how far we've come since then... Do we even deserve Gorhill?
What can he do to improve the extension at this point? is there some added functionality that would make it even better?
how far we've come since then... Do we even deserve Gorhill?
What can he do to improve the extension at this point? is there some added functionality that would make it even better?
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember when a good chunk of Sup Forums hated uBlock, calling it uHide and shit like that?
I wonder where those people are now.
install ublock origin you plebian
>good chunk of Sup Forums hated uBlock
It was like two people spamming it as a joke
newfag detected
I also remember a bunch of people pretending as if AdNauseam was the next coming of jesus and that gorhill got 1upped. Probably the same group.
Yeah, where did that even come from?
The only mistake Gorhill ever made was give the uBlock fork to that faggot that immediately made it for profit. uBlock Origin is not a good name for an extension.
Don't confuse normies. It's called ublock origin, ublock is the knockoff.
>uBlock Origin is not a good name for an extension
Agreed and he should probably not even have named it anything with uBlock at all since it makes it easy to confuse uBlock Origin with uBlock.
We dont
So whcih is the good version
but that's (Mu)Block, not uBlock...
Trolling the newfags. A person with half a brain would know those were shitposts. Anyone stupid enough to believe that shit might as well have 3+ ad blockers installed.
I've forgotten why he gave it to him, I'm still confused. Just out of nowhere he said he's abandoning the fork which lead to mass confusion. What was he hoping he'd accomplish with that?
This happens so often and makes me irrationally angry. People with 2 adblockers seem like standard fare. How dumb are they? I have literally seen people with adblock, adblock plus and ublock origin..
ublock origin + umatrix = king of the internets
Start using C/C++ for the parser, nothing left but improve performance and increase the blocklists.
They want "extra" protection. Bonus for a you tube ad blocker installed.
He can improve the shit support for the anti-adblock killers. Why do those keep disappearing? uBlock Protector, uBlock Protector 2, AAK-filter lists..
It's a fucking headache for something that seems like it should be relatively simple to keep going. Give me a quick rundown on why it is this way?
uBO. uB is the original, which was sold off and turned to shit. uBO is the fork of uB from the original dev of uB.
I think a lot of people don't know the actual blocking of ads is done by the filter lists or even that you can block ads yourself by using the logger/element picker. There's always some retard shitting up Sup Forums with how uBlock Origin sucks because it doesn't block YouTube ads or whatever and it seems kinda logic that such a stupid person would install a separate addon for it.
>using the logger/element picker
only that ad blocking implies that the ad was never sent to your network in the first place.
Removing the ad after the fact is the same as painting over a moldy wall.
The scripts available with the ad will still run, your network resources were still used, it's almost as bad as not having the ad blocker.
guess it's a good thing then that ubO has a logger that you can inspect and not just block the ad but also the script.
why doesn't he make the power button maroon?
because it makes it look evil?
fitting since ad blocking is evil
Can somebody explain why the support for this shit is so poor? Why do I need additional extensions just for this shit to function?
>I wonder where those people are now.
Right here. They never left. To be fair, they've at least change the format.
It was an issue on chrome tho and it was true and maybe it still is
>maybe it still is
It's not like you can look at your own network activity through chrome itself and tell whether or not it is loading a bunch of hidden ads in the background.
Why are people retarded about this?
I think I accidentally found a glitch doing this on Sup Forums, if you refresh Sup Forums with the inspect page open it will force load amgload, smcheck and piguiqproxy.
The filter lists keep disappearing and reemerging because the guy hosting and maintaining the lists just can't commit to something. He keeps making new lists or projects or extensions and scrapping the old shit. I think he might have settled on the Nano stuff for now though.
The additional extension is unfortunately necessary because of the limitations Chrome imposes upon uBO.
H-heh, yeah.
you'd only ever need ublock and umatrix, brainlet
Ghostery sells your data unless you opt out. It is also rendered useless by ubO filter lists.
You are like little baby, watch this.
What we need is evidence that what Hiro is doing is illegal. That is the only way we can force him to sell the site off. Getting Google to blacklist Sup Forums also would help force his hand.
>not using Noscript Captcha
>types (LOL)
>not using
>not using based chrome botnet
>using winshit
>edit screenshot
>calling others cuck
kys fagetti
But why? Firefox and Chrome lets you natively do this.
Extension addicts aren't exactly the smartest people around.
dude i'm using firefox 37
i just don't care anymore
gonna kms soon
The irony of this is that they also always have a bunch of privacy related shit but then all this other nonsense shit made by people they know nothing about. Think your data isn’t being sold by a fuckton of these extensions? They literally have your permission to view all your browsing data.
You don't even need Ghostery. uBlock covers it.
If only uMatrix alone was good enough.
i said ublock too, umatrix can't do fine-tuned url blocking
I know, I would rather use uMatrix alone though. I use both as well.
Don’t do it, user. I don’t want you to.
>It was an issue on chrome tho
No, it wasn't
Screw you I loved my Lumia's when they still existed.
So did I. Shame about the lackluster app store.
>this one developer living in his mom's base is responsible for billions of revenue loss in the internet ad industry
why isn't he dead yet? why couldn't the jidf nor the cia get to him?
AdNauseam is a fork of uBlock tho
We don't know Jew.
putting the settings back on the top bar instead of that autistic button would be a good start
I can't even tell what's legit or not anymore. Am I still fucked? Using custom ublockOrigin+tampermonkey scripts as intended.
Yeah I also forgot about that as well, maybe he wanted to focus on uMatrix, I guess?
you can kill google analytics
and you should only have, the rest is canada crap
For real. He doesn't even accept donations.
Man, I wish there was a HappyMerchantBlocker.
Would that be possible? I know that for CP they use something to analyze the image and generate a unique hash that doesn't change even when you modify the image. Could an extension be capable of doing that?
Use Privacy Badger instead of Ghostery.
>They literally have your permission to view all your browsing data
Firefox has permissions. And the Extensions on AMO are checked manually.
>getting this triggered over a drawing
What exactly would be gained be killing a developer of open source software?
No he is not Origin/10
>ublock more like uhide. i mean there is no denying it at this point the only thing that is being blocked by this extension are the pictures. inb4 abp shill.i dont even know how people can use a "blocker"(read as hider) that is literally worse than not using an adblocker.
kek i was one of the people spamming this shit among others ironically. I also switched to it pretty early on and convinced my irl friends to use it.
You are like leetle children
check this out
Heh. Nothing personnel kid.
fun fact at least two of those contained a coinhive miner
Kaspersky blocked it
What the FUCK happened to AdNauseam? Is this shit even still good?
>Is this shit even still good?
It never was.
literally a botnet. people think that making as little noise as possible and blocking everything is no longer an effective way to combat ad tracking and instead want to go on the "offensive". they have the misguided notion that their numbers and minimal direction/knowledge are enough to take down a billion dollar industry or do some sort of meaningful damage.
>beautiful dark Sup Forums
Literally Tomorrow
>he doesn't have adawareblock
>Access browser activity during navigation
How is this legal?
>over half a million blocked since install earlier this year
yo what the fuck is it like to be a normalfag
I have 4 million and I did a fresh install 9 days ago, get on my level crypto-normie
>all these plebs who are not using host files + uob
l o l