Why the FUCK doesn’t Sup Forums default to HTTPS already? Having a browser extension do it for you is not an excuse when every other major site has done it. This shit is unacceptable.
Why the FUCK doesn’t Sup Forums default to HTTPS already...
why the fuck would https lull you into believing everything you posted here wasn't carefully monitored by the FBI?
>Site that actively distributes malware
I don’t care about the FBI. I just don’t want 14 year olds snooping on me while I’m on open Wi-Fi.
Set up an OpenVPN server on an RPi (or chinese equiv.) and tunnel through to your house on open wifi.
It's incredible how everyone gets wrong the concept of what a VPN is...
Why not enable it in settings?
Are you fucking retarded OP? You don't have any form of authentication on this board (i.e. login page) hence why people call others "user" on here. No authentication means no point for SSL as there is nothing to MITM.
>Having a browser extension do it for you
I never understand these threads.
This should be the default, though.
This. No point when the website itself is selling you out anyway
Bookmark the HTTPS version
> This shit is unacceptable.
Wrong. Its acceptable.
There isn't much sensitive information transferred, and the one that is is probably encrypted anyway, plus the Sup Forums.org domain is widely known so there is no need for identity verification.
Some people don't want their ISPs spying on what they view / post.
the fuck is the point of https when you're literally forced to run malware on your PC in order to view this thread?
>muh nothing sensitive meme
Stop posting about security anytime, brainlets
How fucking lazy do you have to be to be unable to type https:// each time you visit Sup Forums
However, no TLS/SSL makes it possible for anyone in the middle to inject (more) malicious scripts inline.
Now that script mining is a thing this is even more relevant.
>bookmark an https board you commonly visit
>it becomes first suggestion when typing in the url
>every link on an https page goes to other https pages
Why are you so lazy?
He isn't wrong though.
>do you have to be to be unable to
havin a stroke there bud?
It's grammatically correct.
because not everybody lives in an internetshithole where you have to be paranoid all the time for your own safety
I heard there are other countries where people even smile
it is though
How fucking lazy do you have to be
to be unable to type to type https:// each time you visit Sup Forums
>how fucking lazy do you have to be to follow http:// links
Great logic, you shouldn't wear clothes next time you go outside.
That's just another way of roughly saying the same thing (except following links instead of typing https).
It doesn't make the original sentence any less grammatically correct. Language is flexible. You can say the same thing many ways.
I don't like my ISP knowing everything I post here.
The "S" stands for secure. The FBI literally cannot do anything if a sight uses HTTPS. Learn something about development and then come back.
Unless they have direct access to a server, where the data is unencrypted (aka an endpoint)
Or they manage to MITM attack you.
>Why the FUCK doesn’t Sup Forums default to HTTPS already? Having a browser extension do it for you is not an excuse when every other major site has done it. This shit is unacceptable.
If you were using a good browser like Brave, you would not even need to ask this question, because HTTPS is the default.
Because it's so unheard of for Intelligence agenices to get access to servers? You've never heard of PRISM?
Nice web traffic you got there. It would be a shame if someone were to.. Inject malicious code into it.
Imagine someone taking advantage of this in a college dorm.
college dorm inhabitants don't ahve any money, it would be a useless endavour
i like to have my traffic filtered through russia first so they can check it for bugs
It would mean more server load and traffic, I hear Sup Forums is suffering financially so that wouldn't help
They can't, that's precisely what HTTPS is for.
If a RootCA gave them the certificates to do so, they'd be removed from trust stores all around the world almost immediately and thus lose all their revenue.
I haven't heard of PRISM tell me more oh sagely one. Also try to do it without consulting wikipedia or copy pasting some text ill find in a google search.
>imblying FBI doesn't own CloudFlare
Is the malware gone from here yet? Afraid to browse on anything but my mobile.
KEK, LOL! The mobile is most vulnerable unless of course it's a really old Symbian which most shitware doesn't even run on
You know Hiro simply doesn't give a fuck about anything other than bleeding his sites for money, right?
This doesn't make him money, therefore he won't do it.
Malware ads will make him money, therefore he will (unless Cloudflare terminates his service for it, which their security team were considering last I spoke with them - I don't think it's likely because their management doesn't like to terminate anyone for anything, and even phishing sites are just getting their mail blacklisted).
There never was any malware user
>Implying the FBI doesn't also have a copy of the cert to run MITM with all of the traffic
>Implying the FBI would give two shits about what gets posted on a Chinese tapestry board
Where do these people come from?
Hell, even Safari goes to https by default
>Sup Forums shouldn't be secured by default
>the government should have easy access to which specific threads and images you open
>govt has that anyway, Sup Forums is backdoored / sidedoored like any major site is (PRISM)
>govt will do it anyway, why put up a fight?
>govt is doing something potentially illegal that could be fought in the coming decades
>don't feel like making them get search warrants
>ISP selling your browsing data while raising prices
Yep, sure makes sense not to default to HTTPS.