Tfw fell for the refurbished desktop meme

>Tfw fell for the refurbished desktop meme
Now all I hear all day is a constant monotonous zoom.

If you live in burgerstan just go to a supermarket and check if they have deals on pcs like this.
I once saw this shit for 399.

but you will get a questionable mobo, ram, and psu

What a good deal imo, ram + gpu are costly now.

No no no no my friend, you will get a proprietary mainboard, basic kingston or crucial ram (which isn't THAT terrible actually) and a hopelessly pathetic Delta PSU.

it's like you don't know how to replace fans or something

>he thinks his "hand built" gamer shit didn't come out of the same faceless megafactory
It's just all built to a more limited specification.

user's refurbished shitbox has the same shitty hardware as the NEW shitbox but it was already used and had to be fixed once thus the refurbished part.
Unless user is buying used high end workstations and servers the hardware in his machine will most likely suck harder than the wallmart pc.

>buy used stuff
>don't know how to clean fans or replace them
>don't know how to replace spinnan hard drives with ssd

what did they mean by this?

Whatever OP, my uni sold me an HP 800 G1 with an i7 for $50.

Threw in another 8 GB of RAM for another $40, and a GTX 1050Ti for $150 at the time, and an extra 2 TB HDD I had lying around, and I can do all the gaymen. I cleaned it the fuck out and reapplied the thermal paste before using it though. Are you that dense? Now obviously the PSU is my limitation here @ 320 W, which is why I went with the 75 W card. Fan controller software works too my dude.

So pretty much for a total of less than $300, my system can do anything needed by today's standards easily.

Yeah i saw those at my building during black friday but none sold till one day:
>be cap2 walmart stocker
>lugging around a huge pallet of dog food
>see skinny mexican dude
>he stares at me intently
>realise he wants help
>puts on best fake smile ready to be his 30 second tech support
>"how can i help you?"
>'how good is this pc?'
>stares in disgust of the hewert packofshit desktop
>"for the price its actually not bad, for im sure it nearly matches my own build back home but 300 bucks cheaper"
>his eyes light up
>realise im being a shill for shit
>correct self immediately
>"buuut you should also go ahead and buy a 500w power supply from a brand like evga online for longevities sake"
>could just tell the light died from his eyes realising that he has no idea what im talking about
>'oh, ok'
>the mexican has fled
>not even seconds later
>extremely asian suit comes to display
>grabs each and every desktop and tosses it in his basket
>run off to registers to see if he is actually buying all that
>using american express cast iron military grade credit card
>offer him help taking all the shit to his vehicle
>voice deeper than a diety says no
>leaves promptly
>run off back to receiving sure nobody noticed me gone
>still womdering why the fuck he needed all those towers for.

T. Walmart employee

Something for you reddit faggots to save for muh upvotes

Either cryptoshit and he though he could just slap more gpus in it for muh buttcoins or a cia nigger (very unlikely they have better shit delivered at their own door) or actual criminal organizations doing shady shit.

just get a better heatsink and fan you retard.

>ywn have such great deals in your region

Saw this at my local Wal-Mart. Didn't pick it up bc 8 gigs ram and i5 which is irrelevant at this point

Triad data center.

Unless these pre-build desktops have propertiary solutions like they did in 90's and 00's then they're exactly the same as your diy computer.

Why do americans believe that stuff with a slapped logo is better, besides possible qc if you buy directly from China?

CPUs and GPUs within the same model are exactly same no matter if you build them as gaymer prebuild or from newegg.

Tho lenovos in some areas are built with industrial parts.

>Unless these pre-build desktops have propertiary solutions like they did in 90's and 00's then they're exactly the same as your diy computer.
Some of them do.
Recent dell prebuilts don't suffer from this problem as far as I know (their motherboards and power supplies follow standards). But you should avoid Fujitsu for sure, they have a proprietary power supply technology that supplies only 12V through a proprietary connector on the motherboard.

I would've bought this shit. That's an awesome deal you could even just resell those for a profit.

good deal, add some neon lights and racing stripes and sell that shit the fag/g/ots all day long

>tfw fell for the fanless 100% PC meme

Now all I hear all day is the constant ringing sound of my tinnitus