people say they watch videos to learn it makes me think they're a fuckboi douche that runs kali linux and watches hacking tutorials.
>every bad engineer
>You either need to be smart or be motivated. If you're neither then don't bother.
I'd be hesitant to call myself smart, and I'm sure as fuck not motivated about coding let alone anything else. How do you people do it?
mfw im starting to realize im literally this guy at work
>too dumb for engineering
>too autistic for sales
ill be obsolete in a few years
>read 3-4 books
lol I hardly even read my textbooks for school. Real programmers are too busy programming to waste time on that nonsense.
If you're not motivated about coding, then why do you want to do it? People can do it because the find it interesting and often fun. If you're just in it because everyone says programmers make fat piles of cash, then you're probably not going to succeed in learning it or convincing someone to hire you.
My university teach Java using the BlueJ IDE and the objects first book so it's very easy to follow and doesn't drown students in the unecessary details of Java that don't help beginners. So I don't think the teachers are at fault here, I learnt Java that way and had no problems with it.
Sure yeah experienced programmers dont have to but for a beginner if you dont at least a few books I bet you make a lot of mistakes and try to reinvent the wheel.
The statement is bullshit as it leads people to believe that you can just pick up anybody off the street, a bum, a tourist, whatever, and teach him coding and set him up with a job. (In some countries, job agencies try just that and fail hard.)
The math analogy ITT is pretty good. Everybody can learn math. Just most people lack the understanding and the mindset to get beyond simple addition and multiplication, and in coding that gets you nowhere.
This is not a training and time issue - most people just don't have what it takes.
Anyone can code.
Not any one can program
straight up tony stark over here
It's about as true as anyone being able to assemble a car from parts. True in theory, but in practice I wouldn't really recommend it.
as everyone else is saying, yes, it just takes time and mostly dedication
but as far as this recent push that was started back in 2014 or so that everyone SHOULD learn to code is ridiculous
math is something everyone should learn but coding?
they use the argument "we use technology so much, we should be able to program it"
that's the same as saying we use cars so much we should all be able to make a car
they should've tried to get people more on the IT side of things, considering how useful it can be to everyday life
this was for
I don't even want a job, I'm not in it for the money. I just want to make something that people enjoy or think about. The last small program I made, I showed to a friend and it really seemed to make them exited. I want that feeling again, but I don't have the skills to really do anything. idek what I want to do
But if you like learning new and language and bossing people around like a rotten kid you might be actually good at programming. Autism is a plus because you can work better with recursive and stuffs
And remember when you choose the coding path, you should learn the art of visualize too,
start by learning math that relate to the field you are doing in animation and visual.
Once you get the concept behind it is time for code monkey.
>I just want to make something that people enjoy or think about
That's a motivation enough, if you really want to. You'll just have to ask yourself eventually if programming is the best way for you to achieve that. If it is, then use that motivator to drive you. Every time you're banging your head against the wall because you don't understand something, just remember the feeling you got from showing others your programs.
I think it's less about needing to know how to make a car, so to speak, and more about knowing at least approximately what's going on under the hood and what kind of things go into making one.
if a russian teenager in a dirty poor village drunk on vodka and poor parrenting can crank out viruses like there's no tomorrow
surely we should be able to comprehend programming, right?
Android is such a clusterfuck. I don't know what Google is smoking. Holy shit what a cesspool.
>android is a clusterfuck
>provides no example of why
Eh, it depends on what you mean
Everyone can learn a language. Building an original program to solve a real problem from nothing requires a lot of creative thinking
Watching youtube project-tutorials is kind of meaningsless. Someone has already spent the time breaking down the problems, but often it seems/pretend like they are doing it on the fly.
For me learning to program is about finding a problem, dividing it into subproblems and finally look for answers to solve the bite-size pieces. The more you do this the more "modules" you create in your brain. The difference between someone who knows the syntax and someone who programs is the exposure to different ways of applying those modules.
The things you have to do for a barebones app are crazy. Maybe it's better with kotlin or not doing native development at all.
It is true. I also don't understand this idea that there is a grand conspiracy to "get normies into tech". Do all you retarded wojacks believe this?
i remember trying to learn it in uni and did not have enough patience to sit there problem solving staring at words on a screen all day, feels like grunt work.
The amount of people that I've met in my life that I would feel comfortable with having them write software that my life depends on is 0. Not sure where all these great programmers are at. Seems like theres a 1/10 ratio of competent programmers and the rest are just fucking everything up and making it worse.
Python isn't that hard to pick up. I did the python course on codecademy then I just started coding my own shitty little thingies. Codecademy teaches you the syntax of the language, but to learn how to code, you have to understand and develop the logic aspect of it, which is best done by practice. I mostly did small stuff, like the collatz conjencture, fibonacci calculator, problems on, little text based games, and then I moved on to small automatization tasks for my pc. Practice forces you to actually to think of how to use Python, which is miles better just mindlessly memorizing things.
Granted, I'm not a programmer, I work as a linux sysadmin, so my usage of python is limited to automatization scripts, but it serves me well.
After getting the hang of Python and the general logic of programming, I do recommend you try out C for a bit, just to see how much of a difference there is between Python and a lower level language - it puts things into perspective. It was weird as hell for me to find out that there is no length function in C, but fun to implement my own.
maybe if you're retarded.
Not the user you responded to, but can you give me a quick rundown on why sysadmin is worth learning?
I have yet to see someone from Sup Forums that knows how to program, from start to finish, a full application. No, toy projects in Haskell don't count. That's why I stopped going to /dpt/, it's a waste of time.
Sure they can, they'll usually write absolute shit code too! To be a good programmer requires a certain level of anal-retentiveness and years of experience. The best are those who feel personally compelled to build software and spend much of their free time doing it.
I've tried to learn Java but it was too hard so I switched to python. Still struggling. Maybe I'm too stupid for this shit idk
yeah, just give up kid
Programming is no different to anything else. Yes anyone can learn it, but not everyone will be good, able to write good code, able to come up with elegant or fast or bug free solutions, able to "get it".
It will be fairly obvious to you whether this is the case or not though.
I'm not saying you should give up at the first sign of trouble, but if you try (and I mean really try, with nothing but textbooks and google for help for several months, and several different language attempts), and you still find yourself not understanding things, not able to come up with solutions, not able to "see" what to do until someone else does it, and just feeling like you don't get it. Even then it still isn't over for you because there are elements of programming that are too complicated to understand and just require tenacity and excellent bug fixing skills. You too can become a web developer shitting out Angular or flavour of the month framework code without understanding what is really going on.
Just try it its not rocket science.
>Java but it was too hard so I switched to python.
Java is a mess for beginners, just like C++. Stay well away from these they will overload your brain.
Moving to python is moving to an even higher level language where even more "magic" is happening to confuse you. Now variables can change type at will and things disappear? Just import numpy and everything will be fine?
Go lower level. Try C and just focus on the basics. Or if the old source material is a headache and you can get past the Pajeet memes try C#, it's a more modern sensible Java backed by Microsoft. You'll be happy to know the Windows 10 OS team had absolutely nothing to do with C# and dotnet, they just threw money at a bunch of proper computer scientists and let them go nuts.
It's sorta true. You can do anything if you put your mind to it and put in the time for it.
I know six languages and I've only been learning since I graduated high school (for reasons that removed me from majoring in history, kek). In all of my programming courses, I've only met two other guys who have as much knowledge when it comes to coding as me. The rest all seem to think it's just an easy A but end up switching over to IT or something.
Back to op's post though, yeah, it's "easy". You just gotta have the initiative. It's not like art or music where you have to literally do that at a young age to get good at it, anyone can do it.
[spoiler]Honestly, I'd trade in all my programming skills for some fucking drawing ones. You can't become a patreon neet with just programming abilities alone, but you can if you're an artfag or musicfag[/spoiler]
>mfw I learned python in hs using that hf python book to impress a gook
>tfw never met her again
a-at least i learned how to program though...
How are you going about practicing your code? A good idea is to build something new instead of trying to follow other peoples premade examples. Maybe that's not the case for you
Don't hang me for this but I'm using codeacademy
I'm actually learning C right now as my first language because I eventually want to get in assembly and RE.
I finally made my first little program work last night where it asks you a random math question everytime.
I feel pretty good desu.
I think that stuff is limiting and doesn't help you to think for yourself as much as you could be doing. Think of something simpleish youd like to see, and make it happen. You will learn way more.
So think about what kind of things you want to see.
>Over One Lakh Copies SOLD
Yes, and there's 1.5bn of them. You do realize that there are more literally retarded Indians than there are people in Germany or France? More