>install Ubuntu, it just wor- *bricks system*
Ubuntu 17.10 Downloads Pulled Due to BIOS Corruption
Other urls found in this thread:
Xubuntu is werking fine for me.
In a VM.
install og debian
>using the distro with a nigger name
>Not even once
>distribution based on Debian testing
>ditch the only thing normies were starting to love about you
>brick systems
year of the dead linux
RIP lil man
Ubuntu is literal garbage, nothing new here.
Considering Lenovo is a pretty big brand, how does something like this go unnoticed before going public?
Unless they simply don't expect an OS to brick a system permanently.
let me guess, it deleted efi variables?
How this sickness.called?
>this after that thread where someone got his business destroyed and got fired because Ubuntu a few hours ago(still up)
ubuntu cant die fast enough
t. debian fag
huh no wonder that government body ditched ubuntu in favor of a more stable windows system
If shitbuntu died, I'd consider unironically installing linux.
t. winfag
>Installing 17.10
>Not installing 16.04 aka the superior version
Linux is just a kernel.
Why does Ubuntu suck?
/g been telling me it's a botnet, is that true?
You guys said Fedora's better but it's also run by a major corporation, what do? Is Cananical just shady or something?
Are Ubuntu deritives good? (MATE, Xfce etc)
ubuntu is literally for niggers, install a distribution for white men.
fedora is garbage
ubuntu is garbage
your literal only choice as a productive human being is debian
anything else you might as well just save yourself the time and effort and get a mac
Lenovo just wont fucking stop messing with bios
Hopefully, nouveau stops people from even booting it, much less installing it.
>Be Linux
>Corrupt bios
>Screen tearing is love
>Yo I heard you like delay on your caps lock
>ay bro play tux racer
>nigga chu mean you want office?
>suh dude use wine or a vm
>kek I love being used to run Windows programs or VM's cuz I can't do anything natively
>Oh but I have a great shell!
>Ypu know maybe that's all I am :( just an empty shell
>fedora is garbage
I don't think you know a whole lot about distros, do you?
Minimal Debian with Openbox is damn comfy.
t. Gentoofag
Another great example of the top of the line engineering of laptop manufacturers implementing UEFI
>using ancient software
How the fuck does it corrupt bios? Does anybody actually know?
fedora is garbage, attempting to claim others don't know much because they aren't sucking off your fav autist is quite frankly the reason Sup Forums as a whole is abysmal now
Yeah, "linux desktop" fucking never. Lmao, how the fuck does this even get pushed through. This is unreal.
>look up caps lock delay fix
>Just start using shift lol
>t. winfag
more like t. reddit
I want to install 16.04 on my T500, but i keep getting "errno 5." 17.10 installs fine however, but i don't like the changes in it.
>Issue appears with lenovo laptops
Debian is absolute shit, never had anything but problems with this meme distro.
CentOS for servers is the best and Arch for regular desktops.
>Arch for regular desktops.
i always knew you were worthless
This is a major fuck up but to be fair this is the first major fuck up in almost 15 years.
The most disturbing part is that canonical can't offer any compensation to people who have been affected by this bug and it should raise serious concerns to anyone using ubuntu or even gnu+linux (for private use, for their business, for a government agency).
The fact that such a major problem can happen and could happen again is slightly concerning, the fact that canonical can't do anything but saying they're "sorry" is a major problem for their credibility.
It won't stop me from using their OS but it should discourage some business owners and hardware vendors.
that should be impossible for the OS to fuck up with the bios , it's like ring -1 or even ring -2.
the OS kernel is ring 0 tops.
something went wrong on both sides.
>The most disturbing part is that canonical can't offer any compensation to people who have been affected by this bug and it should raise serious concerns to anyone using ubuntu or even gnu+linux (for private use, for their business, for a government agency).
Ubuntu is to blame only for bricking the device.
But the fact that said brick is permanent is the fault of Lenovo (and possibly other manufacturers). And yes I wholeheartedly agree that government agency trusting lenovo with their products is a bad fucking idea. A piece of malware with large enough privileges could've done the same.
The problem is with the intel-spi-* drivers. This is a Linux driver, on many distributions, not just Ubuntu.
I am affected. Guess now's the only time to purchase a USB CMOS programmer and a hot air gun!
Also, yes, it would take Lenovo fucking up their permissions to cause linux to be able to mess with the BIOS. It's not supposed to because they live in different rings with different permissions.
Very strange, looking forward to learn how to correct this issue.
>Intel SPI driver
So who is really at fault here? Did Intel just write a shitty driver? Is the driver specific to Ubuntu or did their devs just fuck with it? And why the hell was it able to get any sort of access to the BIOS from the kernel level? This sounds like it's Lenovo's fault too. What the fuck?
well i agree that if an OS kernel (any OS kernel) can fuck up you hardware or firmware you have a major security issue. and it's convenient to accuse ubuntu.
>This is a Linux driver, on many distributions, not just Ubuntu.
that's where you're wrong buddy. Canonical included the intel-spi-* drivers without a clear indication that they were actually ready to be used.
They did the same many years ago with pulseaudio resulting in horders of people holding a grudge towards pulseaudio because Canonical took what essentialy was software in early development and slapped on a production-ready system.
>And why the hell was it able to get any sort of access to the BIOS from the kernel level
this is not normal by any means. and the kernel can't grant itself access beyond ring 0.
The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
>mfw ubuntu drivers inadvertently interfered with a ring -3 rootkit lenovo secretly implants on all of their laptops
Ok, so if you're on gentoo and compile your brand new kernel with those drivers, is it gentoo's fault?
No. It's your fault.
You forget that unless you purchase Canocial's support, then Ubuntu comes with...
See: code.woboq.org
for the license
and gnu.org
section 11 about the warranty.
You fucking retarded nigger.
install solus
install gentoo
>ring -3
Not even a thing unless you're talking about deeply embedded security co-processors like the Intel Management Engine but that's totally on Intel, not Lenovo. I'm not sure but I'm guessing that the SPI driver is for providing CPU microcode and Intel ME firmware updates, which are handled by the Intel ME's KERNEL module. All of the ME firmware modules are usually stored on the same ROM as the BIOS, unless the machine has multiple concatenated flash chips.
I honestly think that this is a case of Intel Pajeets writing shitty drivers.
>Intel Insideā¢
You need to lurk moar.
>Lenovo and Intel are the same company
One of them makes chipsets and corresponding firmware and then gives it all to the other so they can solder it onto a board and tack on screens and keyboards to sell as computers. What in the fuck are you on about, cunt?
Insyde Software makes the BIOS for the Lenovo machines you fucking retard.
Yeah, so fucking what, asshole? They make firmware for a bunch of other manufacturers too like Dell. Who makes the Intel SPI driver? That's what's important here. I'm under the assumption that Intel makes this driver and that it's used for updating their firmware in the SoC.
Inbred down-syndrome ass motherfucker, did you even read the bug report?
>The bug also affects:
>Acer Aspire E5-771G
>Acer Aspire ES1-111M-C1LE
>Acer TravelMate B113
>Toshiba Satellite S55T-B5233
>Toshiba Satellite L50-B-1R7
>Toshiba Satellite S50-B-13G
>Dell Inspiron 15-3531
It only affects Insyde BIOS.
Your mom would have aborted your ass if she'd gotten the test done to find out you're retarded.
The problem is the Intel SPI driver, dumb sack of shit. The Intel firmware updates are now applied using the Intel ME, and the firmware for that is on the same flash chip as the BIOS in most machines. The Insyde BIOS could just be implement in a fucky way that Intel didn't account for, and ME firmware updates have been pushed out ever since the whole debacle over the shit security. Ever think of that, fucker?
Not surprising. The previous version's installer would infinite loop if you selected any non-default option. It's only natural that the current version would corrupt the bios.
Also I bet this is related to systemd since non-systemd systems don't mount efi symbols read-write.
>didn't read thread or articles
Nothing more productive than having to manually install proprietary drivers because "muh freedumbs"
>manually install proprietary drivers
There's proprietary repos that you can enable you know..
It's not quite fedora retarded.
>Insyde BIOS.
aka LITERAL barely working chink garbage
>comic sans
This can't be real.
>comic fucking sans
>on a firmware update utility
I refuse to believe that this is real.
It's not even LTS
It's called being a phone poster
My chink windows tablet runs that shit
You can make the system non-bootable by changing lots of settings like pic related, and since the configuration is stored in flash there's no way to reset it
>this is related to systemd
Th-thanks SystemD.
This is entirely the BIOS author's fault.
The caps thing also botters me.
FYI, it's not a delay, caps lock in Linux actually mimics the original functionality of typewriters, where it would only be disabled after the key release (not on key press, like windows).