Alright Sup Forums...
I'm looking to upgrade my 4690k to a so I can use ddr4 ram I just got. Suggest me a processor I should get. I'd prefer AMD for around £200.
Alright Sup Forums...
I'm looking to upgrade my 4690k to a so I can use ddr4 ram I just got. Suggest me a processor I should get. I'd prefer AMD for around £200.
AMD is a downgrade from what you have.
R7 1800X or don't upgrade at all.
A Ryzen refresh is supposed to come out early 2018.
There will probably be a refresh from Intel in the next 6 months or so too.
Ryzen 5 1600
this. ryzen's ipc is about haswell-broadwell. so all you will get is increased core count.
coffee lake is the only thing that provides a decent ipc increase along with core count. ~10-15% increase in ipc, huge frequency increase along with core count.
Get a 1600 and OC it to ~3.7GHz on the stock cooler
>ipc==single core performance
>coffee lake provides ipc increase
Fookin' hell m8
Equal single core performance on a newer platform with two extra cores. Definitely not a downgrade.
Sandy bridge here why dou need to upgrade, everything works
>Equal single core performance
>newer platform with two extra cores.
Not worth upgrading everything. If he wanted moar cores he would have bought a FX.
OP has a i5 4690k
recommended a R5 1600
The two of you are retarded
OC to 3.6/3.7GHz and the 1600 is the same as the 1600X.
If you are looking for a good i5, 8400 for pure gay man and 8600k for the best general use i5 like ever.
However say you want gaymin and you have a tubeyou channel and you want to stream and edit n shiet then get a r7 1700 or i7 8700
Core i9 7980XE. Come on, your oven is also isn't it? Time to replace that too.
An OC'd 1600 is a great option OP even if you're coming from an i5. I went from 6600K to a 1600 and while single core perf was slighty less it made up for it with the core count and cheap overclocking boards.
Overclock the i5 and the difference will be basically the same. There is no reason to upgrade at all, it'll be just a trade-off.
I would get AMD simply because IPC is good enuff andthe AM4 socket is good till at least 2020.
Choose Intel....a socket change a year keeps the goyim in fear
Ssshh don't tell 'em
I'm currently in the process of upgrading from a 4690k to a 4790k.
Wait for Ryzen + but r7 1700 is for the best.
If the memory you bought is slower than 3200 dont waste money on Ryzen, you want to game anyway. Get a 8600k or 8700k and use it for 5 years or more.
Save money so you can buy better stuff instead of buying something that's very close to your current system specs.
I know amd has more cores but unless you go all the way out and get a threadripper your upgrade is just silly considering you have to blow money on ram and a motherboard too.
Honestly just wait another year or straight out buy an used xeon on ebay that fit your socket my dude, that should give you another 2 to 5 years.
You can easily find some 6 core 12 thread xeon that you can put at 4.0 to 4.5 ghz and not break the bank.
Ryzen benefits from low latency just as much as clock speed. But ya, decent ram is suggested.
>ryzen's ipc is about haswell-broadwell
Coffee Lake IPC is around Sandy Bridge.